11 research outputs found

    Decompositions of Triangle-Dense Graphs

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    High triangle density -- the graph property stating that a constant fraction of two-hop paths belong to a triangle -- is a common signature of social networks. This paper studies triangle-dense graphs from a structural perspective. We prove constructively that significant portions of a triangle-dense graph are contained in a disjoint union of dense, radius 2 subgraphs. This result quantifies the extent to which triangle-dense graphs resemble unions of cliques. We also show that our algorithm recovers planted clusterings in approximation-stable k-median instances.Comment: 20 pages. Version 1->2: Minor edits. 2->3: Strengthened {\S}3.5, removed appendi

    Testing for high-dimensional geometry in random graphs

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    We study the problem of detecting the presence of an underlying high-dimensional geometric structure in a random graph. Under the null hypothesis, the observed graph is a realization of an Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graph G(n,p)G(n,p). Under the alternative, the graph is generated from the G(n,p,d)G(n,p,d) model, where each vertex corresponds to a latent independent random vector uniformly distributed on the sphere Sd1\mathbb{S}^{d-1}, and two vertices are connected if the corresponding latent vectors are close enough. In the dense regime (i.e., pp is a constant), we propose a near-optimal and computationally efficient testing procedure based on a new quantity which we call signed triangles. The proof of the detection lower bound is based on a new bound on the total variation distance between a Wishart matrix and an appropriately normalized GOE matrix. In the sparse regime, we make a conjecture for the optimal detection boundary. We conclude the paper with some preliminary steps on the problem of estimating the dimension in G(n,p,d)G(n,p,d).Comment: 28 pages; v2 contains minor change

    Finding the Hierarchy of Dense Subgraphs using Nucleus Decompositions

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    Finding dense substructures in a graph is a fundamental graph mining operation, with applications in bioinformatics, social networks, and visualization to name a few. Yet most standard formulations of this problem (like clique, quasiclique, k-densest subgraph) are NP-hard. Furthermore, the goal is rarely to find the "true optimum", but to identify many (if not all) dense substructures, understand their distribution in the graph, and ideally determine relationships among them. Current dense subgraph finding algorithms usually optimize some objective, and only find a few such subgraphs without providing any structural relations. We define the nucleus decomposition of a graph, which represents the graph as a forest of nuclei. Each nucleus is a subgraph where smaller cliques are present in many larger cliques. The forest of nuclei is a hierarchy by containment, where the edge density increases as we proceed towards leaf nuclei. Sibling nuclei can have limited intersections, which enables discovering overlapping dense subgraphs. With the right parameters, the nucleus decomposition generalizes the classic notions of k-cores and k-truss decompositions. We give provably efficient algorithms for nucleus decompositions, and empirically evaluate their behavior in a variety of real graphs. The tree of nuclei consistently gives a global, hierarchical snapshot of dense substructures, and outputs dense subgraphs of higher quality than other state-of-the-art solutions. Our algorithm can process graphs with tens of millions of edges in less than an hour

    Extending adjacency matrices to 3D with triangles

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    Social networks are the fabric of society and the subject of frequent visual analysis. Closed triads represent triangular relationships between three people in a social network and are significant for understanding inherent interconnections and influence within the network. The most common methods for representing social networks (node-link diagrams and adjacency matrices) are not optimal for understanding triangles. We propose extending the adjacency matrix form to 3D for better visualization of network triads. We design a 3D matrix reordering technique and implement an immersive interactive system to assist in visualizing and analyzing closed triads in social networks. A user study and usage scenarios demonstrate that our method provides substantial added value over node-link diagrams in improving the efficiency and accuracy of manipulating and understanding the social network triads.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures and 3 table