17 research outputs found

    Image embedding and user multi-preference modeling for data collection sampling

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    This work proposes an end-to-end user-centric sampling method aimed at selecting the images from an image collection that are able to maximize the information perceived by a given user. As main contributions, we first introduce novel metrics that assess the amount of perceived information retained by the user when experiencing a set of images. Given the actual information present in a set of images, which is the volume spanned by the set in the corresponding latent space, we show how to take into account the user’s preferences in such a volume calculation to build a user-centric metric for the perceived information. Finally, we propose a sampling strategy seeking the minimum set of images that maximize the information perceived by a given user. Experiments using the coco dataset show the ability of the proposed approach to accurately integrate user preference while keeping a reasonable diversity in the sampled image set

    HyperLearn: A Distributed Approach for Representation Learning in Datasets With Many Modalities

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    Multimodal datasets contain an enormous amount of relational information, which grows exponentially with the introduction of new modalities. Learning representations in such a scenario is inherently complex due to the presence of multiple heterogeneous information channels. These channels can encode both (a) inter-relations between the items of different modalities and (b) intra-relations between the items of the same modality. Encoding multimedia items into a continuous low-dimensional semantic space such that both types of relations are captured and preserved is extremely challenging, especially if the goal is a unified end-to-end learning framework. The two key challenges that need to be addressed are: 1) the framework must be able to merge complex intra and inter relations without losing any valuable information and 2) the learning model should be invariant to the addition of new and potentially very different modalities. In this paper, we propose a flexible framework which can scale to data streams from many modalities. To that end we introduce a hypergraph-based model for data representation and deploy Graph Convolutional Networks to fuse relational information within and across modalities. Our approach provides an efficient solution for distributing otherwise extremely computationally expensive or even unfeasible training processes across multiple-GPUs, without any sacrifices in accuracy. Moreover, adding new modalities to our model requires only an additional GPU unit keeping the computational time unchanged, which brings representation learning to truly multimodal datasets. We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach in the experiments on multimedia datasets featuring second, third and fourth order relations

    Blind Quality Assessment for Image Superresolution Using Deep Two-Stream Convolutional Networks

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    Numerous image superresolution (SR) algorithms have been proposed for reconstructing high-resolution (HR) images from input images with lower spatial resolutions. However, effectively evaluating the perceptual quality of SR images remains a challenging research problem. In this paper, we propose a no-reference/blind deep neural network-based SR image quality assessor (DeepSRQ). To learn more discriminative feature representations of various distorted SR images, the proposed DeepSRQ is a two-stream convolutional network including two subcomponents for distorted structure and texture SR images. Different from traditional image distortions, the artifacts of SR images cause both image structure and texture quality degradation. Therefore, we choose the two-stream scheme that captures different properties of SR inputs instead of directly learning features from one image stream. Considering the human visual system (HVS) characteristics, the structure stream focuses on extracting features in structural degradations, while the texture stream focuses on the change in textural distributions. In addition, to augment the training data and ensure the category balance, we propose a stride-based adaptive cropping approach for further improvement. Experimental results on three publicly available SR image quality databases demonstrate the effectiveness and generalization ability of our proposed DeepSRQ method compared with state-of-the-art image quality assessment algorithms