1,883 research outputs found

    Forecasting the cost of processing multi-join queries via hashing for main-memory databases (Extended version)

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    Database management systems (DBMSs) carefully optimize complex multi-join queries to avoid expensive disk I/O. As servers today feature tens or hundreds of gigabytes of RAM, a significant fraction of many analytic databases becomes memory-resident. Even after careful tuning for an in-memory environment, a linear disk I/O model such as the one implemented in PostgreSQL may make query response time predictions that are up to 2X slower than the optimal multi-join query plan over memory-resident data. This paper introduces a memory I/O cost model to identify good evaluation strategies for complex query plans with multiple hash-based equi-joins over memory-resident data. The proposed cost model is carefully validated for accuracy using three different systems, including an Amazon EC2 instance, to control for hardware-specific differences. Prior work in parallel query evaluation has advocated right-deep and bushy trees for multi-join queries due to their greater parallelization and pipelining potential. A surprising finding is that the conventional wisdom from shared-nothing disk-based systems does not directly apply to the modern shared-everything memory hierarchy. As corroborated by our model, the performance gap between the optimal left-deep and right-deep query plan can grow to about 10X as the number of joins in the query increases.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, extended version of the paper to appear in SoCC'1

    Learned Cardinalities: Estimating Correlated Joins with Deep Learning

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    We describe a new deep learning approach to cardinality estimation. MSCN is a multi-set convolutional network, tailored to representing relational query plans, that employs set semantics to capture query features and true cardinalities. MSCN builds on sampling-based estimation, addressing its weaknesses when no sampled tuples qualify a predicate, and in capturing join-crossing correlations. Our evaluation of MSCN using a real-world dataset shows that deep learning significantly enhances the quality of cardinality estimation, which is the core problem in query optimization.Comment: CIDR 2019. https://github.com/andreaskipf/learnedcardinalitie

    Estimating Cardinalities with Deep Sketches

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    We introduce Deep Sketches, which are compact models of databases that allow us to estimate the result sizes of SQL queries. Deep Sketches are powered by a new deep learning approach to cardinality estimation that can capture correlations between columns, even across tables. Our demonstration allows users to define such sketches on the TPC-H and IMDb datasets, monitor the training process, and run ad-hoc queries against trained sketches. We also estimate query cardinalities with HyPer and PostgreSQL to visualize the gains over traditional cardinality estimators.Comment: To appear in SIGMOD'1

    Sampling-Based Query Re-Optimization

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    Despite of decades of work, query optimizers still make mistakes on "difficult" queries because of bad cardinality estimates, often due to the interaction of multiple predicates and correlations in the data. In this paper, we propose a low-cost post-processing step that can take a plan produced by the optimizer, detect when it is likely to have made such a mistake, and take steps to fix it. Specifically, our solution is a sampling-based iterative procedure that requires almost no changes to the original query optimizer or query evaluation mechanism of the system. We show that this indeed imposes low overhead and catches cases where three widely used optimizers (PostgreSQL and two commercial systems) make large errors.Comment: This is the extended version of a paper with the same title and authors that appears in the Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2016

    FactorJoin: A New Cardinality Estimation Framework for Join Queries

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    Cardinality estimation is one of the most fundamental and challenging problems in query optimization. Neither classical nor learning-based methods yield satisfactory performance when estimating the cardinality of the join queries. They either rely on simplified assumptions leading to ineffective cardinality estimates or build large models to understand the data distributions, leading to long planning times and a lack of generalizability across queries. In this paper, we propose a new framework FactorJoin for estimating join queries. FactorJoin combines the idea behind the classical join-histogram method to efficiently handle joins with the learning-based methods to accurately capture attribute correlation. Specifically, FactorJoin scans every table in a DB and builds single-table conditional distributions during an offline preparation phase. When a join query comes, FactorJoin translates it into a factor graph model over the learned distributions to effectively and efficiently estimate its cardinality. Unlike existing learning-based methods, FactorJoin does not need to de-normalize joins upfront or require executed query workloads to train the model. Since it only relies on single-table statistics, FactorJoin has small space overhead and is extremely easy to train and maintain. In our evaluation, FactorJoin can produce more effective estimates than the previous state-of-the-art learning-based methods, with 40x less estimation latency, 100x smaller model size, and 100x faster training speed at comparable or better accuracy. In addition, FactorJoin can estimate 10,000 sub-plan queries within one second to optimize the query plan, which is very close to the traditional cardinality estimators in commercial DBMS.Comment: Paper accepted by SIGMOD 202