12,067 research outputs found

    Augmented Data as an Auxiliary Plug-in Towards Categorization of Crowdsourced Heritage Data

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    In this paper, we propose a strategy to mitigate the problem of inefficient clustering performance by introducing data augmentation as an auxiliary plug-in. Classical clustering techniques such as K-means, Gaussian mixture model and spectral clustering are central to many data-driven applications. However, recently unsupervised simultaneous feature learning and clustering using neural networks also known as Deep Embedded Clustering (DEC) has gained prominence. Pioneering works on deep feature clustering focus on defining relevant clustering loss function and choosing the right neural network for extracting features. A central problem in all these cases is data sparsity accompanied by high intra-class and low inter-class variance, which subsequently leads to poor clustering performance and erroneous candidate assignments. Towards this, we employ data augmentation techniques to improve the density of the clusters, thus improving the overall performance. We train a variant of Convolutional Autoencoder (CAE) with augmented data to construct the initial feature space as a novel model for deep clustering. We demonstrate the results of proposed strategy on crowdsourced Indian Heritage dataset. Extensive experiments show consistent improvements over existing works

    Deep Clustering with a Dynamic Autoencoder: From Reconstruction towards Centroids Construction

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    In unsupervised learning, there is no apparent straightforward cost function that can capture the significant factors of variations and similarities. Since natural systems have smooth dynamics, an opportunity is lost if an unsupervised objective function remains static during the training process. The absence of concrete supervision suggests that smooth dynamics should be integrated. Compared to classical static cost functions, dynamic objective functions allow to better make use of the gradual and uncertain knowledge acquired through pseudo-supervision. In this paper, we propose Dynamic Autoencoder (DynAE), a novel model for deep clustering that overcomes a clustering-reconstruction trade-off, by gradually and smoothly eliminating the reconstruction objective function in favor of a construction one. Experimental evaluations on benchmark datasets show that our approach achieves state-of-the-art results compared to the most relevant deep clustering methods

    Deep Representation Learning Characterized by Inter-class Separation for Image Clustering

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    Despite significant advances in clustering methods in recent years, the outcome of clustering of a natural image dataset is still unsatisfactory due to two important drawbacks. Firstly, clustering of images needs a good feature representation of an image and secondly, we need a robust method which can discriminate these features for making them belonging to different clusters such that intra-class variance is less and inter-class variance is high. Often these two aspects are dealt with independently and thus the features are not sufficient enough to partition the data meaningfully. In this paper, we propose a method where we discover these features required for the separation of the images using deep autoencoder. Our method learns the image representation features automatically for the purpose of clustering and also select a coherent image and an incoherent image simultaneously for a given image so that the feature representation learning can learn better discriminative features for grouping the similar images in a cluster and at the same time separating the dissimilar images across clusters. Experiment results show that our method produces significantly better result than the state-of-the-art methods and we also show that our method is more generalized across different dataset without using any pre-trained model like other existing methods.Comment: Published in WACV, 201

    Local Aggregation for Unsupervised Learning of Visual Embeddings

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    Unsupervised approaches to learning in neural networks are of substantial interest for furthering artificial intelligence, both because they would enable the training of networks without the need for large numbers of expensive annotations, and because they would be better models of the kind of general-purpose learning deployed by humans. However, unsupervised networks have long lagged behind the performance of their supervised counterparts, especially in the domain of large-scale visual recognition. Recent developments in training deep convolutional embeddings to maximize non-parametric instance separation and clustering objectives have shown promise in closing this gap. Here, we describe a method that trains an embedding function to maximize a metric of local aggregation, causing similar data instances to move together in the embedding space, while allowing dissimilar instances to separate. This aggregation metric is dynamic, allowing soft clusters of different scales to emerge. We evaluate our procedure on several large-scale visual recognition datasets, achieving state-of-the-art unsupervised transfer learning performance on object recognition in ImageNet, scene recognition in Places 205, and object detection in PASCAL VOC

    CNN-Based Deep Architecture for Reinforced Concrete Delamination Segmentation Through Thermography

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    Delamination assessment of the bridge deck plays a vital role for bridge health monitoring. Thermography as one of the nondestructive technologies for delamination detection has the advantage of efficient data acquisition. But there are challenges on the interpretation of data for accurate delamination shape profiling. Due to the environmental variation and the irregular presence of delamination size and depth, conventional processing methods based on temperature contrast fall short in accurate segmentation of delamination. Inspired by the recent development of deep learning architecture for image segmentation, the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based framework was investigated for the applicability of delamination segmentation under variations in temperature contrast and shape diffusion. The models were developed based on Dense Convolutional Network (DenseNet) and trained on thermal images collected for mimicked delamination in concrete slabs with different depths under experimental setup. The results suggested satisfactory performance of accurate profiling the delamination shapes.Comment: Accepted for the 2019 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineerin

    Successive Embedding and Classification Loss for Aerial Image Classification

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    Deep neural networks can be effective means to automatically classify aerial images but is easy to overfit to the training data. It is critical for trained neural networks to be robust to variations that exist between training and test environments. To address the overfitting problem in aerial image classification, we consider the neural network as successive transformations of an input image into embedded feature representations and ultimately into a semantic class label, and train neural networks to optimize image representations in the embedded space in addition to optimizing the final classification score. We demonstrate that networks trained with this dual embedding and classification loss outperform networks with classification loss only. %We also study placing the embedding loss on different network layers. We also find that moving the embedding loss from commonly-used feature space to the classifier space, which is the space just before softmax nonlinearization, leads to the best classification performance for aerial images. Visualizations of the network's embedded representations reveal that the embedding loss encourages greater separation between target class clusters for both training and testing partitions of two aerial image classification benchmark datasets, MSTAR and AID. Our code is publicly available on GitHub

    Deep metric learning using Triplet network

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    Deep learning has proven itself as a successful set of models for learning useful semantic representations of data. These, however, are mostly implicitly learned as part of a classification task. In this paper we propose the triplet network model, which aims to learn useful representations by distance comparisons. A similar model was defined by Wang et al. (2014), tailor made for learning a ranking for image information retrieval. Here we demonstrate using various datasets that our model learns a better representation than that of its immediate competitor, the Siamese network. We also discuss future possible usage as a framework for unsupervised learning

    Deep Randomized Ensembles for Metric Learning

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    Learning embedding functions, which map semantically related inputs to nearby locations in a feature space supports a variety of classification and information retrieval tasks. In this work, we propose a novel, generalizable and fast method to define a family of embedding functions that can be used as an ensemble to give improved results. Each embedding function is learned by randomly bagging the training labels into small subsets. We show experimentally that these embedding ensembles create effective embedding functions. The ensemble output defines a metric space that improves state of the art performance for image retrieval on CUB-200-2011, Cars-196, In-Shop Clothes Retrieval and VehicleID.Comment: ECCV 201

    Canonical and Compact Point Cloud Representation for Shape Classification

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    We present a novel compact point cloud representation that is inherently invariant to scale, coordinate change and point permutation. The key idea is to parametrize a distance field around an individual shape into a unique, canonical, and compact vector in an unsupervised manner. We firstly project a distance field to a 44D canonical space using singular value decomposition. We then train a neural network for each instance to non-linearly embed its distance field into network parameters. We employ a bias-free Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) with ReLU activation units, which has scale-factor commutative property between layers. We demonstrate the descriptiveness of the instance-wise, shape-embedded network parameters by using them to classify shapes in 33D datasets. Our learning-based representation requires minimal augmentation and simple neural networks, where previous approaches demand numerous representations to handle coordinate change and point permutation.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Histopathologic Image Processing: A Review

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    Histopathologic Images (HI) are the gold standard for evaluation of some tumors. However, the analysis of such images is challenging even for experienced pathologists, resulting in problems of inter and intra observer. Besides that, the analysis is time and resource consuming. One of the ways to accelerate such an analysis is by using Computer Aided Diagnosis systems. In this work we present a literature review about the computing techniques to process HI, including shallow and deep methods. We cover the most common tasks for processing HI such as segmentation, feature extraction, unsupervised learning and supervised learning. A dataset section show some datasets found during the literature review. We also bring a study case of breast cancer classification using a mix of deep and shallow machine learning methods. The proposed method obtained an accuracy of 91% in the best case, outperforming the compared baseline of the dataset
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