83 research outputs found

    Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation with Limited Data to Reveal Subtle Phenotypes

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    Unpaired image-to-image translation methods aim at learning a mapping of images from a source domain to a target domain. Recently, these methods proved to be very useful in biological applications to display subtle phenotypic cell variations otherwise invisible to the human eye. However, current models require a large number of images to be trained, while mostmicroscopy experiments remain limited in the number of images they can produce. In this work, we present an improved CycleGAN architecture that employs self-supervised discriminators to alleviate the need for numerous images. We demonstrate quantitatively and qualitatively that the proposed approach outperforms the CycleGAN baseline, including when it is combined with differentiable augmentations. We also provide results obtained with small biological datasets on obvious and non-obvious cell phenotype variations, demonstrating a straightforward application of this method

    A Review of Adversarial Attacks in Computer Vision

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    Deep neural networks have been widely used in various downstream tasks, especially those safety-critical scenario such as autonomous driving, but deep networks are often threatened by adversarial samples. Such adversarial attacks can be invisible to human eyes, but can lead to DNN misclassification, and often exhibits transferability between deep learning and machine learning models and real-world achievability. Adversarial attacks can be divided into white-box attacks, for which the attacker knows the parameters and gradient of the model, and black-box attacks, for the latter, the attacker can only obtain the input and output of the model. In terms of the attacker's purpose, it can be divided into targeted attacks and non-targeted attacks, which means that the attacker wants the model to misclassify the original sample into the specified class, which is more practical, while the non-targeted attack just needs to make the model misclassify the sample. The black box setting is a scenario we will encounter in practice

    Visually Adversarial Attacks and Defenses in the Physical World: A Survey

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    Although Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have been widely applied in various real-world scenarios, they are vulnerable to adversarial examples. The current adversarial attacks in computer vision can be divided into digital attacks and physical attacks according to their different attack forms. Compared with digital attacks, which generate perturbations in the digital pixels, physical attacks are more practical in the real world. Owing to the serious security problem caused by physically adversarial examples, many works have been proposed to evaluate the physically adversarial robustness of DNNs in the past years. In this paper, we summarize a survey versus the current physically adversarial attacks and physically adversarial defenses in computer vision. To establish a taxonomy, we organize the current physical attacks from attack tasks, attack forms, and attack methods, respectively. Thus, readers can have a systematic knowledge of this topic from different aspects. For the physical defenses, we establish the taxonomy from pre-processing, in-processing, and post-processing for the DNN models to achieve full coverage of the adversarial defenses. Based on the above survey, we finally discuss the challenges of this research field and further outlook on the future direction

    Toward Robust Sensing for Autonomous Vehicles: An Adversarial Perspective

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    Autonomous Vehicles rely on accurate and robust sensor observations for safety critical decision-making in a variety of conditions. Fundamental building blocks of such systems are sensors and classifiers that process ultrasound, RADAR, GPS, LiDAR and camera signals~\cite{Khan2018}. It is of primary importance that the resulting decisions are robust to perturbations, which can take the form of different types of nuisances and data transformations, and can even be adversarial perturbations (APs). Adversarial perturbations are purposefully crafted alterations of the environment or of the sensory measurements, with the objective of attacking and defeating the autonomous systems. A careful evaluation of the vulnerabilities of their sensing system(s) is necessary in order to build and deploy safer systems in the fast-evolving domain of AVs. To this end, we survey the emerging field of sensing in adversarial settings: after reviewing adversarial attacks on sensing modalities for autonomous systems, we discuss countermeasures and present future research directions

    Beyond Boundaries: A Comprehensive Survey of Transferable Attacks on AI Systems

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems such as autonomous vehicles, facial recognition, and speech recognition systems are increasingly integrated into our daily lives. However, despite their utility, these AI systems are vulnerable to a wide range of attacks such as adversarial, backdoor, data poisoning, membership inference, model inversion, and model stealing attacks. In particular, numerous attacks are designed to target a particular model or system, yet their effects can spread to additional targets, referred to as transferable attacks. Although considerable efforts have been directed toward developing transferable attacks, a holistic understanding of the advancements in transferable attacks remains elusive. In this paper, we comprehensively explore learning-based attacks from the perspective of transferability, particularly within the context of cyber-physical security. We delve into different domains -- the image, text, graph, audio, and video domains -- to highlight the ubiquitous and pervasive nature of transferable attacks. This paper categorizes and reviews the architecture of existing attacks from various viewpoints: data, process, model, and system. We further examine the implications of transferable attacks in practical scenarios such as autonomous driving, speech recognition, and large language models (LLMs). Additionally, we outline the potential research directions to encourage efforts in exploring the landscape of transferable attacks. This survey offers a holistic understanding of the prevailing transferable attacks and their impacts across different domains
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