66 research outputs found

    Irrationality of generic quotient varieties via Bogomolov multipliers

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    The Bogomolov multiplier of a group is the unramified Brauer group associated to the quotient variety of a faithful representation of the group. This object is an obstruction for the quotient variety to be stably rational. The purpose of this paper is to study these multipliers associated to nilpotent pro-pp groups by transporting them to their associated Lie algebras. Special focus is set on the case of pp-adic Lie groups of nilpotency class 22, where we analyse the moduli space. This is then applied to give information on asymptotic behaviour of multipliers of finite images of such groups of exponent pp. We show that with fixed nn and increasing pp, a positive proportion of these groups of order pnp^n have trivial multipliers. On the other hand, we show that by fixing pp and increasing nn, log-generic groups of order pnp^n have non-trivial multipliers. Whence quotient varieties of faithful representations of log-generic pp-groups are not stably rational. Applications in non-commutative Iwasawa theory are developed.Comment: 34 pages; improved expositio

    When does the associated graded Lie algebra of an arrangement group decompose?

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    Let \A be a complex hyperplane arrangement, with fundamental group G and holonomy Lie algebra \H. Suppose \H_3 is a free abelian group of minimum possible rank, given the values the M\"obius function \mu: \L_2\to \Z takes on the rank 2 flats of \A. Then the associated graded Lie algebra of G decomposes (in degrees 2 and higher) as a direct product of free Lie algebras. In particular, the ranks of the lower central series quotients of the group are given by \phi_r(G)=\sum_{X\in \L_2} \phi_r(F_{\mu(X)}), for r\ge 2. We illustrate this new Lower Central Series formula with several families of examples.Comment: 14 pages, accepted for publication by Commentarii Mathematici Helvetic

    On derived-indecomposable solutions of the Yang--Baxter equation

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    If (X,r)(X,r) is a finite non-degenerate set-theoretic solution of the Yang--Baxter equation, the additive group of the structure skew brace G(X,r)G(X,r) is an FCFC-group, i.e. a group whose elements have finitely many conjugates. Moreover, its multiplicative group is virtually abelian, so it is also close to an FCFC-group itself. If one additionally assumes that the derived solution of (X,r)(X,r) is indecomposable, then for every element bb of G(X,r)G(X,r) there are finitely many elements of the form b∗cb*c and c∗bc*b, with c∈G(X,r)c\in G(X,r). This naturally leads to the study of a brace-theoretic analogue of the class of FCFC-groups. For this class of skew braces, the fundamental results and their connections with the solutions of the YBE are described: we prove that they have good torsion and radical theories and they behave well with respect to certain nilpotency concepts and finite generation.Comment: 24 pages. Accepted for publication in Publicacions Matem\`atique

    Integral motives, relative Krull-Schmidt principle, and Maranda-type theorems

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    In the present article we investigate properties of the category of the integral Grothendieck-Chow motives over a field. We discuss the Krull-Schmidt principle for integral motives, provide a complete list of the generalized Severi-Brauer varieties with indecomposable integral motive, and exploit a relation between the category of motives of twisted flag varieties and integral pp-adic representations of finite groups

    Varieties of soluble groups

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    Author index to volumes 11–20

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    Formality and finiteness in rational homotopy theory

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    We explore various formality and finiteness properties in the differential graded algebra models for the Sullivan algebra of piecewise polynomial rational forms on a space. The 1-formality property of the space may be reinterpreted in terms of the filtered and graded formality properties of the Malcev Lie algebra of its fundamental group, while some of the finiteness properties of the space are mirrored in the finiteness properties of algebraic models associated with it. In turn, the formality and finiteness properties of algebraic models have strong implications on the geometry of the cohomology jump loci of the space. We illustrate the theory with examples drawn from complex algebraic geometry, actions of compact Lie groups, and 3-dimensional manifolds.Comment: 81 pages; prepared for a volume dedicated to Dennis Sullivan's 80th birthda

    A notion of geometric complexity and its application to topological rigidity

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    We introduce a geometric invariant, called finite decomposition complexity (FDC), to study topological rigidity of manifolds. We prove for instance that if the fundamental group of a compact aspherical manifold M has FDC, and if N is homotopy equivalent to M, then M x R^n is homeomorphic to N x R^n, for n large enough. This statement is known as the stable Borel conjecture. On the other hand, we show that the class of FDC groups includes all countable subgroups of GL(n,K), for any field K, all elementary amenable groups, and is closed under taking subgroups, extensions, free amalgamated products, HNN extensions, and direct unions.Comment: 58 pages, 5 figure
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