36 research outputs found

    Context-Aware Sparse Deep Coordination Graphs

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    Learning sparse coordination graphs adaptive to the coordination dynamics among agents is a long-standing problem in cooperative multi-agent learning. This paper studies this problem and proposes a novel method using the variance of payoff functions to construct context-aware sparse coordination topologies. We theoretically consolidate our method by proving that the smaller the variance of payoff functions is, the less likely action selection will change after removing the corresponding edge. Moreover, we propose to learn action representations to effectively reduce the influence of payoff functions' estimation errors on graph construction. To empirically evaluate our method, we present the Multi-Agent COordination (MACO) benchmark by collecting classic coordination problems in the literature, increasing their difficulty, and classifying them into different types. We carry out a case study and experiments on the MACO and StarCraft II micromanagement benchmark to demonstrate the dynamics of sparse graph learning, the influence of graph sparseness, and the learning performance of our method

    Pareto Actor-Critic for Equilibrium Selection in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

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    This work focuses on equilibrium selection in no-conflict multi-agent games, where we specifically study the problem of selecting a Pareto-optimal equilibrium among several existing equilibria. It has been shown that many state-of-the-art multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) algorithms are prone to converging to Pareto-dominated equilibria due to the uncertainty each agent has about the policy of the other agents during training. To address sub-optimal equilibrium selection, we propose Pareto Actor-Critic (Pareto-AC), which is an actor-critic algorithm that utilises a simple property of no-conflict games (a superset of cooperative games): the Pareto-optimal equilibrium in a no-conflict game maximises the returns of all agents and therefore is the preferred outcome for all agents. We evaluate Pareto-AC in a diverse set of multi-agent games and show that it converges to higher episodic returns compared to seven state-of-the-art MARL algorithms and that it successfully converges to a Pareto-optimal equilibrium in a range of matrix games. Finally, we propose PACDCG, a graph neural network extension of Pareto-AC which is shown to efficiently scale in games with a large number of agents.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figure

    Is Centralized Training with Decentralized Execution Framework Centralized Enough for MARL?

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    Centralized Training with Decentralized Execution (CTDE) has recently emerged as a popular framework for cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL), where agents can use additional global state information to guide training in a centralized way and make their own decisions only based on decentralized local policies. Despite the encouraging results achieved, CTDE makes an independence assumption on agent policies, which limits agents to adopt global cooperative information from each other during centralized training. Therefore, we argue that existing CTDE methods cannot fully utilize global information for training, leading to an inefficient joint-policy exploration and even suboptimal results. In this paper, we introduce a novel Centralized Advising and Decentralized Pruning (CADP) framework for multi-agent reinforcement learning, that not only enables an efficacious message exchange among agents during training but also guarantees the independent policies for execution. Firstly, CADP endows agents the explicit communication channel to seek and take advices from different agents for more centralized training. To further ensure the decentralized execution, we propose a smooth model pruning mechanism to progressively constraint the agent communication into a closed one without degradation in agent cooperation capability. Empirical evaluations on StarCraft II micromanagement and Google Research Football benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed framework achieves superior performance compared with the state-of-the-art counterparts. Our code will be made publicly available

    UneVEn: Universal Value Exploration for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

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    VDN and QMIX are two popular value-based algorithms for cooperative MARL that learn a centralized action value function as a monotonic mixing of per-agent utilities. While this enables easy decentralization of the learned policy, the restricted joint action value function can prevent them from solving tasks that require significant coordination between agents at a given timestep. We show that this problem can be overcome by improving the joint exploration of all agents during training. Specifically, we propose a novel MARL approach called Universal Value Exploration (UneVEn) that learns a set of related tasks simultaneously with a linear decomposition of universal successor features. With the policies of already solved related tasks, the joint exploration process of all agents can be improved to help them achieve better coordination. Empirical results on a set of exploration games, challenging cooperative predator-prey tasks requiring significant coordination among agents, and StarCraft II micromanagement benchmarks show that UneVEn can solve tasks where other state-of-the-art MARL methods fail.Comment: Published at ICML 202

    Self-Organized Polynomial-Time Coordination Graphs

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    Coordination graph is a promising approach to model agent collaboration in multi-agent reinforcement learning. It conducts a graph-based value factorization and induces explicit coordination among agents to complete complicated tasks. However, one critical challenge in this paradigm is the complexity of greedy action selection with respect to the factorized values. It refers to the decentralized constraint optimization problem (DCOP), which and whose constant-ratio approximation are NP-hard problems. To bypass this systematic hardness, this paper proposes a novel method, named Self-Organized Polynomial-time Coordination Graphs (SOP-CG), which uses structured graph classes to guarantee the accuracy and the computational efficiency of collaborated action selection. SOP-CG employs dynamic graph topology to ensure sufficient value function expressiveness. The graph selection is unified into an end-to-end learning paradigm. In experiments, we show that our approach learns succinct and well-adapted graph topologies, induces effective coordination, and improves performance across a variety of cooperative multi-agent tasks

    Influence of Team Interactions on Multi-Robot Cooperation: A Relational Network Perspective

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    Relational networks within a team play a critical role in the performance of many real-world multi-robot systems. To successfully accomplish tasks that require cooperation and coordination, different agents (e.g., robots) necessitate different priorities based on their positioning within the team. Yet, many of the existing multi-robot cooperation algorithms regard agents as interchangeable and lack a mechanism to guide the type of cooperation strategy the agents should exhibit. To account for the team structure in cooperative tasks, we propose a novel algorithm that uses a relational network comprising inter-agent relationships to prioritize certain agents over others. Through appropriate design of the team's relational network, we can guide the cooperation strategy, resulting in the emergence of new behaviors that accomplish the specified task. We conducted six experiments in a multi-robot setting with a cooperative task. Our results demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively influence the type of solution that the algorithm converges to by specifying the relationships between the agents, making it a promising approach for tasks that require cooperation among agents with a specified team structure.Comment: Accepted to Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems (IEEE MRS 2023

    AccMER: Accelerating Multi-Agent Experience Replay with Cache Locality-aware Prioritization

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    Multi-Agent Experience Replay (MER) is a key component of off-policy reinforcement learning~(RL) algorithms. By remembering and reusing experiences from the past, experience replay significantly improves the stability of RL algorithms and their learning efficiency. In many scenarios, multiple agents interact in a shared environment during online training under centralized training and decentralized execution~(CTDE) paradigm. Current multi-agent reinforcement learning~(MARL) algorithms consider experience replay with uniform sampling or based on priority weights to improve transition data sample efficiency in the sampling phase. However, moving transition data histories for each agent through the processor memory hierarchy is a performance limiter. Also, as the agents' transitions continuously renew every iteration, the finite cache capacity results in increased cache misses. To this end, we propose \name, that repeatedly reuses the transitions~(experiences) for a window of nn steps in order to improve the cache locality and minimize the transition data movement, instead of sampling new transitions at each step. Specifically, our optimization uses priority weights to select the transitions so that only high-priority transitions will be reused frequently, thereby improving the cache performance. Our experimental results on the Predator-Prey environment demonstrate the effectiveness of reusing the essential transitions based on the priority weights, where we observe an end-to-end training time reduction of 25.4%25.4\%~(for 3232 agents) compared to existing prioritized MER algorithms without notable degradation in the mean reward.Comment: Accepted to ASAP'2