2 research outputs found

    Decision support information system for hardly diagnosing diseases

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    The paper describes research and development of mathematical based software diagnostic service and applied interfaces for it, which together presents medical decision support information system. First implementation in diagnosis of children hypermobility syndrome proposed. This work was carried out by IT-park of PetrSU in the collaboration with Department of Pediatrics. The diagnostic service uses innovative mathematical method named diagnostic iteration model. This model is abstract and can be applied in diagnosis of large number of diseases, diacrisis of which are not formalized and are held on the grounds of indirect signs and symptoms

    The research platform for building medical diagnostic services

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    This paper describes research and development of a software platform for processing medical diagnostic data. This work is carried out by the IT-park of PetrSU in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine. The aim of the Platform development is to present universal software tools for research done on the basis of the initial information on the diseases, and the mathematical methods of data processing. The paper describes the software platform general architecture, as well as the methods of diagnostic rules creation using the iteration model and the poly-procedural approach. The offered methods have sufficient generality and can be applied in research of a wide range of diseases