207 research outputs found

    Deep Hashing Network for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

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    In recent years, deep neural networks have emerged as a dominant machine learning tool for a wide variety of application domains. However, training a deep neural network requires a large amount of labeled data, which is an expensive process in terms of time, labor and human expertise. Domain adaptation or transfer learning algorithms address this challenge by leveraging labeled data in a different, but related source domain, to develop a model for the target domain. Further, the explosive growth of digital data has posed a fundamental challenge concerning its storage and retrieval. Due to its storage and retrieval efficiency, recent years have witnessed a wide application of hashing in a variety of computer vision applications. In this paper, we first introduce a new dataset, Office-Home, to evaluate domain adaptation algorithms. The dataset contains images of a variety of everyday objects from multiple domains. We then propose a novel deep learning framework that can exploit labeled source data and unlabeled target data to learn informative hash codes, to accurately classify unseen target data. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first research effort to exploit the feature learning capabilities of deep neural networks to learn representative hash codes to address the domain adaptation problem. Our extensive empirical studies on multiple transfer tasks corroborate the usefulness of the framework in learning efficient hash codes which outperform existing competitive baselines for unsupervised domain adaptation.Comment: CVPR 201

    Adversarial Branch Architecture Search for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

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    Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) is a key issue in visual recognition, as it allows to bridge different visual domains enabling robust performances in the real world. To date, all proposed approaches rely on human expertise to manually adapt a given UDA method (e.g. DANN) to a specific backbone architecture (e.g. ResNet). This dependency on handcrafted designs limits the applicability of a given approach in time, as old methods need to be constantly adapted to novel backbones. Existing Neural Architecture Search (NAS) approaches cannot be directly applied to mitigate this issue, as they rely on labels that are not available in the UDA setting. Furthermore, most NAS methods search for full architectures, which precludes the use of pre-trained models, essential in a vast range of UDA settings for reaching SOTA results. To the best of our knowledge, no prior work has addressed these aspects in the context of NAS for UDA. Here we tackle both aspects with an Adversarial Branch Architecture Search for UDA (ABAS): i. we address the lack of target labels by a novel data-driven ensemble approach for model selection; and ii. we search for an auxiliary adversarial branch, attached to a pre-trained backbone, which drives the domain alignment. We extensively validate ABAS to improve two modern UDA techniques, DANN and ALDA, on three standard visual recognition datasets (Office31, Office-Home and PACS). In all cases, ABAS robustly finds the adversarial branch architectures and parameters which yield best performances.Comment: Accepted at WACV 202

    Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Similarity Learning

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    The objective of unsupervised domain adaptation is to leverage features from a labeled source domain and learn a classifier for an unlabeled target domain, with a similar but different data distribution. Most deep learning approaches to domain adaptation consist of two steps: (i) learn features that preserve a low risk on labeled samples (source domain) and (ii) make the features from both domains to be as indistinguishable as possible, so that a classifier trained on the source can also be applied on the target domain. In general, the classifiers in step (i) consist of fully-connected layers applied directly on the indistinguishable features learned in (ii). In this paper, we propose a different way to do the classification, using similarity learning. The proposed method learns a pairwise similarity function in which classification can be performed by computing similarity between prototype representations of each category. The domain-invariant features and the categorical prototype representations are learned jointly and in an end-to-end fashion. At inference time, images from the target domain are compared to the prototypes and the label associated with the one that best matches the image is outputed. The approach is simple, scalable and effective. We show that our model achieves state-of-the-art performance in different unsupervised domain adaptation scenarios
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