13 research outputs found

    Fairness of Exposure in Dynamic Recommendation

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    Exposure bias is a well-known issue in recommender systems where the exposure is not fairly distributed among items in the recommendation results. This is especially problematic when bias is amplified over time as a few items (e.g., popular ones) are repeatedly over-represented in recommendation lists and users' interactions with those items will amplify bias towards those items over time resulting in a feedback loop. This issue has been extensively studied in the literature in static recommendation environment where a single round of recommendation result is processed to improve the exposure fairness. However, less work has been done on addressing exposure bias in a dynamic recommendation setting where the system is operating over time, the recommendation model and the input data are dynamically updated with ongoing user feedback on recommended items at each round. In this paper, we study exposure bias in a dynamic recommendation setting. Our goal is to show that existing bias mitigation methods that are designed to operate in a static recommendation setting are unable to satisfy fairness of exposure for items in long run. In particular, we empirically study one of these methods and show that repeatedly applying this method fails to fairly distribute exposure among items in long run. To address this limitation, we show how this method can be adapted to effectively operate in a dynamic recommendation setting and achieve exposure fairness for items in long run. Experiments on a real-world dataset confirm that our solution is superior in achieving long-term exposure fairness for the items while maintaining the recommendation accuracy

    Look and You Will Find It:Fairness-Aware Data Collection through Active Learning

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    Machine learning models are often trained on data sets subject to selection bias. In particular, selection bias can be hard to avoid in scenarios where the proportion of positives is low and labeling is expensive, such as fraud detection. However, when selection bias is related to sensitive characteristics such as gender and race, it can result in an unequal distribution of burdens across sensitive groups, where marginalized groups are misrepresented and disproportionately scrutinized. Moreover, when the predictions of existing systems affect the selection of new labels, a feedback loop can occur in which selection bias is amplified over time. In this work, we explore the effectiveness of active learning approaches to mitigate fairnessrelated harm caused by selection bias. Active learning approaches aim to select the most informative instances from unlabeled data. We hypothesize that this characteristic steers data collection towards underexplored areas of the feature space and away from overexplored areas – including areas affectedby selection bias. Our preliminary simulation results confirm the intuition that active learning can mitigate the negative consequences of selection bias, compared to both the baseline scenario and random sampling.<br/

    Debiasing the Human-Recommender System Feedback Loop in Collaborative Filtering

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    Recommender Systems (RSs) are widely used to help online users discover products, books, news, music, movies, courses, restaurants,etc. Because a traditional recommendation strategy always shows the most relevant items (thus with highest predicted rating), traditional RS’s are expected to make popular items become even more popular and non-popular items become even less popular which in turn further divides the haves (popular) from the have-nots (un-popular). Therefore, a major problem with RSs is that they may introduce biases affecting the exposure of items, thus creating a popularity divide of items during the feedback loop that occurs with users, and this may lead the RS to make increasingly biased recommendations over time. In this paper, we view the RS environment as a chain of events that are the result of interactions between users and the RS. Based on that, we propose several debiasing algorithms during this chain of events, and evaluate how these algorithms impact the predictive behavior of the RS, as well as trends in the popularity distribution of items over time. We also propose a novel blind-spot-aware matrix factorization (MF) algorithm to debias the RS. Results show that propensity matrix factorization achieved a certain level of debiasing of the RS while active learning combined with the propensity MF achieved a higher debiasing effect on recommendations