133 research outputs found

    Unicast UDP Usage Guidelines for Application Designers

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    De-ossifying the Internet Transport Layer : A Survey and Future Perspectives

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their useful suggestions and comments.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Analysis of RTCWeb Data Channel Transport Options

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    The Web has introduced a new technology in a more distributed and collaborative form of communication, where the browser and the user replace the web server as the nexus of communications in a way that after the call establishment through web servers, the communication is performed directly between browsers as peer to peer fashion without intervention of the web servers. The goal of Real Time Collaboration on the World Wide Web (RTCWeb) project is to allow browsers to natively support voice, video, and gaming in interactive peer to peer communications and real time data collaboration. Several transport protocols such as TCP, UDP, RTP, SRTP, SCTP, DCCP presently exist for communication of media and non-media data. However, a single protocol alone can not meet all the requirements of RTCWeb. Moreover, the deployment of a new transport protocol experiences problems traversing middle boxes such as Network Address Translation (NAT) box, firewall. Nevertheless, the current implementation for transportation of non-media in the very first versions of RTCWeb data does not include any congestion control on the end-points. With media (i.e., audio, video) the amount of traffic can be determined and limited by the codec and profile used during communication, whereas RTCWeb user could generate as much as non-media data to create congestion on the networks. Therefore, a suitable transport protocol stack is required that will provide congestion control, NAT traversal solution, and authentication, integrity, and privacy of user data. This master's thesis will give emphasis on the analysis of transport protocol stack for data channel in RTCWeb and selects Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP), which is a reliable, message oriented general-purpose transport layer protocol, operating on top of both IPv4 and IPv6, providing congestion control similar to TCP and additionally, some new functionalities regarding security, multihoming, multistreaming, mobility, and partial reliability. However, due to the lack of universal availability of SCTP within the OS(s), it has been decided to use the SCTP userland implementation. WebKit is an open source web browser engine for rendering web pages used by Safari, Dashboard, Mail, and many other OS X applications. In WebKit RTCWeb implementation using GStreamer multimedia framework, RTP/UDP is utilized for the communication of media data and UDP tunnelling for non-media data. Therefore, in order to allow a smooth integration of the implementation within WebKit, we have decided to implement GStreamer plugins using SCTP userland stack. This thesis work also investigates the way Mozilla has integrated those protocols in the browser's network stack and how the Data Channel has been designed and implemented using SCTP userland stack

    Strategies to Secure End-To-End Communication

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    The Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) is a fairly recent generic transport protocol with novel features, like multi-streaming, multi-homing, and an extendable architecture. This, however, prevents existing approaches to secure end-to-end connections from being used without limiting the supported SCTP features. New solutions also exist, but require extensive modifications that are difficult to realize and deploy. Hence, there is no widely deployed solution to secure SCTP-based connections. In this thesis, possible strategies to secure end-to-end SCTP connections are analyzed. For each strategy, a viable solution that does not limit the features of SCTP is presented, with a focus on deployability in terms of standardization as well as implementation. Implementations based on common open source tools are developed and used to conduct functionality and performance measurements, with simulated and real systems, to prove the usefulness of the suggested approaches

    Secure and Efficient Routable Control Systems

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    This document provides the methods to secure routable control system communication in the electric sector. The approach of this document yields a long-term vision for a future of secure communication, while also providing near term steps and a roadmap. The requirements for the future secure control system environment were spelled out to provide a final target. Additionally a survey and evaluation of current protocols was used to determine if any existing technology could achieve this goal. In the end a four-step path was described that brought about increasing requirement completion and culminates in the realization of the long term vision

    Secure Real-time Data Transmission for Drone Delivery Services using Forward Prediction Scheduling SCTP

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    Drone technology is considered the most effective solution for the improvement of various industrial fields. As a delivery service, drones need a secure communication system that is also able to manage all of the information data in real-time.  However, because the data transmission process occurs in a wireless network, data will be sent over a channel that is more unstable and vulnerable to attack. Thus, this research, purposes a  Forward Prediction Scheduling-based Stream Control Transmission Protocol (FPS-SCTP) scheme that is implemented on drone data transmission system. This scheme supports piggybacking, multi-streaming, and Late Messages Filter (LMF) which will improve the real-time transmission process in IEEE 802.11 wireless network. Meanwhile, on the cybersecurity aspect, this scheme provides the embedded option feature to enable the encryption mechanism using AES and the digital signatures mechanism using ECDSA. The results show that the FPS-SCTP scheme has better network performance than the default SCTP, and provides full security services with low computation time. This research contributes to providing a communication protocol scheme that is suitable for use on the internet of drones’ environment, both in real-time and reliable security levels

    WebSocket vs WebRTC in the stream overlays of the Streamr Network

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    The Streamr Network is a decentralized publish-subscribe system. This thesis experimentally compares WebSocket and WebRTC as transport protocols in the system’s d-regular random graph type unstructured stream overlays. The thesis explores common designs for publish-subscribe and decentralized P2P systems. Underlying network protocols including NAT traversal are explored to understand how the WebSocket and WebRTC protocols function. The requirements set for the Streamr Network and how its design and implementations fulfill them are discussed. The design and implementations are validated with the use simulations, emulations and AWS deployed real-world experiments. The performance metrics measured from the real-world experiments are compared to related work. As the implementations using the two protocols are separate incompatible versions, the differences between them was taken into account during analysis of the experiments. Although the WebSocket versions overlay construction is known to be inefficient and vulnerable to churn, it is found to be unintentionally topology aware. This caused the WebSocket stream overlays to perform better in terms of latency. The WebRTC stream overlays were found to be more predictable and more optimized for small payloads as estimates for message propagation delays had a MEPA of 1.24% compared to WebSocket’s 3.98%. Moreover, the WebRTC version enables P2P connections between hosts behind NATs. As the WebRTC version’s overlay construction is more accurate, reliable, scalable, and churn tolerant, it can be used to create intentionally topology aware stream overlays to fully take over the results of the WebSocket implementation