4 research outputs found

    Declarative Semantics for Active Rules

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    In this paper we analyze declarative deterministic and non-deterministic semantics for active rules. In particular we consider several (partial) stable model semantics, previously defined for deductive rules, such as well-founded, max deterministic, unique total stable model, total stable model, and maximal stable model semantics. The semantics of an active program AP is given by first rewriting it into a deductive program P, then computing a model M defining the declarative semantics of P and, finally, applying `consistent' updates contained in M to the source database. The framework we propose permits a natural integration of deductive and active rules and can also be applied to queries with function symbols or to queries over infinite databases.Comment: 27 page

    Verification, Validation and Integrity of Distributed and Interchanged Rule Based Policies and Contracts in the Semantic Web

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    Rule-based policy and contract systems have rarely been studied in terms of their software engineering properties. This is a serious omission, because in rule-based policy or contract representation languages rules are being used as a declarative programming language to formalize real-world decision logic and create IS production systems upon. This paper adopts an SE methodology from extreme programming, namely test driven development, and discusses how it can be adapted to verification, validation and integrity testing (V&V&I) of policy and contract specifications. Since, the test-driven approach focuses on the behavioral aspects and the drawn conclusions instead of the structure of the rule base and the causes of faults, it is independent of the complexity of the rule language and the system under test and thus much easier to use and understand for the rule engineer and the user.Comment: A.Paschke: Verification, Validation, Integrity of Rule Based Policies and Contracts in the Semantic Web, 2nd International Semantic Web Policy Workshop (SWPW'06), Nov. 5-9, 2006, Athens, GA, US

    The Reaction RuleML Classification of the Event / Action / State Processing and Reasoning Space

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    Reaction RuleML is a general, practical, compact and user-friendly XML-serialized language for the family of reaction rules. In this white paper we give a review of the history of event / action /state processing and reaction rule approaches and systems in different domains, define basic concepts and give a classification of the event, action, state processing and reasoning space as well as a discussion of relevant / related workComment: The Reaction RuleML Classification of the Event / Action / State Processing and Reasoning Space extracted from Paschke, A.: ECA-RuleML: An Approach combining ECA Rules with temporal interval-based KR Event/Action Logics and Transactional Update Logics, Internet-based Information Systems, Technical University Munich, Technical Report 11 / 200

    ECA-RuleML: An Approach combining ECA Rules with temporal interval-based KR Event/Action Logics and Transactional Update Logics

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    An important problem to be addressed within Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) is how to correctly and efficiently capture and process the event/action-based logic. This paper endeavors to bridge the gap between the Knowledge Representation (KR) approaches based on durable events/actions and such formalisms as event calculus, on one hand, and event-condition-action (ECA) reaction rules extending the approach of active databases that view events as instantaneous occurrences and/or sequences of events, on the other. We propose formalism based on reaction rules (ECA rules) and a novel interval-based event logic and present concrete RuleML-based syntax, semantics and implementation. We further evaluate this approach theoretically, experimentally and on an example derived from common industry use cases and illustrate its benefits.Comment: Republished in Paschke, A.: ECA-RuleML/ECA-LP: A Homogeneous Event-Condition-Action Logic Programming Language, Int. Conf. of Rule Markup Languages (RuleML'06), Athens, Georgia, USA, 200