16 research outputs found

    My Corporis Fabrica: an ontology-based tool for reasoning and querying on complex anatomical models

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    Finite-Cliquewidth Sets of Existential Rules: Toward a General Criterion for Decidable yet Highly Expressive Querying

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    In our pursuit of generic criteria for decidable ontology-based querying, we introduce finite-cliquewidth sets (fcs) of existential rules, a model-theoretically defined class of rule sets, inspired by the cliquewidth measure from graph theory. By a generic argument, we show that fcs ensures decidability of entailment for a sizable class of queries (dubbed DaMSOQs) subsuming conjunctive queries (CQs). The fcs class properly generalizes the class of finite-expansion sets (fes), and for signatures of arity ? 2, the class of bounded-treewidth sets (bts). For higher arities, bts is only indirectly subsumed by fcs by means of reification. Despite the generality of fcs, we provide a rule set with decidable CQ entailment (by virtue of first-order-rewritability) that falls outside fcs, thus demonstrating the incomparability of fcs and the class of finite-unification sets (fus). In spite of this, we show that if we restrict ourselves to single-headed rule sets over signatures of arity ? 2, then fcs subsumes fus

    Programming in logic without logic programming

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    In previous work, we proposed a logic-based framework in which computation is the execution of actions in an attempt to make reactive rules of the form if antecedent then consequent true in a canonical model of a logic program determined by an initial state, sequence of events, and the resulting sequence of subsequent states. In this model-theoretic semantics, reactive rules are the driving force, and logic programs play only a supporting role. In the canonical model, states, actions and other events are represented with timestamps. But in the operational semantics, for the sake of efficiency, timestamps are omitted and only the current state is maintained. State transitions are performed reactively by executing actions to make the consequents of rules true whenever the antecedents become true. This operational semantics is sound, but incomplete. It cannot make reactive rules true by preventing their antecedents from becoming true, or by proactively making their consequents true before their antecedents become true. In this paper, we characterize the notion of reactive model, and prove that the operational semantics can generate all and only such models. In order to focus on the main issues, we omit the logic programming component of the framework.Comment: Under consideration in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP

    Querying the Guarded Fragment

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    Evaluating a Boolean conjunctive query Q against a guarded first-order theory F is equivalent to checking whether "F and not Q" is unsatisfiable. This problem is relevant to the areas of database theory and description logic. Since Q may not be guarded, well known results about the decidability, complexity, and finite-model property of the guarded fragment do not obviously carry over to conjunctive query answering over guarded theories, and had been left open in general. By investigating finite guarded bisimilar covers of hypergraphs and relational structures, and by substantially generalising Rosati's finite chase, we prove for guarded theories F and (unions of) conjunctive queries Q that (i) Q is true in each model of F iff Q is true in each finite model of F and (ii) determining whether F implies Q is 2EXPTIME-complete. We further show the following results: (iii) the existence of polynomial-size conformal covers of arbitrary hypergraphs; (iv) a new proof of the finite model property of the clique-guarded fragment; (v) the small model property of the guarded fragment with optimal bounds; (vi) a polynomial-time solution to the canonisation problem modulo guarded bisimulation, which yields (vii) a capturing result for guarded bisimulation invariant PTIME.Comment: This is an improved and extended version of the paper of the same title presented at LICS 201

    Reasoning with Forest Logic Programs Using Fully Enriched Automata

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    Abstract Forest Logic Programs (FoLP) are a decidable fragment of Open Answer Set Programming (OASP) which have the forest model property. OASP extends Answer Set Programming (ASP) with open domains-a feature which makes it possible for FoLPs to simulate reasoning with the expressive description logic SHOQ. At the same time, the fragment retains the attractive rule syntax and the non-monotonicity specific to ASP. In the past, several tableaux algorithms have been devised to reason with FoLPs, the most recent of which established a NEXPTIME upper bound for reasoning with the fragment. While known to be EXPTIME-hard, the exact complexity characterization of reasoning with the fragment was still unknown. In this paper we settle this open question by a reduction of reasoning with FoLPs to emptiness checking of fully enriched automata, a form of automata which run on forests, and which are known to be EXPTIME-complete