5,903 research outputs found

    Joint Object and Part Segmentation using Deep Learned Potentials

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    Segmenting semantic objects from images and parsing them into their respective semantic parts are fundamental steps towards detailed object understanding in computer vision. In this paper, we propose a joint solution that tackles semantic object and part segmentation simultaneously, in which higher object-level context is provided to guide part segmentation, and more detailed part-level localization is utilized to refine object segmentation. Specifically, we first introduce the concept of semantic compositional parts (SCP) in which similar semantic parts are grouped and shared among different objects. A two-channel fully convolutional network (FCN) is then trained to provide the SCP and object potentials at each pixel. At the same time, a compact set of segments can also be obtained from the SCP predictions of the network. Given the potentials and the generated segments, in order to explore long-range context, we finally construct an efficient fully connected conditional random field (FCRF) to jointly predict the final object and part labels. Extensive evaluation on three different datasets shows that our approach can mutually enhance the performance of object and part segmentation, and outperforms the current state-of-the-art on both tasks

    A Benchmark and Evaluation of Non-Rigid Structure from Motion

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    Non-Rigid structure from motion (NRSfM), is a long standing and central problem in computer vision, allowing us to obtain 3D information from multiple images when the scene is dynamic. A main issue regarding the further development of this important computer vision topic, is the lack of high quality data sets. We here address this issue by presenting of data set compiled for this purpose, which is made publicly available, and considerably larger than previous state of the art. To validate the applicability of this data set, and provide and investigation into the state of the art of NRSfM, including potential directions forward, we here present a benchmark and a scrupulous evaluation using this data set. This benchmark evaluates 16 different methods with available code, which we argue reasonably spans the state of the art in NRSfM. We also hope, that the presented and public data set and evaluation, will provide benchmark tools for further development in this field

    Advances in Monocular Exemplar-based Human Body Pose Analysis: Modeling, Detection and Tracking

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    Esta tesis contribuye en el anĂĄlisis de la postura del cuerpo humano a partir de secuencias de imĂĄgenes adquiridas con una sola cĂĄmara. Esta temĂĄtica presenta un amplio rango de potenciales aplicaciones en video-vigilancia, video-juegos o aplicaciones biomĂŠdicas. Las tĂŠcnicas basadas en patrones han tenido ĂŠxito, sin embargo, su precisiĂłn depende de la similitud del punto de vista de la cĂĄmara y de las propiedades de la escena entre las imĂĄgenes de entrenamiento y las de prueba. Teniendo en cuenta un conjunto de datos de entrenamiento capturado mediante un nĂşmero reducido de cĂĄmaras fijas, paralelas al suelo, se han identificado y analizado tres escenarios posibles con creciente nivel de dificultad: 1) una cĂĄmara estĂĄtica paralela al suelo, 2) una cĂĄmara de vigilancia fija con un ĂĄngulo de visiĂłn considerablemente diferente, y 3) una secuencia de video capturada con una cĂĄmara en movimiento o simplemente una sola imagen estĂĄtica

    Towards a framework for multi class statistical modelling of shape, intensity, and kinematics in medical images

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    Statistical modelling has become a ubiquitous tool for analysing of morphological variation of bone structures in medical images. For radiological images, the shape, relative pose between the bone structures and the intensity distribution are key features often modelled separately. A wide range of research has reported methods that incorporate these features as priors for machine learning purposes. Statistical shape, appearance (intensity profile in images) and pose models are popular priors to explain variability across a sample population of rigid structures. However, a principled and robust way to combine shape, pose and intensity features has been elusive for four main reasons: 1) heterogeneity of the data (data with linear and non-linear natural variation across features); 2) sub-optimal representation of three-dimensional Euclidean motion; 3) artificial discretization of the models; and 4) lack of an efficient transfer learning process to project observations into the latent space. This work proposes a novel statistical modelling framework for multiple bone structures. The framework provides a latent space embedding shape, pose and intensity in a continuous domain allowing for new approaches to skeletal joint analysis from medical images. First, a robust registration method for multi-volumetric shapes is described. Both sampling and parametric based registration algorithms are proposed, which allow the establishment of dense correspondence across volumetric shapes (such as tetrahedral meshes) while preserving the spatial relationship between them. Next, the framework for developing statistical shape-kinematics models from in-correspondence multi-volumetric shapes embedding image intensity distribution, is presented. The framework incorporates principal geodesic analysis and a non-linear metric for modelling the spatial orientation of the structures. More importantly, as all the features are in a joint statistical space and in a continuous domain; this permits on-demand marginalisation to a region or feature of interest without training separate models. Thereafter, an automated prediction of the structures in images is facilitated by a model-fitting method leveraging the models as priors in a Markov chain Monte Carlo approach. The framework is validated using controlled experimental data and the results demonstrate superior performance in comparison with state-of-the-art methods. Finally, the application of the framework for analysing computed tomography images is presented. The analyses include estimation of shape, kinematic and intensity profiles of bone structures in the shoulder and hip joints. For both these datasets, the framework is demonstrated for segmentation, registration and reconstruction, including the recovery of patient-specific intensity profile. The presented framework realises a new paradigm in modelling multi-object shape structures, allowing for probabilistic modelling of not only shape, but also relative pose and intensity as well as the correlations that exist between them. Future work will aim to optimise the framework for clinical use in medical image analysis

    Social-ecological analysis of climate induced changes in biodiversity – outline of a research concept

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    The interactions of changes in climate and biodiversity with societal actions, structures and processes are a priority topic within the international scientific debate – and thus, a relevant subject matter for BiKF’s work. This paper outlines a concept for transdisciplinary research within BiKF. It focuses on the analysis of social-ecological systems supporting society with biodiversity driven ecosystem services. Such research is considering different issues: defining sustainable societal adaptations to climate induced biodiversity changes; permitting adequate understanding of the social-ecological reproduction of ecosystem functions, including their conservation and restoration; analysing the societal values and socio-economic utilisation of ecosystem services. Gaining knowledge in these areas provides an improved basis for decision-making in biodiversity and resource management

    Deformable and articulated 3D reconstruction from monocular video sequences

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    PhDThis thesis addresses the problem of deformable and articulated structure from motion from monocular uncalibrated video sequences. Structure from motion is defined as the problem of recovering information about the 3D structure of scenes imaged by a camera in a video sequence. Our study aims at the challenging problem of non-rigid shapes (e.g. a beating heart or a smiling face). Non-rigid structures appear constantly in our everyday life, think of a bicep curling, a torso twisting or a smiling face. Our research seeks a general method to perform 3D shape recovery purely from data, without having to rely on a pre-computed model or training data. Open problems in the field are the difficulty of the non-linear estimation, the lack of a real-time system, large amounts of missing data in real-world video sequences, measurement noise and strong deformations. Solving these problems would take us far beyond the current state of the art in non-rigid structure from motion. This dissertation presents our contributions in the field of non-rigid structure from motion, detailing a novel algorithm that enforces the exact metric structure of the problem at each step of the minimisation by projecting the motion matrices onto the correct deformable or articulated metric motion manifolds respectively. An important advantage of this new algorithm is its ability to handle missing data which becomes crucial when dealing with real video sequences. We present a generic bilinear estimation framework, which improves convergence and makes use of the manifold constraints. Finally, we demonstrate a sequential, frame-by-frame estimation algorithm, which provides a 3D model and camera parameters for each video frame, while simultaneously building a model of object deformation
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