27,754 research outputs found

    Deep Low-rank Prior in Dynamic MR Imaging

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    The deep learning methods have achieved attractive performance in dynamic MR cine imaging. However, all of these methods are only driven by the sparse prior of MR images, while the important low-rank (LR) prior of dynamic MR cine images is not explored, which limits the further improvements on dynamic MR reconstruction. In this paper, a learned singular value thresholding (Learned-SVT) operation is proposed to explore deep low-rank prior in dynamic MR imaging for obtaining improved reconstruction results. In particular, we come up with two novel and distinct schemes to introduce the learnable low-rank prior into deep network architectures in an unrolling manner and a plug-and-play manner respectively. In the unrolling manner, we put forward a model-based unrolling sparse and low-rank network for dynamic MR imaging, dubbed SLR-Net. The SLR-Net is defined over a deep network flow graph, which is unrolled from the iterative procedures in the Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm (ISTA) for optimizing a sparse and low-rank based dynamic MRI model. In the plug-and-play manner, we present a plug-and-play LR network module that can be easily embedded into any other dynamic MR neural networks without changing the network paradigm. Experimental results show that both schemes can further improve the state-of-the-art CS methods, such as k-t SLR, and sparsity-driven deep learning-based methods, such as DC-CNN and CRNN, both qualitatively and quantitatively.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    CRDN: Cascaded Residual Dense Networks for Dynamic MR Imaging with Edge-enhanced Loss Constraint

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    Dynamic magnetic resonance (MR) imaging has generated great research interest, as it can provide both spatial and temporal information for clinical diagnosis. However, slow imaging speed or long scanning time is still one of the challenges for dynamic MR imaging. Most existing methods reconstruct Dynamic MR images from incomplete k-space data under the guidance of compressed sensing (CS) or low rank theory, which suffer from long iterative reconstruction time. Recently, deep learning has shown great potential in accelerating dynamic MR. Our previous work proposed a dynamic MR imaging method with both k-space and spatial prior knowledge integrated via multi-supervised network training. Nevertheless, there was still a certain degree of smooth in the reconstructed images at high acceleration factors. In this work, we propose cascaded residual dense networks for dynamic MR imaging with edge-enhance loss constraint, dubbed as CRDN. Specifically, the cascaded residual dense networks fully exploit the hierarchical features from all the convolutional layers with both local and global feature fusion. We further utilize the total variation (TV) loss function, which has the edge enhancement properties, for training the networks

    DIMENSION: Dynamic MR Imaging with Both K-space and Spatial Prior Knowledge Obtained via Multi-Supervised Network Training

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    Dynamic MR image reconstruction from incomplete k-space data has generated great research interest due to its capability in reducing scan time. Nevertheless, the reconstruction problem is still challenging due to its ill-posed nature. Most existing methods either suffer from long iterative reconstruction time or explore limited prior knowledge. This paper proposes a dynamic MR imaging method with both k-space and spatial prior knowledge integrated via multi-supervised network training, dubbed as DIMENSION. Specifically, the DIMENSION architecture consists of a frequential prior network for updating the k-space with its network prediction and a spatial prior network for capturing image structures and details. Furthermore, a multisupervised network training technique is developed to constrain the frequency domain information and reconstruction results at different levels. The comparisons with classical k-t FOCUSS, k-t SLR, L+S and the state-of-the-art CNN-based method on in vivo datasets show our method can achieve improved reconstruction results in shorter time.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Dynamic MR Image Reconstruction

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    Accelerating the data acquisition of dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) leads to a challenging ill-posed inverse problem, which has received great interest from both the signal processing and machine learning community over the last decades. The key ingredient to the problem is how to exploit the temporal correlation of the MR sequence to resolve the aliasing artefact. Traditionally, such observation led to a formulation of a non-convex optimisation problem, which were solved using iterative algorithms. Recently, however, deep learning based-approaches have gained significant popularity due to its ability to solve general inversion problems. In this work, we propose a unique, novel convolutional recurrent neural network (CRNN) architecture which reconstructs high quality cardiac MR images from highly undersampled k-space data by jointly exploiting the dependencies of the temporal sequences as well as the iterative nature of the traditional optimisation algorithms. In particular, the proposed architecture embeds the structure of the traditional iterative algorithms, efficiently modelling the recurrence of the iterative reconstruction stages by using recurrent hidden connections over such iterations. In addition, spatiotemporal dependencies are simultaneously learnt by exploiting bidirectional recurrent hidden connections across time sequences. The proposed algorithm is able to learn both the temporal dependency and the iterative reconstruction process effectively with only a very small number of parameters, while outperforming current MR reconstruction methods in terms of computational complexity, reconstruction accuracy and speed.Comment: Published in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imagin

    RARE: Image Reconstruction using Deep Priors Learned without Ground Truth

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    Regularization by denoising (RED) is an image reconstruction framework that uses an image denoiser as a prior. Recent work has shown the state-of-the-art performance of RED with learned denoisers corresponding to pre-trained convolutional neural nets (CNNs). In this work, we propose to broaden the current denoiser-centric view of RED by considering priors corresponding to networks trained for more general artifact-removal. The key benefit of the proposed family of algorithms, called regularization by artifact-removal (RARE), is that it can leverage priors learned on datasets containing only undersampled measurements. This makes RARE applicable to problems where it is practically impossible to have fully-sampled groundtruth data for training. We validate RARE on both simulated and experimentally collected data by reconstructing a free-breathing whole-body 3D MRIs into ten respiratory phases from heavily undersampled k-space measurements. Our results corroborate the potential of learning regularizers for iterative inversion directly on undersampled and noisy measurements.Comment: In press for IEEE Journal of Special Topics in Signal Processin

    MANTIS: Model-Augmented Neural neTwork with Incoherent k-space Sampling for efficient MR T2 mapping

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    Quantitative mapping of magnetic resonance (MR) parameters have been shown as valuable methods for improved assessment of a range of diseases. Due to the need to image an anatomic structure multiple times, parameter mapping usually requires long scan times compared to conventional static imaging. Therefore, accelerated parameter mapping is highly-desirable and remains a topic of great interest in the MR research community. While many recent deep learning methods have focused on highly efficient image reconstruction for conventional static MR imaging, applications of deep learning for dynamic imaging and in particular accelerated parameter mapping have been limited. The purpose of this work was to develop and evaluate a novel deep learning-based reconstruction framework called Model-Augmented Neural neTwork with Incoherent k-space Sampling (MANTIS) for efficient MR parameter mapping. Our approach combines end-to-end CNN mapping with k-space consistency using the concept of cyclic loss to further enforce data and model fidelity. Incoherent k-space sampling is used to improve reconstruction performance. A physical model is incorporated into the proposed framework, so that the parameter maps can be efficiently estimated directly from undersampled images. The performance of MANTIS was demonstrated for the spin-spin relaxation time (T2) mapping of the knee joint. Compared to conventional reconstruction approaches that exploited image sparsity, MANTIS yielded lower errors and higher similarity with respect to the reference in the T2 estimation. Our study demonstrated that the proposed MANTIS framework, with a combination of end-to-end CNN mapping, signal model-augmented data consistency, and incoherent k-space sampling, represents a promising approach for efficient MR parameter mapping. MANTIS can potentially be extended to other types of parameter mapping with appropriate models

    Bi-Linear Modeling of Data Manifolds for Dynamic-MRI Recovery

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    This paper puts forth a novel bi-linear modeling framework for data recovery via manifold-learning and sparse-approximation arguments and considers its application to dynamic magnetic-resonance imaging (dMRI). Each temporal-domain MR image is viewed as a point that lies onto or close to a smooth manifold, and landmark points are identified to describe the point cloud concisely. To facilitate computations, a dimensionality reduction module generates low-dimensional/compressed renditions of the landmark points. Recovery of the high-fidelity MRI data is realized by solving a non-convex minimization task for the linear decompression operator and those affine combinations of landmark points which locally approximate the latent manifold geometry. An algorithm with guaranteed convergence to stationary solutions of the non-convex minimization task is also provided. The aforementioned framework exploits the underlying spatio-temporal patterns and geometry of the acquired data without any prior training on external data or information. Extensive numerical results on simulated as well as real cardiac-cine and perfusion MRI data illustrate noteworthy improvements of the advocated machine-learning framework over state-of-the-art reconstruction techniques

    Deep Learning Methods for Parallel Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction

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    Following the success of deep learning in a wide range of applications, neural network-based machine learning techniques have received interest as a means of accelerating magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A number of ideas inspired by deep learning techniques from computer vision and image processing have been successfully applied to non-linear image reconstruction in the spirit of compressed sensing for both low dose computed tomography and accelerated MRI. The additional integration of multi-coil information to recover missing k-space lines in the MRI reconstruction process, is still studied less frequently, even though it is the de-facto standard for currently used accelerated MR acquisitions. This manuscript provides an overview of the recent machine learning approaches that have been proposed specifically for improving parallel imaging. A general background introduction to parallel MRI is given that is structured around the classical view of image space and k-space based methods. Both linear and non-linear methods are covered, followed by a discussion of recent efforts to further improve parallel imaging using machine learning, and specifically using artificial neural networks. Image-domain based techniques that introduce improved regularizers are covered as well as k-space based methods, where the focus is on better interpolation strategies using neural networks. Issues and open problems are discussed as well as recent efforts for producing open datasets and benchmarks for the community.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    MoDL: Model Based Deep Learning Architecture for Inverse Problems

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    We introduce a model-based image reconstruction framework with a convolution neural network (CNN) based regularization prior. The proposed formulation provides a systematic approach for deriving deep architectures for inverse problems with the arbitrary structure. Since the forward model is explicitly accounted for, a smaller network with fewer parameters is sufficient to capture the image information compared to black-box deep learning approaches, thus reducing the demand for training data and training time. Since we rely on end-to-end training, the CNN weights are customized to the forward model, thus offering improved performance over approaches that rely on pre-trained denoisers. The main difference of the framework from existing end-to-end training strategies is the sharing of the network weights across iterations and channels. Our experiments show that the decoupling of the number of iterations from the network complexity offered by this approach provides benefits including lower demand for training data, reduced risk of overfitting, and implementations with significantly reduced memory footprint. We propose to enforce data-consistency by using numerical optimization blocks such as conjugate gradients algorithm within the network; this approach offers faster convergence per iteration, compared to methods that rely on proximal gradients steps to enforce data consistency. Our experiments show that the faster convergence translates to improved performance, especially when the available GPU memory restricts the number of iterations.Comment: published in IEEE Transaction on Medical Imagin

    Learning Personalized Representation for Inverse Problems in Medical Imaging Using Deep Neural Network

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    Recently deep neural networks have been widely and successfully applied in computer vision tasks and attracted growing interests in medical imaging. One barrier for the application of deep neural networks to medical imaging is the need of large amounts of prior training pairs, which is not always feasible in clinical practice. In this work we propose a personalized representation learning framework where no prior training pairs are needed, but only the patient's own prior images. The representation is expressed using a deep neural network with the patient's prior images as network input. We then applied this novel image representation to inverse problems in medical imaging in which the original inverse problem was formulated as a constraint optimization problem and solved using the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) algorithm. Anatomically guided brain positron emission tomography (PET) image reconstruction and image denoising were employed as examples to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework. Quantification results based on simulation and real datasets show that the proposed personalized representation framework outperform other widely adopted methods.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure