56 research outputs found

    A Transformer-based joint-encoding for Emotion Recognition and Sentiment Analysis

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    Understanding expressed sentiment and emotions are two crucial factors in human multimodal language. This paper describes a Transformer-based joint-encoding (TBJE) for the task of Emotion Recognition and Sentiment Analysis. In addition to use the Transformer architecture, our approach relies on a modular co-attention and a glimpse layer to jointly encode one or more modalities. The proposed solution has also been submitted to the ACL20: Second Grand-Challenge on Multimodal Language to be evaluated on the CMU-MOSEI dataset. The code to replicate the presented experiments is open-source: https://github.com/jbdel/MOSEI_UMONS.Comment: Winner of the ACL20: Second Grand-Challenge on Multimodal Languag

    Extending Compositional Attention Networks for Social Reasoning in Videos

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    We propose a novel deep architecture for the task of reasoning about social interactions in videos. We leverage the multi-step reasoning capabilities of Compositional Attention Networks (MAC), and propose a multimodal extension (MAC-X). MAC-X is based on a recurrent cell that performs iterative mid-level fusion of input modalities (visual, auditory, text) over multiple reasoning steps, by use of a temporal attention mechanism. We then combine MAC-X with LSTMs for temporal input processing in an end-to-end architecture. Our ablation studies show that the proposed MAC-X architecture can effectively leverage multimodal input cues using mid-level fusion mechanisms. We apply MAC-X to the task of Social Video Question Answering in the Social IQ dataset and obtain a 2.5% absolute improvement in terms of binary accuracy over the current state-of-the-art

    Visual Question Answering for Cultural Heritage

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    Technology and the fruition of cultural heritage are becoming increasingly more entwined, especially with the advent of smart audio guides, virtual and augmented reality, and interactive installations. Machine learning and computer vision are important components of this ongoing integration, enabling new interaction modalities between user and museum. Nonetheless, the most frequent way of interacting with paintings and statues still remains taking pictures. Yet images alone can only convey the aesthetics of the artwork, lacking is information which is often required to fully understand and appreciate it. Usually this additional knowledge comes both from the artwork itself (and therefore the image depicting it) and from an external source of knowledge, such as an information sheet. While the former can be inferred by computer vision algorithms, the latter needs more structured data to pair visual content with relevant information. Regardless of its source, this information still must be be effectively transmitted to the user. A popular emerging trend in computer vision is Visual Question Answering (VQA), in which users can interact with a neural network by posing questions in natural language and receiving answers about the visual content. We believe that this will be the evolution of smart audio guides for museum visits and simple image browsing on personal smartphones. This will turn the classic audio guide into a smart personal instructor with which the visitor can interact by asking for explanations focused on specific interests. The advantages are twofold: on the one hand the cognitive burden of the visitor will decrease, limiting the flow of information to what the user actually wants to hear; and on the other hand it proposes the most natural way of interacting with a guide, favoring engagement.Comment: accepted at FlorenceHeritech 202

    AttnGrounder: Talking to Cars with Attention

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    We propose Attention Grounder (AttnGrounder), a single-stage end-to-end trainable model for the task of visual grounding. Visual grounding aims to localize a specific object in an image based on a given natural language text query. Unlike previous methods that use the same text representation for every image region, we use a visual-text attention module that relates each word in the given query with every region in the corresponding image for constructing a region dependent text representation. Furthermore, for improving the localization ability of our model, we use our visual-text attention module to generate an attention mask around the referred object. The attention mask is trained as an auxiliary task using a rectangular mask generated with the provided ground-truth coordinates. We evaluate AttnGrounder on the Talk2Car dataset and show an improvement of 3.26% over the existing methods

    Developing ChatGPT for Biology and Medicine: A Complete Review of Biomedical Question Answering

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    ChatGPT explores a strategic blueprint of question answering (QA) in delivering medical diagnosis, treatment recommendations, and other healthcare support. This is achieved through the increasing incorporation of medical domain data via natural language processing (NLP) and multimodal paradigms. By transitioning the distribution of text, images, videos, and other modalities from the general domain to the medical domain, these techniques have expedited the progress of medical domain question answering (MDQA). They bridge the gap between human natural language and sophisticated medical domain knowledge or expert manual annotations, handling large-scale, diverse, unbalanced, or even unlabeled data analysis scenarios in medical contexts. Central to our focus is the utilizing of language models and multimodal paradigms for medical question answering, aiming to guide the research community in selecting appropriate mechanisms for their specific medical research requirements. Specialized tasks such as unimodal-related question answering, reading comprehension, reasoning, diagnosis, relation extraction, probability modeling, and others, as well as multimodal-related tasks like vision question answering, image caption, cross-modal retrieval, report summarization, and generation, are discussed in detail. Each section delves into the intricate specifics of the respective method under consideration. This paper highlights the structures and advancements of medical domain explorations against general domain methods, emphasizing their applications across different tasks and datasets. It also outlines current challenges and opportunities for future medical domain research, paving the way for continued innovation and application in this rapidly evolving field.Comment: 50 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    Recent, rapid advancement in visual question answering architecture: a review

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    Understanding visual question answering is going to be crucial for numerous human activities. However, it presents major challenges at the heart of the artificial intelligence endeavor. This paper presents an update on the rapid advancements in visual question answering using images that have occurred in the last couple of years. Tremendous growth in research on improving visual question answering system architecture has been published recently, showing the importance of multimodal architectures. Several points on the benefits of visual question answering are mentioned in the review paper by Manmadhan et al. (2020), on which the present article builds, including subsequent updates in the field.Comment: 11 page

    VLANet: Video-Language Alignment Network for Weakly-Supervised Video Moment Retrieval

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    Video Moment Retrieval (VMR) is a task to localize the temporal moment in untrimmed video specified by natural language query. For VMR, several methods that require full supervision for training have been proposed. Unfortunately, acquiring a large number of training videos with labeled temporal boundaries for each query is a labor-intensive process. This paper explores methods for performing VMR in a weakly-supervised manner (wVMR): training is performed without temporal moment labels but only with the text query that describes a segment of the video. Existing methods on wVMR generate multi-scale proposals and apply query-guided attention mechanisms to highlight the most relevant proposal. To leverage the weak supervision, contrastive learning is used which predicts higher scores for the correct video-query pairs than for the incorrect pairs. It has been observed that a large number of candidate proposals, coarse query representation, and one-way attention mechanism lead to blurry attention maps which limit the localization performance. To handle this issue, Video-Language Alignment Network (VLANet) is proposed that learns sharper attention by pruning out spurious candidate proposals and applying a multi-directional attention mechanism with fine-grained query representation. The Surrogate Proposal Selection module selects a proposal based on the proximity to the query in the joint embedding space, and thus substantially reduces candidate proposals which leads to lower computation load and sharper attention. Next, the Cascaded Cross-modal Attention module considers dense feature interactions and multi-directional attention flow to learn the multi-modal alignment. VLANet is trained end-to-end using contrastive loss which enforces semantically similar videos and queries to gather. The experiments show that the method achieves state-of-the-art performance on Charades-STA and DiDeMo datasets.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, European Conference on Computer Vision, 202