3 research outputs found

    New FPT algorithms for finding the temporal hybridization number for sets of phylogenetic trees

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    We study the problem of finding a temporal hybridization network for a set of phylogenetic trees that minimizes the number of reticulations. First, we introduce an FPT algorithm for this problem on an arbitrary set of mm binary trees with nn leaves each with a running time of O(5kâ‹…nâ‹…m)O(5^k\cdot n\cdot m), where kk is the minimum temporal hybridization number. We also present the concept of temporal distance, which is a measure for how close a tree-child network is to being temporal. Then we introduce an algorithm for computing a tree-child network with temporal distance at most dd and at most kk reticulations in O((8k)d5kâ‹…nâ‹…m)O((8k)^d5^ k\cdot n\cdot m) time. Lastly, we introduce a O(6kk!â‹…kâ‹…n2)O(6^kk!\cdot k\cdot n^2) time algorithm for computing a minimum temporal hybridization network for a set of two nonbinary trees. We also provide an implementation of all algorithms and an experimental analysis on their performance

    Deciding the existence of a cherry-picking sequence is hard on two trees

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    Here we show that deciding whether two rooted binary phylogenetic trees on the same set of taxa permit a cherry-picking sequence, a special type of elimination order on the taxa, is NP-complete. This improves on an earlier result which proved hardness for eight or more trees. Via a known equivalence between cherry-picking sequences and temporal phylogenetic networks, our result proves that it is NP-complete to determine the existence of a temporal phylogenetic network that contains topological embeddings of both trees. The hardness result also greatly strengthens previous inapproximability results for the minimum temporal-hybridization number problem. This is the optimization version of the problem where we wish to construct a temporal phylogenetic network that topologically embeds two given rooted binary phylogenetic trees and that has a minimum number of indegree-2 nodes, which represent events such as hybridization and horizontal gene transfer. We end on a positive note, pointing out that fixed parameter tractability results in this area are likely to ensure the continued relevance of the temporal phylogenetic network model.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Optimizatio