2 research outputs found

    InverseRenderNet: Learning single image inverse rendering

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    We show how to train a fully convolutional neural network to perform inverse rendering from a single, uncontrolled image. The network takes an RGB image as input, regresses albedo and normal maps from which we compute lighting coefficients. Our network is trained using large uncontrolled image collections without ground truth. By incorporating a differentiable renderer, our network can learn from self-supervision. Since the problem is ill-posed we introduce additional supervision: 1. We learn a statistical natural illumination prior, 2. Our key insight is to perform offline multiview stereo (MVS) on images containing rich illumination variation. From the MVS pose and depth maps, we can cross project between overlapping views such that Siamese training can be used to ensure consistent estimation of photometric invariants. MVS depth also provides direct coarse supervision for normal map estimation. We believe this is the first attempt to use MVS supervision for learning inverse rendering

    Intrinsic Image Decomposition using Paradigms

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    Intrinsic image decomposition is the classical task of mapping image to albedo. The WHDR dataset allows methods to be evaluated by comparing predictions to human judgements ("lighter", "same as", "darker"). The best modern intrinsic image methods learn a map from image to albedo using rendered models and human judgements. This is convenient for practical methods, but cannot explain how a visual agent without geometric, surface and illumination models and a renderer could learn to recover intrinsic images. This paper describes a method that learns intrinsic image decomposition without seeing WHDR annotations, rendered data, or ground truth data. The method relies on paradigms - fake albedos and fake shading fields - together with a novel smoothing procedure that ensures good behavior at short scales on real images. Long scale error is controlled by averaging. Our method achieves WHDR scores competitive with those of strong recent methods allowed to see training WHDR annotations, rendered data, and ground truth data. Because our method is unsupervised, we can compute estimates of the test/train variance of WHDR scores; these are quite large, and it is unsafe to rely small differences in reported WHDR