4 research outputs found

    Deep Learning Based Vehicle Make-Model Classification

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    This paper studies the problems of vehicle make & model classification. Some of the main challenges are reaching high classification accuracy and reducing the annotation time of the images. To address these problems, we have created a fine-grained database using online vehicle marketplaces of Turkey. A pipeline is proposed to combine an SSD (Single Shot Multibox Detector) model with a CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) model to train on the database. In the pipeline, we first detect the vehicles by following an algorithm which reduces the time for annotation. Then, we feed them into the CNN model. It is reached approximately 4% better classification accuracy result than using a conventional CNN model. Next, we propose to use the detected vehicles as ground truth bounding box (GTBB) of the images and feed them into an SSD model in another pipeline. At this stage, it is reached reasonable classification accuracy result without using perfectly shaped GTBB. Lastly, an application is implemented in a use case by using our proposed pipelines. It detects the unauthorized vehicles by comparing their license plate numbers and make & models. It is assumed that license plates are readable.Comment: 10 pages, ICANN 2018: Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learnin

    Sistem Klasifikasi Jenis dan Warna Kendaraan Secara Real-time Menggunakan Metode k-Nearest Neighbor dan Framework YOLACT

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    Peningkatan jumlah dan variasi jenis kendaraan terus berkembang seiring dengan meningkatnya permintaan pasar. Permasalahan baru timbul akibat meningkatnya jumlah dan variasi jenis kendaraan seperti meningkatnya pelanggaran lalu lintas dan kriminalitas. Dengan kondisi ini, pengawasan pelanggar lalu lintas dan kriminalitas secara manual oleh pihak berwajib akan lebih sulit dilakukan terutama di daerah perkotaan. Sistem pengenalan jenis dan warna kendaraan atau Vehicle Color, Make and Model Recognition (VCMMR) adalah komponen penting dalam pengembangan sistem pengawasan keamanan di era otomatisasi. Dengan memanfaatkan CCTV, sistem ini dapat diaplikasikan pada sistem gerbang otomatis, pengawasan kendaraan otomatis, pemantauan lalu lintas, dll. Sistem VCMMR yang dapat bekerja secara real-time dapat meningkatkan keamanan dengan menghasilkan data kendaraan lengkap berupa warna, merek dan model kendaraan selain menggunakan pengenalan plat nomor kendaraan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode k-Nearest Neighbor untuk mengklasifikasikan warna kendaraan dan framework YOLACT dengan arsitektur ResNet-50 yang telah dilatih untuk mengenali merek dan model kendaraan. Dataset dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 10 jenis kendaraan dengan 40 citra data latih tiap kelas dan 10 warna dengan 25 citra data latih tiap kelas. Pengujian dilakukan menggunakan enam model YOLACT dengan epoch berbeda dan tiga variasi frame sampling untuk mengurangi waktu komputasi. Hasil pengujian pada video data uji empat kendaraan menunjukkan bahwa frame sampling 250 milidetik menghasilkan performa terbaik dengan waktu komputasi rata-rata 16,08 detik. Model YOLACT dengan epoch yang lebih besar mampu mengenali kendaraan yang berada jauh dari kamera (objek kecil) dengan lebih baik, akurasi yang diperoleh yaitu 91,67% pada epoch 517

    Data Augmentation and Clustering for Vehicle Make/Model Classification

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    Vehicle shape information is very important in Intelligent Traffic Systems (ITS). In this paper we present a way to exploit a training data set of vehicles released in different years and captured under different perspectives. Also the efficacy of clustering to enhance the make/model classification is presented. Both steps led to improved classification results and a greater robustness. Deeper convolutional neural network based on ResNet architecture has been designed for the training of the vehicle make/model classification. The unequal class distribution of training data produces an a priori probability. Its elimination, obtained by removing of the bias and through hard normalization of the centroids in the classification layer, improves the classification results. A developed application has been used to test the vehicle re-identification on video data manually based on make/model and color classification. This work was partially funded under the grant.Comment: Proceedings of the 2020 Computing Conference, Volume 1-3, SAI 16-17 July 2020 Londo

    Deep learning based vehicle make-model classification

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    Bu çalışma, 04-07 Ekim 2018 tarihlerinde Rhodes[Yunanistan]’da düzenlenen 27. International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN) Kongresi‘nde bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.This paper studies the problem of vehicle make & model classification. Some of the main challenges are reaching high classification accuracy and reducing the annotation time of the images. To address these problems, we have created a fine-grained database using online vehicle marketplaces of Turkey. A pipeline is proposed to combine an SSD (Single Shot Multibox Detector) model with a CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) model to train on the database. In the pipeline, we first detect the vehicles by following an algorithm which reduces the time for annotation. Then, we feed them into the CNN model. It is reached approximately 4% better classification accuracy result than using a conventional CNN model. Next, we propose to use the detected vehicles as ground truth bounding box (GTBB) of the images and feed them into an SSD model in another pipeline. At this stage, it is reached reasonable classification accuracy result without using perfectly shaped GTBB. Lastly, an application is implemented in a use case by using our proposed pipelines which detects the unauthorized vehicles by comparing their license plate numbers and make & models. It is assumed that license plates are readable