179 research outputs found

    Feedback Graph Attention Convolutional Network for Medical Image Enhancement

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    Artifacts, blur and noise are the common distortions degrading MRI images during the acquisition process, and deep neural networks have been demonstrated to help in improving image quality. To well exploit global structural information and texture details, we propose a novel biomedical image enhancement network, named Feedback Graph Attention Convolutional Network (FB-GACN). As a key innovation, we consider the global structure of an image by building a graph network from image sub-regions that we consider to be node features, linking them non-locally according to their similarity. The proposed model consists of three main parts: 1) The parallel graph similarity branch and content branch, where the graph similarity branch aims at exploiting the similarity and symmetry across different image sub-regions in low-resolution feature space and provides additional priors for the content branch to enhance texture details. 2) A feedback mechanism with a recurrent structure to refine low-level representations with high-level information and generate powerful high-level texture details by handling the feedback connections. 3) A reconstruction to remove the artifacts and recover super-resolution images by using the estimated sub-region correlation priors obtained from the graph similarity branch. We evaluate our method on two image enhancement tasks: i) cross-protocol super resolution of diffusion MRI; ii) artifact removal of FLAIR MR images. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: The description of the experiments is not accurate and complete, and some details of equations and expressions should be correcte

    New Techniques for Preserving Global Structure and Denoising with Low Information Loss in Single-Image Super-Resolution

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    This work identifies and addresses two important technical challenges in single-image super-resolution: (1) how to upsample an image without magnifying noise and (2) how to preserve large scale structure when upsampling. We summarize the techniques we developed for our second place entry in Track 1 (Bicubic Downsampling), seventh place entry in Track 2 (Realistic Adverse Conditions), and seventh place entry in Track 3 (Realistic difficult) in the 2018 NTIRE Super-Resolution Challenge. Furthermore, we present new neural network architectures that specifically address the two challenges listed above: denoising and preservation of large-scale structure.Comment: 8 pages, CVPR workshop 201

    Adapting Image Super-Resolution State-of-the-arts and Learning Multi-model Ensemble for Video Super-Resolution

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    Recently, image super-resolution has been widely studied and achieved significant progress by leveraging the power of deep convolutional neural networks. However, there has been limited advancement in video super-resolution (VSR) due to the complex temporal patterns in videos. In this paper, we investigate how to adapt state-of-the-art methods of image super-resolution for video super-resolution. The proposed adapting method is straightforward. The information among successive frames is well exploited, while the overhead on the original image super-resolution method is negligible. Furthermore, we propose a learning-based method to ensemble the outputs from multiple super-resolution models. Our methods show superior performance and rank second in the NTIRE2019 Video Super-Resolution Challenge Track 1

    GRDN:Grouped Residual Dense Network for Real Image Denoising and GAN-based Real-world Noise Modeling

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    Recent research on image denoising has progressed with the development of deep learning architectures, especially convolutional neural networks. However, real-world image denoising is still very challenging because it is not possible to obtain ideal pairs of ground-truth images and real-world noisy images. Owing to the recent release of benchmark datasets, the interest of the image denoising community is now moving toward the real-world denoising problem. In this paper, we propose a grouped residual dense network (GRDN), which is an extended and generalized architecture of the state-of-the-art residual dense network (RDN). The core part of RDN is defined as grouped residual dense block (GRDB) and used as a building module of GRDN. We experimentally show that the image denoising performance can be significantly improved by cascading GRDBs. In addition to the network architecture design, we also develop a new generative adversarial network-based real-world noise modeling method. We demonstrate the superiority of the proposed methods by achieving the highest score in terms of both the peak signal-to-noise ratio and the structural similarity in the NTIRE2019 Real Image Denoising Challenge - Track 2:sRGB.Comment: To appear in CVPR 2019 workshop. The winners of the NTIRE2019 Challenge on Image Denoising Challenge: Track 2 sRG

    Hierarchical Neural Architecture Search for Single Image Super-Resolution

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    Deep neural networks have exhibited promising performance in image super-resolution (SR). Most SR models follow a hierarchical architecture that contains both the cell-level design of computational blocks and the network-level design of the positions of upsampling blocks. However, designing SR models heavily relies on human expertise and is very labor-intensive. More critically, these SR models often contain a huge number of parameters and may not meet the requirements of computation resources in real-world applications. To address the above issues, we propose a Hierarchical Neural Architecture Search (HNAS) method to automatically design promising architectures with different requirements of computation cost. To this end, we design a hierarchical SR search space and propose a hierarchical controller for architecture search. Such a hierarchical controller is able to simultaneously find promising cell-level blocks and network-level positions of upsampling layers. Moreover, to design compact architectures with promising performance, we build a joint reward by considering both the performance and computation cost to guide the search process. Extensive experiments on five benchmark datasets demonstrate the superiority of our method over existing methods.Comment: This paper is accepted by IEEE Signal Processing Letter

    Super-Resolved Image Perceptual Quality Improvement via Multi-Feature Discriminators

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    Generative adversarial network (GAN) for image super-resolution (SR) has attracted enormous interests in recent years. However, the GAN-based SR methods only use image discriminator to distinguish SR images and high-resolution (HR) images. Image discriminator fails to discriminate images accurately since image features cannot be fully expressed. In this paper, we design a new GAN-based SR framework GAN-IMC which includes generator, image discriminator, morphological component discriminator and color discriminator. The combination of multiple feature discriminators improves the accuracy of image discrimination. Adversarial training between the generator and multi-feature discriminators forces SR images to converge with HR images in terms of data and features distribution. Moreover, in some cases, feature enhancement of salient regions is also worth considering. GAN-IMC is further optimized by weighted content loss (GAN-IMCW), which effectively restores and enhances salient regions in SR images. The effectiveness and robustness of our method are confirmed by extensive experiments on public datasets. Compared with state-of-the-art methods, the proposed method not only achieves competitive Perceptual Index (PI) and Natural Image Quality Evaluator (NIQE) values but also obtains pleasant visual perception in image edge, texture, color and salient regions.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, 6 table

    Rain O'er Me: Synthesizing real rain to derain with data distillation

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    We present a supervised technique for learning to remove rain from images without using synthetic rain software. The method is based on a two-stage data distillation approach: 1) A rainy image is first paired with a coarsely derained version using on a simple filtering technique ("rain-to-clean"). 2) Then a clean image is randomly matched with the rainy soft-labeled pair. Through a shared deep neural network, the rain that is removed from the first image is then added to the clean image to generate a second pair ("clean-to-rain"). The neural network simultaneously learns to map both images such that high resolution structure in the clean images can inform the deraining of the rainy images. Demonstrations show that this approach can address those visual characteristics of rain not easily synthesized by software in the usual way

    Dense-Resolution Network for Point Cloud Classification and Segmentation

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    Point cloud analysis is attracting attention from Artificial Intelligence research since it can be widely used in applications such as robotics, Augmented Reality, self-driving. However, it is always challenging due to irregularities, unorderedness, and sparsity. In this article, we propose a novel network named Dense-Resolution Network (DRNet) for point cloud analysis. Our DRNet is designed to learn local point features from the point cloud in different resolutions. In order to learn local point groups more effectively, we present a novel grouping method for local neighborhood searching and an error-minimizing module for capturing local features. In addition to validating the network on widely used point cloud segmentation and classification benchmarks, we also test and visualize the performance of the components. Comparing with other state-of-the-art methods, our network shows superiority on ModelNet40, ShapeNet synthetic and ScanObjectNN real point cloud datasets.Comment: To appear in WACV2021. Codes and models are available at: https://github.com/ShiQiu0419/DRNe

    Camera Lens Super-Resolution

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    Existing methods for single image super-resolution (SR) are typically evaluated with synthetic degradation models such as bicubic or Gaussian downsampling. In this paper, we investigate SR from the perspective of camera lenses, named as CameraSR, which aims to alleviate the intrinsic tradeoff between resolution (R) and field-of-view (V) in realistic imaging systems. Specifically, we view the R-V degradation as a latent model in the SR process and learn to reverse it with realistic low- and high-resolution image pairs. To obtain the paired images, we propose two novel data acquisition strategies for two representative imaging systems (i.e., DSLR and smartphone cameras), respectively. Based on the obtained City100 dataset, we quantitatively analyze the performance of commonly-used synthetic degradation models, and demonstrate the superiority of CameraSR as a practical solution to boost the performance of existing SR methods. Moreover, CameraSR can be readily generalized to different content and devices, which serves as an advanced digital zoom tool in realistic imaging systems. Codes and datasets are available at https://github.com/ngchc/CameraSR.Comment: Accepted by CVPR 201

    Multi-Scale Recursive and Perception-Distortion Controllable Image Super-Resolution

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    We describe our solution for the PIRM Super-Resolution Challenge 2018 where we achieved the 2nd best perceptual quality for average RMSE<=16, 5th best for RMSE<=12.5, and 7th best for RMSE<=11.5. We modify a recently proposed Multi-Grid Back-Projection (MGBP) architecture to work as a generative system with an input parameter that can control the amount of artificial details in the output. We propose a discriminator for adversarial training with the following novel properties: it is multi-scale that resembles a progressive-GAN; it is recursive that balances the architecture of the generator; and it includes a new layer to capture significant statistics of natural images. Finally, we propose a training strategy that avoids conflicts between reconstruction and perceptual losses. Our configuration uses only 281k parameters and upscales each image of the competition in 0.2s in average.Comment: In ECCV 2018 Workshops. Won 2nd place in Region 3 of PIRM-SR Challenge 2018. Code and models are available at https://github.com/pnavarre/pirm-sr-201