99 research outputs found

    Can Continual Learning Improve Long-Tailed Recognition? Toward a Unified Framework

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    The Long-Tailed Recognition (LTR) problem emerges in the context of learning from highly imbalanced datasets, in which the number of samples among different classes is heavily skewed. LTR methods aim to accurately learn a dataset comprising both a larger Head set and a smaller Tail set. We propose a theorem where under the assumption of strong convexity of the loss function, the weights of a learner trained on the full dataset are within an upper bound of the weights of the same learner trained strictly on the Head. Next, we assert that by treating the learning of the Head and Tail as two separate and sequential steps, Continual Learning (CL) methods can effectively update the weights of the learner to learn the Tail without forgetting the Head. First, we validate our theoretical findings with various experiments on the toy MNIST-LT dataset. We then evaluate the efficacy of several CL strategies on multiple imbalanced variations of two standard LTR benchmarks (CIFAR100-LT and CIFAR10-LT), and show that standard CL methods achieve strong performance gains in comparison to baselines and approach solutions that have been tailor-made for LTR. We also assess the applicability of CL techniques on real-world data by exploring CL on the naturally imbalanced Caltech256 dataset and demonstrate its superiority over state-of-the-art classifiers. Our work not only unifies LTR and CL but also paves the way for leveraging advances in CL methods to tackle the LTR challenge more effectively

    LCReg: Long-Tailed Image Classification with Latent Categories based Recognition

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    In this work, we tackle the challenging problem of long-tailed image recognition. Previous long-tailed recognition approaches mainly focus on data augmentation or re-balancing strategies for the tail classes to give them more attention during model training. However, these methods are limited by the small number of training images for the tail classes, which results in poor feature representations. To address this issue, we propose the Latent Categories based long-tail Recognition (LCReg) method. Our hypothesis is that common latent features shared by head and tail classes can be used to improve feature representation. Specifically, we learn a set of class-agnostic latent features shared by both head and tail classes, and then use semantic data augmentation on the latent features to implicitly increase the diversity of the training sample. We conduct extensive experiments on five long-tailed image recognition datasets, and the results show that our proposed method significantly improves the baselines.Comment: accepted by Pattern Recognition. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2206.0101

    Ensemble Modeling for Multimodal Visual Action Recognition

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    In this work, we propose an ensemble modeling approach for multimodal action recognition. We independently train individual modality models using a variant of focal loss tailored to handle the long-tailed distribution of the MECCANO [21] dataset. Based on the underlying principle of focal loss, which captures the relationship between tail (scarce) classes and their prediction difficulties, we propose an exponentially decaying variant of focal loss for our current task. It initially emphasizes learning from the hard misclassified examples and gradually adapts to the entire range of examples in the dataset. This annealing process encourages the model to strike a balance between focusing on the sparse set of hard samples, while still leveraging the information provided by the easier ones. Additionally, we opt for the late fusion strategy to combine the resultant probability distributions from RGB and Depth modalities for final action prediction. Experimental evaluations on the MECCANO dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.Comment: 22nd International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing Workshops - Multimodal Action Recognition on the MECCANO Dataset, 202

    The Devil is the Classifier: Investigating Long Tail Relation Classification with Decoupling Analysis

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    Long-tailed relation classification is a challenging problem as the head classes may dominate the training phase, thereby leading to the deterioration of the tail performance. Existing solutions usually address this issue via class-balancing strategies, e.g., data re-sampling and loss re-weighting, but all these methods adhere to the schema of entangling learning of the representation and classifier. In this study, we conduct an in-depth empirical investigation into the long-tailed problem and found that pre-trained models with instance-balanced sampling already capture the well-learned representations for all classes; moreover, it is possible to achieve better long-tailed classification ability at low cost by only adjusting the classifier. Inspired by this observation, we propose a robust classifier with attentive relation routing, which assigns soft weights by automatically aggregating the relations. Extensive experiments on two datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach. Code and datasets are available in https://github.com/zjunlp/deepke

    Simplifying Neural Network Training Under Class Imbalance

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    Real-world datasets are often highly class-imbalanced, which can adversely impact the performance of deep learning models. The majority of research on training neural networks under class imbalance has focused on specialized loss functions, sampling techniques, or two-stage training procedures. Notably, we demonstrate that simply tuning existing components of standard deep learning pipelines, such as the batch size, data augmentation, optimizer, and label smoothing, can achieve state-of-the-art performance without any such specialized class imbalance methods. We also provide key prescriptions and considerations for training under class imbalance, and an understanding of why imbalance methods succeed or fail.Comment: NeurIPS 2023. Code available at https://github.com/ravidziv/SimplifyingImbalancedTrainin
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