1 research outputs found

    Dealing with Synchronization and Timing Variability in the Playback of Interactive Session Recordings

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    In this paper, we describe scheduling and synchronization support for a novel multimedia document, referred to as a session object. The session object captures a voice-annotated, interactive session with an application --- it contains audio and window streams. This paper addresses media scheduling and synchronization issues for the support of faithful replay of session objects when subject to timing variability at the replay workstation. The replay is supported by an adaptive scheduling algorithm. The algorithm preserves relative interstream synchronization between window and audio streams. Run-time temporal deformations are applied over the schedule of the window stream. We show that the inter-stream asynchrony floats under statistical control as a function of the scheduling interval. The mechanisms could be generalized to the replay of streams that are subject to timing variability. Our object-oriented toolkit, ReplayKit, enables an application to become replay-aware through access ..