2 research outputs found

    Online Deep Metric Learning

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    Metric learning learns a metric function from training data to calculate the similarity or distance between samples. From the perspective of feature learning, metric learning essentially learns a new feature space by feature transformation (e.g., Mahalanobis distance metric). However, traditional metric learning algorithms are shallow, which just learn one metric space (feature transformation). Can we further learn a better metric space from the learnt metric space? In other words, can we learn metric progressively and nonlinearly like deep learning by just using the existing metric learning algorithms? To this end, we present a hierarchical metric learning scheme and implement an online deep metric learning framework, namely ODML. Specifically, we take one online metric learning algorithm as a metric layer, followed by a nonlinear layer (i.e., ReLU), and then stack these layers modelled after the deep learning. The proposed ODML enjoys some nice properties, indeed can learn metric progressively and performs superiorly on some datasets. Various experiments with different settings have been conducted to verify these properties of the proposed ODML.Comment: 9 page

    Visualizaci贸n de conjunto de datos de m煤ltiples instancias

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    Este trabajo de grado aborda la problem谩tica de la visualizaci贸n de conjuntos de datos de m煤ltiples instancias (MI), en busca de entender las particularidades de estos conjuntos de datos y sus relaciones. Como en la literatura existen pocos trabajos relacionados a este tema, se considera que el resultado puede ser de utilidad para quienes actualmente trabajan con el paradigma de aprendizaje de m煤ltiples instancias (MIL). As铆, la intenci贸n de este trabajo es desarrollar un m茅todo de visualizaci贸n que permita a los usuarios entender cu谩les son las relaciones o patrones ocultos en los conjuntos de datos de MI. Con este n se plantea una pregunta de investigaci贸n importante, Que m茅todos de visualizaci贸n se pueden adaptar para explorar conjuntos de datos de MI. La respuesta a la pregunta de investigaci贸n se busca mediante la creaci贸n de una propuesta de visualizaci贸n y experimentando con diferentes m茅todos de visualizaci贸n en los conjuntos de datos. La propuesta de visualizaci贸n se valid贸 mediante encuestas y cuestionarios a expertos en MIL adem谩s con pruebas y comparaciones internas. Los experimentos realizados mostraron que usar m茅todos combinados de visualizaci贸n permite extraer m谩s informaci贸n del conjunto de datos. Teniendo esto en cuenta y siguiendo las recomendaciones de los expertos, ser铆a bueno crear herramientas que permitan representar un conjunto de MI en diferentes m茅todos de visualizaci贸n y a su ve hacer herramientas m谩s intuitivas, para que el proceso de visualizaci贸n de datos sea m谩s r谩pido y efectivo en la detecci贸n de patrones.This degree work addresses the problem of the visualization of data sets of multiple instances (MI), seeking to understand the particularities of these data sets and their relationships. As there are few works related to this topic in the literature, it is considered that the result may be useful for those who currently work with the multi-instance learning paradigm (MIL). Thus, the intention of this work is to develop a visualization method that allows users to understand what the relationships or hidden patterns in MI data sets. To this end, an important research question is posed, what visualization methods can be adapted to explore MI data sets? The answer to the research question is sought by creating a visualization proposal and experimenting with different visualization methods on the data sets. The visualization proposal was validated through surveys and questionnaires to MIL experts in addition to internal tests and comparisons. The experiments carried out showed that using combined visualization methods allows extracting more information from the data set. Taking this into account and following the recommendations of the experts, it would be good to create tools that allow representing a set of MI in different visualization methods and in turn make more intuitive tools, so that the data visualization process is faster and more effective in pattern detection.Mag铆ster en Ingenier铆a de SoftwareMaestr铆