201 research outputs found

    Fine-tune BERT for Extractive Summarization

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    BERT, a pre-trained Transformer model, has achieved ground-breaking performance on multiple NLP tasks. In this paper, we describe BERTSUM, a simple variant of BERT, for extractive summarization. Our system is the state of the art on the CNN/Dailymail dataset, outperforming the previous best-performed system by 1.65 on ROUGE-L. The codes to reproduce our results are available at https://github.com/nlpyang/BertSumComment: fix figure

    A novel repetition normalized adversarial reward for headline generation

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    While reinforcement learning can effectively improve language generation models, it often suffers from generating incoherent and repetitive phrases \cite{paulus2017deep}. In this paper, we propose a novel repetition normalized adversarial reward to mitigate these problems. Our repetition penalized reward can greatly reduce the repetition rate and adversarial training mitigates generating incoherent phrases. Our model significantly outperforms the baseline model on ROUGE-1\,(+3.24), ROUGE-L\,(+2.25), and a decreased repetition-rate (-4.98\%).Comment: Accepted by ICASSP 201

    HIBERT: Document Level Pre-training of Hierarchical Bidirectional Transformers for Document Summarization

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    Neural extractive summarization models usually employ a hierarchical encoder for document encoding and they are trained using sentence-level labels, which are created heuristically using rule-based methods. Training the hierarchical encoder with these \emph{inaccurate} labels is challenging. Inspired by the recent work on pre-training transformer sentence encoders \cite{devlin:2018:arxiv}, we propose {\sc Hibert} (as shorthand for {\bf HI}erachical {\bf B}idirectional {\bf E}ncoder {\bf R}epresentations from {\bf T}ransformers) for document encoding and a method to pre-train it using unlabeled data. We apply the pre-trained {\sc Hibert} to our summarization model and it outperforms its randomly initialized counterpart by 1.25 ROUGE on the CNN/Dailymail dataset and by 2.0 ROUGE on a version of New York Times dataset. We also achieve the state-of-the-art performance on these two datasets.Comment: to appear in ACL 201

    Abstractive Summarization of Reddit Posts with Multi-level Memory Networks

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    We address the problem of abstractive summarization in two directions: proposing a novel dataset and a new model. First, we collect Reddit TIFU dataset, consisting of 120K posts from the online discussion forum Reddit. We use such informal crowd-generated posts as text source, in contrast with existing datasets that mostly use formal documents as source such as news articles. Thus, our dataset could less suffer from some biases that key sentences usually locate at the beginning of the text and favorable summary candidates are already inside the text in similar forms. Second, we propose a novel abstractive summarization model named multi-level memory networks (MMN), equipped with multi-level memory to store the information of text from different levels of abstraction. With quantitative evaluation and user studies via Amazon Mechanical Turk, we show the Reddit TIFU dataset is highly abstractive and the MMN outperforms the state-of-the-art summarization models.Comment: Published in NAACL-HLT 2019 (Oral

    Sample Efficient Text Summarization Using a Single Pre-Trained Transformer

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    Language model (LM) pre-training has resulted in impressive performance and sample efficiency on a variety of language understanding tasks. However, it remains unclear how to best use pre-trained LMs for generation tasks such as abstractive summarization, particularly to enhance sample efficiency. In these sequence-to-sequence settings, prior work has experimented with loading pre-trained weights into the encoder and/or decoder networks, but used non-pre-trained encoder-decoder attention weights. We instead use a pre-trained decoder-only network, where the same Transformer LM both encodes the source and generates the summary. This ensures that all parameters in the network, including those governing attention over source states, have been pre-trained before the fine-tuning step. Experiments on the CNN/Daily Mail dataset show that our pre-trained Transformer LM substantially improves over pre-trained Transformer encoder-decoder networks in limited-data settings. For instance, it achieves 13.1 ROUGE-2 using only 1% of the training data (~3000 examples), while pre-trained encoder-decoder models score 2.3 ROUGE-2

    From Standard Summarization to New Tasks and Beyond: Summarization with Manifold Information

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    Text summarization is the research area aiming at creating a short and condensed version of the original document, which conveys the main idea of the document in a few words. This research topic has started to attract the attention of a large community of researchers, and it is nowadays counted as one of the most promising research areas. In general, text summarization algorithms aim at using a plain text document as input and then output a summary. However, in real-world applications, most of the data is not in a plain text format. Instead, there is much manifold information to be summarized, such as the summary for a web page based on a query in the search engine, extreme long document (e.g., academic paper), dialog history and so on. In this paper, we focus on the survey of these new summarization tasks and approaches in the real-world application.Comment: Accepted by IJCAI 2020 Survey Trac

    Knowledge Graph-Augmented Abstractive Summarization with Semantic-Driven Cloze Reward

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    Sequence-to-sequence models for abstractive summarization have been studied extensively, yet the generated summaries commonly suffer from fabricated content, and are often found to be near-extractive. We argue that, to address these issues, the summarizer should acquire semantic interpretation over input, e.g., via structured representation, to allow the generation of more informative summaries. In this paper, we present ASGARD, a novel framework for Abstractive Summarization with Graph-Augmentation and semantic-driven RewarD. We propose the use of dual encoders---a sequential document encoder and a graph-structured encoder---to maintain the global context and local characteristics of entities, complementing each other. We further design a reward based on a multiple choice cloze test to drive the model to better capture entity interactions. Results show that our models produce significantly higher ROUGE scores than a variant without knowledge graph as input on both New York Times and CNN/Daily Mail datasets. We also obtain better or comparable performance compared to systems that are fine-tuned from large pretrained language models. Human judges further rate our model outputs as more informative and containing fewer unfaithful errors.Comment: Accepted as a long paper to ACL 202

    Fast Abstractive Summarization with Reinforce-Selected Sentence Rewriting

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    Inspired by how humans summarize long documents, we propose an accurate and fast summarization model that first selects salient sentences and then rewrites them abstractively (i.e., compresses and paraphrases) to generate a concise overall summary. We use a novel sentence-level policy gradient method to bridge the non-differentiable computation between these two neural networks in a hierarchical way, while maintaining language fluency. Empirically, we achieve the new state-of-the-art on all metrics (including human evaluation) on the CNN/Daily Mail dataset, as well as significantly higher abstractiveness scores. Moreover, by first operating at the sentence-level and then the word-level, we enable parallel decoding of our neural generative model that results in substantially faster (10-20x) inference speed as well as 4x faster training convergence than previous long-paragraph encoder-decoder models. We also demonstrate the generalization of our model on the test-only DUC-2002 dataset, where we achieve higher scores than a state-of-the-art model.Comment: ACL 2018 (17 pages

    Pragmatically Informative Text Generation

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    We improve the informativeness of models for conditional text generation using techniques from computational pragmatics. These techniques formulate language production as a game between speakers and listeners, in which a speaker should generate output text that a listener can use to correctly identify the original input that the text describes. While such approaches are widely used in cognitive science and grounded language learning, they have received less attention for more standard language generation tasks. We consider two pragmatic modeling methods for text generation: one where pragmatics is imposed by information preservation, and another where pragmatics is imposed by explicit modeling of distractors. We find that these methods improve the performance of strong existing systems for abstractive summarization and generation from structured meaning representations.Comment: 8 pages. accepted as a conference paper at NAACL2019 (short paper

    Structured Summarization of Academic Publications

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    We propose SUSIE, a novel summarization method that can work with state-of-the-art summarization models in order to produce structured scientific summaries for academic articles. We also created PMC-SA, a new dataset of academic publications, suitable for the task of structured summarization with neural networks. We apply SUSIE combined with three different summarization models on the new PMC-SA dataset and we show that the proposed method improves the performance of all models by as much as 4 ROUGE points
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