2,943 research outputs found

    Deep Dynamics Models for Learning Dexterous Manipulation

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    Dexterous multi-fingered hands can provide robots with the ability to flexibly perform a wide range of manipulation skills. However, many of the more complex behaviors are also notoriously difficult to control: Performing in-hand object manipulation, executing finger gaits to move objects, and exhibiting precise fine motor skills such as writing, all require finely balancing contact forces, breaking and reestablishing contacts repeatedly, and maintaining control of unactuated objects. Learning-based techniques provide the appealing possibility of acquiring these skills directly from data, but current learning approaches either require large amounts of data and produce task-specific policies, or they have not yet been shown to scale up to more complex and realistic tasks requiring fine motor skills. In this work, we demonstrate that our method of online planning with deep dynamics models (PDDM) addresses both of these limitations; we show that improvements in learned dynamics models, together with improvements in online model-predictive control, can indeed enable efficient and effective learning of flexible contact-rich dexterous manipulation skills -- and that too, on a 24-DoF anthropomorphic hand in the real world, using just 4 hours of purely real-world data to learn to simultaneously coordinate multiple free-floating objects. Videos can be found at https://sites.google.com/view/pddm/Comment: project website https://sites.google.com/view/pddm

    Manipulation by Feel: Touch-Based Control with Deep Predictive Models

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    Touch sensing is widely acknowledged to be important for dexterous robotic manipulation, but exploiting tactile sensing for continuous, non-prehensile manipulation is challenging. General purpose control techniques that are able to effectively leverage tactile sensing as well as accurate physics models of contacts and forces remain largely elusive, and it is unclear how to even specify a desired behavior in terms of tactile percepts. In this paper, we take a step towards addressing these issues by combining high-resolution tactile sensing with data-driven modeling using deep neural network dynamics models. We propose deep tactile MPC, a framework for learning to perform tactile servoing from raw tactile sensor inputs, without manual supervision. We show that this method enables a robot equipped with a GelSight-style tactile sensor to manipulate a ball, analog stick, and 20-sided die, learning from unsupervised autonomous interaction and then using the learned tactile predictive model to reposition each object to user-specified configurations, indicated by a goal tactile reading. Videos, visualizations and the code are available here: https://sites.google.com/view/deeptactilempcComment: Accepted to ICRA 201

    Dexterous Manipulation with Deep Reinforcement Learning: Efficient, General, and Low-Cost

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    Dexterous multi-fingered robotic hands can perform a wide range of manipulation skills, making them an appealing component for general-purpose robotic manipulators. However, such hands pose a major challenge for autonomous control, due to the high dimensionality of their configuration space and complex intermittent contact interactions. In this work, we propose deep reinforcement learning (deep RL) as a scalable solution for learning complex, contact rich behaviors with multi-fingered hands. Deep RL provides an end-to-end approach to directly map sensor readings to actions, without the need for task specific models or policy classes. We show that contact-rich manipulation behavior with multi-fingered hands can be learned by directly training with model-free deep RL algorithms in the real world, with minimal additional assumption and without the aid of simulation. We learn a variety of complex behaviors on two different low-cost hardware platforms. We show that each task can be learned entirely from scratch, and further study how the learning process can be further accelerated by using a small number of human demonstrations to bootstrap learning. Our experiments demonstrate that complex multi-fingered manipulation skills can be learned in the real world in about 4-7 hours for most tasks, and that demonstrations can decrease this to 2-3 hours, indicating that direct deep RL training in the real world is a viable and practical alternative to simulation and model-based control. \url{https://sites.google.com/view/deeprl-handmanipulation}Comment: https://sites.google.com/view/deeprl-handmanipulatio

    Learning Dexterous Manipulation for a Soft Robotic Hand from Human Demonstration

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    Dexterous multi-fingered hands can accomplish fine manipulation behaviors that are infeasible with simple robotic grippers. However, sophisticated multi-fingered hands are often expensive and fragile. Low-cost soft hands offer an appealing alternative to more conventional devices, but present considerable challenges in sensing and actuation, making them difficult to apply to more complex manipulation tasks. In this paper, we describe an approach to learning from demonstration that can be used to train soft robotic hands to perform dexterous manipulation tasks. Our method uses object-centric demonstrations, where a human demonstrates the desired motion of manipulated objects with their own hands, and the robot autonomously learns to imitate these demonstrations using reinforcement learning. We propose a novel algorithm that allows us to blend and select a subset of the most feasible demonstrations to learn to imitate on the hardware, which we use with an extension of the guided policy search framework to use multiple demonstrations to learn generalizable neural network policies. We demonstrate our approach on the RBO Hand 2, with learned motor skills for turning a valve, manipulating an abacus, and grasping.Comment: Accepted at International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS) 2016. Pdf file updated for stylistic consistenc

    Learning Gentle Object Manipulation with Curiosity-Driven Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Robots must know how to be gentle when they need to interact with fragile objects, or when the robot itself is prone to wear and tear. We propose an approach that enables deep reinforcement learning to train policies that are gentle, both during exploration and task execution. In a reward-based learning environment, a natural approach involves augmenting the (task) reward with a penalty for non-gentleness, which can be defined as excessive impact force. However, augmenting with only this penalty impairs learning: policies get stuck in a local optimum which avoids all contact with the environment. Prior research has shown that combining auxiliary tasks or intrinsic rewards can be beneficial for stabilizing and accelerating learning in sparse-reward domains, and indeed we find that introducing a surprise-based intrinsic reward does avoid the no-contact failure case. However, we show that a simple dynamics-based surprise is not as effective as penalty-based surprise. Penalty-based surprise, based on predicting forceful contacts, has a further benefit: it encourages exploration which is contact-rich yet gentle. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach using a complex, tendon-powered robot hand with tactile sensors. Videos are available at http://sites.google.com/view/gentlemanipulation

    DIGIT: A Novel Design for a Low-Cost Compact High-Resolution Tactile Sensor with Application to In-Hand Manipulation

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    Despite decades of research, general purpose in-hand manipulation remains one of the unsolved challenges of robotics. One of the contributing factors that limit current robotic manipulation systems is the difficulty of precisely sensing contact forces -- sensing and reasoning about contact forces are crucial to accurately control interactions with the environment. As a step towards enabling better robotic manipulation, we introduce DIGIT, an inexpensive, compact, and high-resolution tactile sensor geared towards in-hand manipulation. DIGIT improves upon past vision-based tactile sensors by miniaturizing the form factor to be mountable on multi-fingered hands, and by providing several design improvements that result in an easier, more repeatable manufacturing process, and enhanced reliability. We demonstrate the capabilities of the DIGIT sensor by training deep neural network model-based controllers to manipulate glass marbles in-hand with a multi-finger robotic hand. To provide the robotic community access to reliable and low-cost tactile sensors, we open-source the DIGIT design at https://digit.ml/.Comment: 8 pages, published in the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L

    Let's Push Things Forward: A Survey on Robot Pushing

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    As robot make their way out of factories into human environments, outer space, and beyond, they require the skill to manipulate their environment in multifarious, unforeseeable circumstances. With this regard, pushing is an essential motion primitive that dramatically extends a robot's manipulation repertoire. In this work, we review the robotic pushing literature. While focusing on work concerned with predicting the motion of pushed objects, we also cover relevant applications of pushing for planning and control. Beginning with analytical approaches, under which we also subsume physics engines, we then proceed to discuss work on learning models from data. In doing so, we dedicate a separate section to deep learning approaches which have seen a recent upsurge in the literature. Concluding remarks and further research perspectives are given at the end of the paper

    Leveraging Contact Forces for Learning to Grasp

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    Grasping objects under uncertainty remains an open problem in robotics research. This uncertainty is often due to noisy or partial observations of the object pose or shape. To enable a robot to react appropriately to unforeseen effects, it is crucial that it continuously takes sensor feedback into account. While visual feedback is important for inferring a grasp pose and reaching for an object, contact feedback offers valuable information during manipulation and grasp acquisition. In this paper, we use model-free deep reinforcement learning to synthesize control policies that exploit contact sensing to generate robust grasping under uncertainty. We demonstrate our approach on a multi-fingered hand that exhibits more complex finger coordination than the commonly used two-fingered grippers. We conduct extensive experiments in order to assess the performance of the learned policies, with and without contact sensing. While it is possible to learn grasping policies without contact sensing, our results suggest that contact feedback allows for a significant improvement of grasping robustness under object pose uncertainty and for objects with a complex shape.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, Submitted to ICRA'1

    Reinforcement and Imitation Learning for Diverse Visuomotor Skills

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    We propose a model-free deep reinforcement learning method that leverages a small amount of demonstration data to assist a reinforcement learning agent. We apply this approach to robotic manipulation tasks and train end-to-end visuomotor policies that map directly from RGB camera inputs to joint velocities. We demonstrate that our approach can solve a wide variety of visuomotor tasks, for which engineering a scripted controller would be laborious. In experiments, our reinforcement and imitation agent achieves significantly better performances than agents trained with reinforcement learning or imitation learning alone. We also illustrate that these policies, trained with large visual and dynamics variations, can achieve preliminary successes in zero-shot sim2real transfer. A brief visual description of this work can be viewed in https://youtu.be/EDl8SQUNjj0Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, Published in RSS 201

    Plan Online, Learn Offline: Efficient Learning and Exploration via Model-Based Control

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    We propose a plan online and learn offline (POLO) framework for the setting where an agent, with an internal model, needs to continually act and learn in the world. Our work builds on the synergistic relationship between local model-based control, global value function learning, and exploration. We study how local trajectory optimization can cope with approximation errors in the value function, and can stabilize and accelerate value function learning. Conversely, we also study how approximate value functions can help reduce the planning horizon and allow for better policies beyond local solutions. Finally, we also demonstrate how trajectory optimization can be used to perform temporally coordinated exploration in conjunction with estimating uncertainty in value function approximation. This exploration is critical for fast and stable learning of the value function. Combining these components enable solutions to complex simulated control tasks, like humanoid locomotion and dexterous in-hand manipulation, in the equivalent of a few minutes of experience in the real world.Comment: The first two authors contributed equally. Accepted at ICLR 2019. Supplementary videos available at: https://sites.google.com/view/polo-mp