758 research outputs found

    On the Q-linear convergence of Distributed Generalized ADMM under non-strongly convex function components

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    Solving optimization problems in multi-agent networks where each agent only has partial knowledge of the problem has become an increasingly important problem. In this paper we consider the problem of minimizing the sum of nn convex functions. We assume that each function is only known by one agent. We show that Generalized Distributed ADMM converges Q-linearly to the solution of the mentioned optimization problem if the over all objective function is strongly convex but the functions known by each agent are allowed to be only convex. Establishing Q-linear convergence allows for tracking statements that can not be made if only R-linear convergence is guaranteed. Further, we establish the equivalence between Generalized Distributed ADMM and P-EXTRA for a sub-set of mixing matrices. This equivalence yields insights in the convergence of P-EXTRA when overshooting to accelerate convergence.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Network

    Linearized ADMM for Non-convex Non-smooth Optimization with Convergence Analysis

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    Linearized alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) as an extension of ADMM has been widely used to solve linearly constrained problems in signal processing, machine leaning, communications, and many other fields. Despite its broad applications in nonconvex optimization, for a great number of nonconvex and nonsmooth objective functions, its theoretical convergence guarantee is still an open problem. In this paper, we propose a two-block linearized ADMM and a multi-block parallel linearized ADMM for problems with nonconvex and nonsmooth objectives. Mathematically, we present that the algorithms can converge for a broader class of objective functions under less strict assumptions compared with previous works. Furthermore, our proposed algorithm can update coupled variables in parallel and work for less restrictive nonconvex problems, where the traditional ADMM may have difficulties in solving subproblems.Comment: 29 pages, 2 tables, 2 figure

    Scalable Electric Vehicle Charging Protocols

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    Although electric vehicles are considered a viable solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, their uncoordinated charging could have adverse effects on power system operation. Nevertheless, the task of optimal electric vehicle charging scales unfavorably with the fleet size and the number of control periods, especially when distribution grid limitations are enforced. To this end, vehicle charging is first tackled using the recently revived Frank-Wolfe method. The novel decentralized charging protocol has minimal computational requirements from vehicle controllers, enjoys provable acceleration over existing alternatives, enhances the security of the pricing mechanism against data attacks, and protects user privacy. To comply with voltage limits, a network-constrained EV charging problem is subsequently formulated. Leveraging a linearized model for unbalanced distribution grids, the goal is to minimize the power supply cost while respecting critical voltage regulation and substation capacity limitations. Optimizing variables across grid nodes is accomplished by exchanging information only between neighboring buses via the alternating direction method of multipliers. Numerical tests corroborate the optimality and efficiency of the novel schemes

    DQM: Decentralized Quadratically Approximated Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers

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    This paper considers decentralized consensus optimization problems where nodes of a network have access to different summands of a global objective function. Nodes cooperate to minimize the global objective by exchanging information with neighbors only. A decentralized version of the alternating directions method of multipliers (DADMM) is a common method for solving this category of problems. DADMM exhibits linear convergence rate to the optimal objective but its implementation requires solving a convex optimization problem at each iteration. This can be computationally costly and may result in large overall convergence times. The decentralized quadratically approximated ADMM algorithm (DQM), which minimizes a quadratic approximation of the objective function that DADMM minimizes at each iteration, is proposed here. The consequent reduction in computational time is shown to have minimal effect on convergence properties. Convergence still proceeds at a linear rate with a guaranteed constant that is asymptotically equivalent to the DADMM linear convergence rate constant. Numerical results demonstrate advantages of DQM relative to DADMM and other alternatives in a logistic regression problem.Comment: 13 page

    A Linearly Convergent Proximal Gradient Algorithm for Decentralized Optimization

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    Decentralized optimization is a powerful paradigm that finds applications in engineering and learning design. This work studies decentralized composite optimization problems with non-smooth regularization terms. Most existing gradient-based proximal decentralized methods are known to converge to the optimal solution with sublinear rates, and it remains unclear whether this family of methods can achieve global linear convergence. To tackle this problem, this work assumes the non-smooth regularization term is common across all networked agents, which is the case for many machine learning problems. Under this condition, we design a proximal gradient decentralized algorithm whose fixed point coincides with the desired minimizer. We then provide a concise proof that establishes its linear convergence. In the absence of the non-smooth term, our analysis technique covers the well known EXTRA algorithm and provides useful bounds on the convergence rate and step-size.Comment: NeurIPS 201

    Distributed Robust Power System State Estimation

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    Deregulation of energy markets, penetration of renewables, advanced metering capabilities, and the urge for situational awareness, all call for system-wide power system state estimation (PSSE). Implementing a centralized estimator though is practically infeasible due to the complexity scale of an interconnection, the communication bottleneck in real-time monitoring, regional disclosure policies, and reliability issues. In this context, distributed PSSE methods are treated here under a unified and systematic framework. A novel algorithm is developed based on the alternating direction method of multipliers. It leverages existing PSSE solvers, respects privacy policies, exhibits low communication load, and its convergence to the centralized estimates is guaranteed even in the absence of local observability. Beyond the conventional least-squares based PSSE, the decentralized framework accommodates a robust state estimator. By exploiting interesting links to the compressive sampling advances, the latter jointly estimates the state and identifies corrupted measurements. The novel algorithms are numerically evaluated using the IEEE 14-, 118-bus, and a 4,200-bus benchmarks. Simulations demonstrate that the attainable accuracy can be reached within a few inter-area exchanges, while largest residual tests are outperformed.Comment: Revised submission to IEEE Trans. on Power System

    Input-output analysis and decentralized optimal control of inter-area oscillations in power systems

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    Local and inter-area oscillations in bulk power systems are typically identified using spatial profiles of poorly damped modes, and they are mitigated via carefully tuned decentralized controllers. In this paper, we employ non-modal tools to analyze and control inter-area oscillations. Our input-output analysis examines power spectral density and variance amplification of stochastically forced systems and offers new insights relative to modal approaches. To improve upon the limitations of conventional wide-area control strategies, we also study the problem of signal selection and optimal design of sparse and block-sparse wide-area controllers. In our design, we preserve rotational symmetry of the power system by allowing only relative angle measurements in the distributed controllers. For the IEEE 39 New England model, we examine performance tradeoffs and robustness of different control architectures and show that optimal retuning of fully-decentralized control strategies can effectively guard against local and inter-area oscillations.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Trans. Power Sys

    Decentralized Accelerated Gradient Methods With Increasing Penalty Parameters

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    In this paper, we study the communication and (sub)gradient computation costs in distributed optimization and give a sharp complexity analysis for the proposed distributed accelerated gradient methods. We present two algorithms based on the framework of the accelerated penalty method with increasing penalty parameters. Our first algorithm is for smooth distributed optimization and it obtains the near optimal O(Lϵ(1σ2(W))log1ϵ)O\left(\sqrt{\frac{L}{\epsilon(1-\sigma_2(W))}}\log\frac{1}{\epsilon}\right) communication complexity and the optimal O(Lϵ)O\left(\sqrt{\frac{L}{\epsilon}}\right) gradient computation complexity for LL-smooth convex problems, where σ2(W)\sigma_2(W) denotes the second largest singular value of the weight matrix WW associated to the network and ϵ\epsilon is the target accuracy. When the problem is μ\mu-strongly convex and LL-smooth, our algorithm has the near optimal O(Lμ(1σ2(W))log21ϵ)O\left(\sqrt{\frac{L}{\mu(1-\sigma_2(W))}}\log^2\frac{1}{\epsilon}\right) complexity for communications and the optimal O(Lμlog1ϵ)O\left(\sqrt{\frac{L}{\mu}}\log\frac{1}{\epsilon}\right) complexity for gradient computations. Our communication complexities are only worse by a factor of (log1ϵ)\left(\log\frac{1}{\epsilon}\right) than the lower bounds for the smooth distributed optimization. %As far as we know, our method is the first to achieve both communication and gradient computation lower bounds up to an extra logarithm factor for smooth distributed optimization. Our second algorithm is designed for non-smooth distributed optimization and it achieves both the optimal O(1ϵ1σ2(W))O\left(\frac{1}{\epsilon\sqrt{1-\sigma_2(W)}}\right) communication complexity and O(1ϵ2)O\left(\frac{1}{\epsilon^2}\right) subgradient computation complexity, which match the communication and subgradient computation complexity lower bounds for non-smooth distributed optimization.Comment: The previous name of this paper was "A Sharp Convergence Rate Analysis for Distributed Accelerated Gradient Methods". The contents are consisten

    On the Duality Gap Convergence of ADMM Methods

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    This paper provides a duality gap convergence analysis for the standard ADMM as well as a linearized version of ADMM. It is shown that under appropriate conditions, both methods achieve linear convergence. However, the standard ADMM achieves a faster accelerated convergence rate than that of the linearized ADMM. A simple numerical example is used to illustrate the difference in convergence behavior

    Decentralized Dynamic Optimization for Power Network Voltage Control

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    Voltage control in power distribution networks has been greatly challenged by the increasing penetration of volatile and intermittent devices. These devices can also provide limited reactive power resources that can be used to regulate the network-wide voltage. A decentralized voltage control strategy can be designed by minimizing a quadratic voltage mismatch error objective using gradient-projection (GP) updates. Coupled with the power network flow, the local voltage can provide the instantaneous gradient information. This paper aims to analyze the performance of this decentralized GP-based voltage control design under two dynamic scenarios: i) the nodes perform the decentralized update in an asynchronous fashion, and ii) the network operating condition is time-varying. For the asynchronous voltage control, we improve the existing convergence condition by recognizing that the voltage based gradient is always up-to-date. By modeling the network dynamics using an autoregressive process and considering time-varying resource constraints, we provide an error bound in tracking the instantaneous optimal solution to the quadratic error objective. This result can be extended to more general \textit{constrained dynamic optimization} problems with smooth strongly convex objective functions under stochastic processes that have bounded iterative changes. Extensive numerical tests have been performed to demonstrate and validate our analytical results for realistic power networks