5 research outputs found

    Markov Chain Mirror Descent On Data Federation

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    Stochastic optimization methods such as mirror descent have wide applications due to low computational cost. Those methods have been well studied under assumption of the independent and identical distribution, and usually achieve sublinear rate of convergence. However, this assumption may be too strong and unpractical in real application scenarios. Recent researches investigate stochastic gradient descent when instances are sampled from a Markov chain. Unfortunately, few results are known for stochastic mirror descent. In the paper, we propose a new version of stochastic mirror descent termed by MarchOn in the scenario of the federated learning. Given a distributed network, the model iteratively travels from a node to one of its neighbours randomly. Furthermore, we propose a new framework to analyze MarchOn, which yields best rates of convergence for convex, strongly convex, and non-convex loss. Finally, we conduct empirical studies to evaluate the convergence of MarchOn, and validate theoretical results

    Two-timescale Derivative Free Optimization for Performative Prediction with Markovian Data

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    This paper studies the performative prediction problem where a learner aims to minimize the expected loss with a decision-dependent data distribution. Such setting is motivated when outcomes can be affected by the prediction model, e.g., in strategic classification. We consider a state-dependent setting where the data distribution evolves according to an underlying controlled Markov chain. We focus on stochastic derivative free optimization (DFO) where the learner is given access to a loss function evaluation oracle with the above Markovian data. We propose a two-timescale DFO(\lambda) algorithm that features (i) a sample accumulation mechanism that utilizes every observed sample to estimate the overall gradient of performative risk, and (ii) a two-timescale diminishing step size that balances the rates of DFO updates and bias reduction. Under a general non-convex optimization setting, we show that DFO(\lambda) requires O(1/3){\cal O}( 1 /\epsilon^3) samples (up to a log factor) to attain a near-stationary solution with expected squared gradient norm less than >0\epsilon > 0. Numerical experiments verify our analysis.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figure

    Stability and Generalization for Markov Chain Stochastic Gradient Methods

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    Recently there is a large amount of work devoted to the study of Markov chain stochastic gradient methods (MC-SGMs) which mainly focus on their convergence analysis for solving minimization problems. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive generalization analysis of MC-SGMs for both minimization and minimax problems through the lens of algorithmic stability in the framework of statistical learning theory. For empirical risk minimization (ERM) problems, we establish the optimal excess population risk bounds for both smooth and non-smooth cases by introducing on-average argument stability. For minimax problems, we develop a quantitative connection between on-average argument stability and generalization error which extends the existing results for uniform stability \cite{lei2021stability}. We further develop the first nearly optimal convergence rates for convex-concave problems both in expectation and with high probability, which, combined with our stability results, show that the optimal generalization bounds can be attained for both smooth and non-smooth cases. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first generalization analysis of SGMs when the gradients are sampled from a Markov process