4 research outputs found

    Translating Diffusion, Wavelets, and Regularisation into Residual Networks

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) often perform well, but their stability is poorly understood. To address this problem, we consider the simple prototypical problem of signal denoising, where classical approaches such as nonlinear diffusion, wavelet-based methods and regularisation offer provable stability guarantees. To transfer such guarantees to CNNs, we interpret numerical approximations of these classical methods as a specific residual network (ResNet) architecture. This leads to a dictionary which allows to translate diffusivities, shrinkage functions, and regularisers into activation functions, and enables a direct communication between the four research communities. On the CNN side, it does not only inspire new families of nonmonotone activation functions, but also introduces intrinsically stable architectures for an arbitrary number of layers

    Gabor Layers Enhance Network Robustness

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    We revisit the benefits of merging classical vision concepts with deep learning models. In particular, we explore the effect on robustness against adversarial attacks of replacing the first layers of various deep architectures with Gabor layers, i.e. convolutional layers with filters that are based on learnable Gabor parameters. We observe that architectures enhanced with Gabor layers gain a consistent boost in robustness over regular models and preserve high generalizing test performance, even though these layers come at a negligible increase in the number of parameters. We then exploit the closed form expression of Gabor filters to derive an expression for a Lipschitz constant of such filters, and harness this theoretical result to develop a regularizer we use during training to further enhance network robustness. We conduct extensive experiments with various architectures (LeNet, AlexNet, VGG16 and WideResNet) on several datasets (MNIST, SVHN, CIFAR10 and CIFAR100) and demonstrate large empirical robustness gains. Furthermore, we experimentally show how our regularizer provides consistent robustness improvements.Comment: 32 pages, 23 figures, 14 table

    Combating Adversaries with Anti-Adversaries

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    Deep neural networks are vulnerable to small input perturbations known as adversarial attacks. Inspired by the fact that these adversaries are constructed by iteratively minimizing the confidence of a network for the true class label, we propose the anti-adversary layer, aimed at countering this effect. In particular, our layer generates an input perturbation in the opposite direction of the adversarial one and feeds the classifier a perturbed version of the input. Our approach is training-free and theoretically supported. We verify the effectiveness of our approach by combining our layer with both nominally and robustly trained models and conduct large-scale experiments from black-box to adaptive attacks on CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and ImageNet. Our layer significantly enhances model robustness while coming at no cost on clean accuracy.Comment: Accepted to AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'22

    Asymptotic Singular Value Distribution of Linear Convolutional Layers

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    In convolutional neural networks, the linear transformation of multi-channel two-dimensional convolutional layers with linear convolution is a block matrix with doubly Toeplitz blocks. Although a "wrapping around" operation can transform linear convolution to a circular one, by which the singular values can be approximated with reduced computational complexity by those of a block matrix with doubly circulant blocks, the accuracy of such an approximation is not guaranteed. In this paper, we propose to inspect such a linear transformation matrix through its asymptotic spectral representation - the spectral density matrix - by which we develop a simple singular value approximation method with improved accuracy over the circular approximation, as well as upper bounds for spectral norm with reduced computational complexity. Compared with the circular approximation, we obtain moderate improvement with a subtle adjustment of the singular value distribution. We also demonstrate that the spectral norm upper bounds are effective spectral regularizers for improving generalization performance in ResNets