1 research outputs found

    Vrednovanje e-Government projekata: europski pristup

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    The objective of the paper is to analyse current approaches to the assessment of e-Government projects as the specifi c public projects and to suggest how to improve these approaches in order to eliminate their shortcomings. The nonnormative theoretical methods are used to analyse empirical results of previous researches; particularly the deduction method is used to prove that current approaches to the evaluation of e-Government projects have some inequalities, the analogy and comparison methods are used to create general typology of e-Government projects and the induction method is used to seek examples of the indicators and metrics. The results are based on analysis of extensive amount of e-Government projects, which have been realized in different European countries in the past twenty years. The basic result of the research is creation of the ten most common types of e-Government projects typology. The fundamental conclusion obtained from the results of this research is that this typology can be used as the core of new E-Government General Assessment Framework, which eliminates problems of previous approaches, allows adjusting metrics and indicators to each type of projects, keeps comparability of results and thus making possible the use of benchmarking methods.Cilj je članka analiza današnjih pristupa vrednovanju e-Government projekata kao specifi čnih projekata javne uprave, s tim da se predlažu izmjene tih pristupa radi uklanjanja uočenih slabosti. Za analizu empiričkih rezultata ranijih studija korištene su ne-normativne teoretske metode. Naime, za provjeru nedostataka današnjih pristupa korištena je metoda dedukcije, za formiranje opće tipologije e-Government projekata korištene su metode analogije i uspoređivanja, a metoda indukcije korištena je za određivanje pogodnih metrika i indikatora. Rezultati se temelje na analizi znatnog broja e-Government projekata koji su realizirani u različitim europskim državama tijekom zadnjih dvadeset godina. Temeljni rezultat analize je formiranje tipologije deset najčešćih tipova e-Government projekata. Iz rezultata istraživanja proizlazi zaključak da se ova tipologija može koristiti kao jezgra novog okvira za vrednovanje e-Government projekata koji uklanja probleme ranijih pristupa, omogućuje podešavanje metrike i pokazatelja za svaki tip projekta, pri čemu zadržava međusobnu usporedivost rezultata i time omogućuje korištenje benchmarking metode