2 research outputs found

    Exploring the Destination Image of China through International Urban Tourism

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    Literature within the tourism discipline emphasized the importance of destination image due to its effect on both supply and demand sides of marketing. Gunn’s seven-stage model illustrated the process and evolution of image formation of a destination has been used as a guiding model in the study. The purpose of this study is to explore the coherence and the difference between pre-conceived images and post-images of China holding by the North American tourists. Purposive sampling was adapted to reach the target participants who fit the study criteria. Qualitative data were collected from eight interviews with participants from Canada and America. Semi-structured interviews with open-ended questions were conducted during October and November 2011. Essences were developed from the analysis of the interview data by conducting initial coding and focused coding. Findings of the study were concluded into three parts: before visiting China; actual travel experiences; and after visiting China. Consistent with Gunn (1972)’s seven-stage theory, findings of the study showed a clear change between pre-conceived images and post-images holding by participants. Images involved from simple, vague, mythical, and stereotypical to comprehensive, realistic, and holistic. Moreover, advantages and problems of the international tourism in China emerged with the progress of data analysis. The findings reflected the perceptions of China in the eyes of North American tourists; consequently, it could contribute to the future tourism practitioners who aim to promote China to be a desirable international tourism destination

    A influência do Facebook e Instagram na escolha da cidade do Porto pelos turistas brasileiros: um estudo quantitativo

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    Orientação: Maria Teresa Ribeiro Candeias ; co-orientação: Jorge RemondesA natureza interativa da internet e das redes sociais acrescenta novas possibilidades para o marketing de destinos turísticos. Conforme apresentado na revisão da literatura, a indução da imagem do destino turístico depende da produção e disseminação de informações do conteúdo, integrando assim, recursos tecnológicos nos processos de comunicação. Assim, uma experiência online é capaz de tornar o destino mais tangível às pessoas e melhorar a imagem que os potenciais turistas possuem ao seu respeito, a influenciar desta forma na decisão do destino de férias. Sendo assim, este estudo tem como propósito verificar se as páginas, perfis e publicações relacionados a cidade do Porto, no Facebook e Instagram, são efetivamente relevantes, resultam em uma imagem positiva e influenciam os turistas brasileiros a visitarem o destino. Efetuou-se uma investigação de natureza quantitativa, exploratória e não probabilística, baseada na literatura e aplicação de um questionário online (a amostra é constituída por 225 questionários válidos). Para análise dos resultados obtidos foi feita uma análise estatística descritiva. Os resultados obtidos nesta investigação evidenciam que as informações disponíveis no Facebook e Instagram podem influenciar os turistas brasileiros que escolhem a cidade do Porto como destino a visitar. Para além, foi possível corroborar, de forma significativa, a relação entre as redes sociais e a imagem do destino turístico, assim como, a relação entre as redes sociais e a intenção de visitar o destino turístico. Destaca-se, pelos resultados alcançados, a confirmação da importância das estratégias de marketing nas redes sociais pelas organizações de turismo e a interação gerada no ambiente online também por parte dos turistas. Neste contexto, sugere-se um maior esforço por parte das organizações de turismo para o planeamento e desenvolvimento deste tipo de estratégias específicas, para que se possa melhorar a imagem do destino e estimular a intenção de visita de potencias turistas, neste estudo em específico de turistas brasileiros.The interactive nature of the internet and social networks adds new possibilities for tourist destination marketing. As presented in the literature review, an image induction of the tourist destination depends on the production and dissemination of content information, thus integrating technological resources in communication processes. Therefore, an online experience can make the destination more tangible for people and improve the image that potential tourists have of them, thus influencing the decision of vacation destination. This study aims to investigate if the pages, profiles and publications, related to Porto city, on Facebook and Instagram are effectively relevant, allow to have a positive image and influencing brazilian tourists to visit the destination. A quantitative, exploratory and non-probabilistic nature investigation was carried on, based on the literature and applying an online survey (the sample consists of 225 validated questionnaires). For the results, a descriptive statistical analysis was made. The results obtained in this research demonstrated that the information available on Facebook and Instagram can influence brazilian tourists who choose the Porto city as a destination to visit. Beyond, it was possible to confirm, significantly, a relationship between social networks and the tourist destination image, as well as relationship between social networks and the intention to visit the tourist destination. Based on the results achieved, is it possible confirm the marketing strategies impact on social networks by tourism organizations and the interaction generated in the context, a greater effort by tourism organizations is suggested for the planning and development of this type of specific strategy, so that the image of the destination can be improved and the intention of visiting from potential tourists to be stimulated, in this specific study of brasilian tourists