5 research outputs found

    Offline Reinforcement Learning with Pseudometric Learning

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    Offline Reinforcement Learning methods seek to learn a policy from logged transitions of an environment, without any interaction. In the presence of function approximation, and under the assumption of limited coverage of the state-action space of the environment, it is necessary to enforce the policy to visit state-action pairs close to the support of logged transitions. In this work, we propose an iterative procedure to learn a pseudometric (closely related to bisimulation metrics) from logged transitions, and use it to define this notion of closeness. We show its convergence and extend it to the function approximation setting. We then use this pseudometric to define a new lookup based bonus in an actor-critic algorithm: PLOFF. This bonus encourages the actor to stay close, in terms of the defined pseudometric, to the support of logged transitions. Finally, we evaluate the method on hand manipulation and locomotion tasks.Comment: ICML 202

    Decision Tree Methods for Finding Reusable MDP Homomorphisms

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    State abstraction is a useful tool for agents interacting with complex environments. Good state abstractions are compact, reuseable, and easy to learn from sample data. This paper combines and extends two existing classes of state abstraction methods to achieve these criteria. The first class of methods search for MDP homomorphisms (Ravindran 2004), which produce models of reward and transition probabilities in an abstract state space. The second class of methods, like the UTree algorithm (McCallum 1995), learn compact models of the value function quickly from sample data. Models based on MDP homomorphisms can easily be extended such that they are usable across tasks with similar reward functions. However, value based methods like UTree cannot be extended in this fashion. We present results showing a new, combined algorithm that fulfills all three criteria: the resulting models are compact, can be learned quickly from sample data, and can be used across a class of reward functions