5 research outputs found

    De Vries powers: a generalization of Boolean powers for compact Hausdorff spaces

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    We generalize the Boolean power construction to the setting of compact Hausdorff spaces. This is done by replacing Boolean algebras with de Vries algebras (complete Boolean algebras enriched with proximity) and Stone duality with de Vries duality. For a compact Hausdorff space XX and a totally ordered algebra AA, we introduce the concept of a finitely valued normal function f:X→Af:X\to A. We show that the operations of AA lift to the set FN(X,A)FN(X,A) of all finitely valued normal functions, and that there is a canonical proximity relation ≺\prec on FN(X,A)FN(X,A). This gives rise to the de Vries power construction, which when restricted to Stone spaces, yields the Boolean power construction. We prove that de Vries powers of a totally ordered integral domain AA are axiomatized as proximity Baer Specker AA-algebras, those pairs (S,≺)(S,\prec), where SS is a torsion-free AA-algebra generated by its idempotents that is a Baer ring, and ≺\prec is a proximity relation on SS. We introduce the category of proximity Baer Specker AA-algebras and proximity morphisms between them, and prove that this category is dually equivalent to the category of compact Hausdorff spaces and continuous maps. This provides an analogue of de Vries duality for proximity Baer Specker AA-algebras.Comment: 34 page

    Vietoris endofunctor for closed relations and its de Vries dual

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    We generalize the classic Vietoris endofunctor to the category of compact Hausdorff spaces and closed relations. The lift of a closed relation is done by generalizing the construction of the Egli-Milner order. We describe the dual endofunctor on the category of de Vries algebras and subordinations. This is done in several steps, by first generalizing the construction of Venema and Vosmaer to the category of boolean algebras and subordinations, then lifting it up to S5\mathsf{S5}-subordination algebras, and finally using MacNeille completions to further lift it to de Vries algebras. Among other things, this yields a generalization of Johnstone's pointfree construction of the Vietoris endofunctor to the category of compact regular frames and preframe homomorphisms

    Ideal and MacNeille completions of subordination algebras

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    S5\mathsf{S5}-subordination algebras were recently introduced as a generalization of de Vries algebras, and it was proved that the category SubS5S\mathsf{SubS5^S} of S5\mathsf{S5}-subordination algebras and compatible subordination relations between them is equivalent to the category of compact Hausdorff spaces and closed relations. We generalize MacNeille completions of boolean algebras to the setting of S5\mathsf{S5}-subordination algebras, and utilize the relational nature of the morphisms in SubS5S\mathsf{SubS5^S} to prove that the MacNeille completion functor establishes an equivalence between SubS5S\mathsf{SubS5^S} and its full subcategory consisting of de Vries algebras. We also generalize ideal completions of boolean algebras to the setting of S5\mathsf{S5}-subordination algebras and prove that the ideal completion functor establishes a dual equivalence between SubS5S\mathsf{SubS5^S} and the category of compact regular frames and preframe homomorphisms. Our results are choice-free and provide further insight into Stone-like dualities for compact Hausdorff spaces with various morphisms between them. In particular, we show how they restrict to the wide subcategories of SubS5S\mathsf{SubS5^S} corresponding to continuous relations and continuous functions between compact Hausdorff spaces