4 research outputs found

    The FC-rank of a context-free language

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    We prove that the finite condensation rank (FC-rank) of the lexicographic ordering of a context-free language is strictly less than ωω\omega^\omega

    Representing Small Ordinals by Finite Automata

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    It is known that an ordinal is the order type of the lexicographic ordering of a regular language if and only if it is less than omega^omega. We design a polynomial time algorithm that constructs, for each well-ordered regular language L with respect to the lexicographic ordering, given by a deterministic finite automaton, the Cantor Normal Form of its order type. It follows that there is a polynomial time algorithm to decide whether two deterministic finite automata accepting well-ordered regular languages accept isomorphic languages. We also give estimates on the size of the smallest automaton representing an ordinal less than omega^omega, together with an algorithm that translates each such ordinal to an automaton