2 research outputs found

    Evidential Identification of New Target based on Residual

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    Both incompleteness of frame of discernment and interference of data will lead to conflict evidence and wrong fusion. However how to identify new target that is out of frame of discernment is important but difficult when it is possible that data are interfered. In this paper, evidential identification based on residual is proposed to identify new target that is out of frame of discernment when it is possible that data are interfered. Through finding the numerical relation in different attributes, regress equations are established among various attributes in frame of discernment. And then collected data will be adjusted according to three mean value. Finally according to weighted residual it is able to decide whether the target requested to identify is new target. Numerical examples are used to verify this method

    Decision-Making Algorithm for Multisensor Fusion Based on Grey Relation and DS Evidence Theory

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    Decision-making algorithm, as the key technology for uncertain data fusion, is the core to obtain reasonable multisensor information fusion results. DS evidence theory is a typical and widely applicable decision-making method. However, DS evidence theory makes decisions without considering the sensors’ difference, which may lead to illogical results. In this paper, we present a novel decision-making algorithm for uncertain fusion based on grey relation and DS evidence theory. The proposed algorithm comprehensively takes consideration of sensor’s credibility and evidence’s overall discriminability, which can solve the uncertainty problems caused by inconsistence of sensors themselves and complexity of monitoring environment and simultaneously ensure the validity and accuracy of fusion results. The innovative decision-making algorithm firstly obtains the sensor’s credibility through the introduction of grey relation theory and then defines two impact factors as sensor’s credibility and evidence’s overall discriminability according to the focal element analyses and evidence’s distance analysis, respectively; after that, it uses the impact factors to modify the evidences and finally gets more reasonable and effective results through DS combination rule. Simulation results and analyses demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can overcome the trouble caused by large evidence conflict and one-vote veto, which indicates that it can improve the ability of target judgment and enhance precision of uncertain data fusion. Thus the novel decision-making method has a certain application value