489 research outputs found

    Collaborative Reuse of Streaming Dataflows in IoT Applications

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    Distributed Stream Processing Systems (DSPS) like Apache Storm and Spark Streaming enable composition of continuous dataflows that execute persistently over data streams. They are used by Internet of Things (IoT) applications to analyze sensor data from Smart City cyber-infrastructure, and make active utility management decisions. As the ecosystem of such IoT applications that leverage shared urban sensor streams continue to grow, applications will perform duplicate pre-processing and analytics tasks. This offers the opportunity to collaboratively reuse the outputs of overlapping dataflows, thereby improving the resource efficiency. In this paper, we propose \emph{dataflow reuse algorithms} that given a submitted dataflow, identifies the intersection of reusable tasks and streams from a collection of running dataflows to form a \emph{merged dataflow}. Similar algorithms to unmerge dataflows when they are removed are also proposed. We implement these algorithms for the popular Apache Storm DSPS, and validate their performance and resource savings for 35 synthetic dataflows based on public OPMW workflows with diverse arrival and departure distributions, and on 21 real IoT dataflows from RIoTBench.Comment: To appear in IEEE eScience Conference 201

    Understanding Legacy Workflows through Runtime Trace Analysis

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    abstract: When scientific software is written to specify processes, it takes the form of a workflow, and is often written in an ad-hoc manner in a dynamic programming language. There is a proliferation of legacy workflows implemented by non-expert programmers due to the accessibility of dynamic languages. Unfortunately, ad-hoc workflows lack a structured description as provided by specialized management systems, making ad-hoc workflow maintenance and reuse difficult, and motivating the need for analysis methods. The analysis of ad-hoc workflows using compiler techniques does not address dynamic languages - a program has so few constrains that its behavior cannot be predicted. In contrast, workflow provenance tracking has had success using run-time techniques to record data. The aim of this work is to develop a new analysis method for extracting workflow structure at run-time, thus avoiding issues with dynamics. The method captures the dataflow of an ad-hoc workflow through its execution and abstracts it with a process for simplifying repetition. An instrumentation system first processes the workflow to produce an instrumented version, capable of logging events, which is then executed on an input to produce a trace. The trace undergoes dataflow construction to produce a provenance graph. The dataflow is examined for equivalent regions, which are collected into a single unit. The workflow is thus characterized in terms of its treatment of an input. Unlike other methods, a run-time approach characterizes the workflow's actual behavior; including elements which static analysis cannot predict (for example, code dynamically evaluated based on input parameters). This also enables the characterization of dataflow through external tools. The contributions of this work are: a run-time method for recording a provenance graph from an ad-hoc Python workflow, and a method to analyze the structure of a workflow from provenance. Methods are implemented in Python and are demonstrated on real world Python workflows. These contributions enable users to derive graph structure from workflows. Empowered by a graphical view, users can better understand a legacy workflow. This makes the wealth of legacy ad-hoc workflows accessible, enabling workflow reuse instead of investing time and resources into creating a workflow.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Computer Science 201

    Towards Collaborative Scientific Workflow Management System

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    The big data explosion phenomenon has impacted several domains, starting from research areas to divergent of business models in recent years. As this intensive amount of data opens up the possibilities of several interesting knowledge discoveries, over the past few years divergent of research domains have undergone the shift of trend towards analyzing those massive amount data. Scientific Workflow Management System (SWfMS) has gained much popularity in recent years in accelerating those data-intensive analyses, visualization, and discoveries of important information. Data-intensive tasks are often significantly time-consuming and complex in nature and hence SWfMSs are designed to efficiently support the specification, modification, execution, failure handling, and monitoring of the tasks in a scientific workflow. As far as the complexity, dimension, and volume of data are concerned, their effective analysis or management often become challenging for an individual and requires collaboration of multiple scientists instead. Hence, the notion of 'Collaborative SWfMS' was coined - which gained significant interest among researchers in recent years as none of the existing SWfMSs directly support real-time collaboration among scientists. In terms of collaborative SWfMSs, consistency management in the face of conflicting concurrent operations of the collaborators is a major challenge for its highly interconnected document structure among the computational modules - where any minor change in a part of the workflow can highly impact the other part of the collaborative workflow for the datalink relation among them. In addition to the consistency management, studies show several other challenges that need to be addressed towards a successful design of collaborative SWfMSs, such as sub-workflow composition and execution by different sub-groups, relationship between scientific workflows and collaboration models, sub-workflow monitoring, seamless integration and access control of the workflow components among collaborators and so on. In this thesis, we propose a locking scheme to facilitate consistency management in collaborative SWfMSs. The proposed method works by locking workflow components at a granular attribute level in addition to supporting locks on a targeted part of the collaborative workflow. We conducted several experiments to analyze the performance of the proposed method in comparison to related existing methods. Our studies show that the proposed method can reduce the average waiting time of a collaborator by up to 36% while increasing the average workflow update rate by up to 15% in comparison to existing descendent modular level locking techniques for collaborative SWfMSs. We also propose a role-based access control technique for the management of collaborative SWfMSs. We leverage the Collaborative Interactive Application Methodology (CIAM) for the investigation of role-based access control in the context of collaborative SWfMSs. We present our proposed method with a use-case of Plant Phenotyping and Genotyping research domain. Recent study shows that the collaborative SWfMSs often different sets of opportunities and challenges. From our investigations on existing research works towards collaborative SWfMSs and findings of our prior two studies, we propose an architecture of collaborative SWfMSs. We propose - SciWorCS - a Collaborative Scientific Workflow Management System as a proof of concept of the proposed architecture; which is the first of its kind to the best of our knowledge. We present several real-world use-cases of scientific workflows using SciWorCS. Finally, we conduct several user studies using SciWorCS comprising different real-world scientific workflows (i.e., from myExperiment) to understand the user behavior and styles of work in the context of collaborative SWfMSs. In addition to evaluating SciWorCS, the user studies reveal several interesting facts which can significantly contribute in the research domain, as none of the existing methods considered such empirical studies, and rather relied only on computer generated simulated studies for evaluation

    Semantically Resolving Type Mismatches in Scientific Workflows

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    Scientists are increasingly utilizing Grids to manage large data sets and execute scientific experiments on distributed resources. Scientific workflows are used as means for modeling and enacting scientific experiments. Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) is a major component of Microsoft’s .NET technology which offers lightweight support for long-running workflows. It provides a comfortable graphical and programmatic environment for the development of extended BPEL-style workflows. WF’s visual features ease the syntactic composition of Web services into scientific workflows but do nothing to assure that information passed between services has consistent semantic types or representations or that deviant flows, errors and compensations are handled meaningfully. In this paper we introduce SAWSDL-compliant annotations for WF and use them with a semantic reasoner to guarantee semantic type correctness in scientific workflows. Examples from bioinformatics are presented

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationServing as a record of what happened during a scientific process, often computational, provenance has become an important piece of computing. The importance of archiving not only data and results but also the lineage of these entities has led to a variety of systems that capture provenance as well as models and schemas for this information. Despite significant work focused on obtaining and modeling provenance, there has been little work on managing and using this information. Using the provenance from past work, it is possible to mine common computational structure or determine differences between executions. Such information can be used to suggest possible completions for partial workflows, summarize a set of approaches, or extend past work in new directions. These applications require infrastructure to support efficient queries and accessible reuse. In order to support knowledge discovery and reuse from provenance information, the management of those data is important. One component of provenance is the specification of the computations; workflows provide structured abstractions of code and are commonly used for complex tasks. Using change-based provenance, it is possible to store large numbers of similar workflows compactly. This storage also allows efficient computation of differences between specifications. However, querying for specific structure across a large collection of workflows is difficult because comparing graphs depends on computing subgraph isomorphism which is NP-Complete. Graph indexing methods identify features that help distinguish graphs of a collection to filter results for a subgraph containment query and reduce the number of subgraph isomorphism computations. For provenance, this work extends these methods to work for more exploratory queries and collections with significant overlap. However, comparing workflow or provenance graphs may not require exact equality; a match between two graphs may allow paired nodes to be similar yet not equivalent. This work presents techniques to better correlate graphs to help summarize collections. Using this infrastructure, provenance can be reused so that users can learn from their own and others' history. Just as textual search has been augmented with suggested completions based on past or common queries, provenance can be used to suggest how computations can be completed or which steps might connect to a given subworkflow. In addition, provenance can help further science by accelerating publication and reuse. By incorporating provenance into publications, authors can more easily integrate their results, and readers can more easily verify and repeat results. However, reusing past computations requires maintaining stronger associations with any input data and underlying code as well as providing paths for migrating old work to new hardware or algorithms. This work presents a framework for maintaining data and code as well as supporting upgrades for workflow computations

    Querying and creating visualizations by analogy

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    Journal ArticleWhile there have been advances in visualization systems, particularly in multi-view visualizations and visual exploration, the process of building visualizations remains a major bottleneck in data exploration. We show that provenance metadata collected during the creation of pipelines can be reused to suggest similar content in related visualizations and guide semi-automated changes. We introduce the idea of query-by-example in the context of an ensemble of visualizations, and the use of analogies as first-class operations in a system to guide scalable interactions. We describe an implementation of these techniques in VisTrails, a publicly-available, open-source system

    Measuring Semantic and Structural Information for Data Oriented Workflow Retrieval with Cost Constraints

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    The reuse of data oriented workflows (DOWs) can reduce the cost of workflow system development and control the risk of project failure and therefore is crucial for accelerating the automation of business processes. Reusing workflows can be achieved by measuring the similarity among candidate workflows and selecting the workflow satisfying requirements of users from them. However, due to DOWs being often developed based on an open, distributed, and heterogeneous environment, different users often can impose diverse cost constraints on data oriented workflows. This makes the reuse of DOWs challenging. There is no clear solution for retrieving DOWs with cost constraints. In this paper, we present a novel graph based model of DOWs with cost constraints, called constrained data oriented workflow (CDW), which can express cost constraints that users are often concerned about. An approach is proposed for retrieving CDWs, which seamlessly combines semantic and structural information of CDWs. A distance measure based on matrix theory is adopted to seamlessly combine semantic and structural similarities of CDWs for selecting and reusing them. Finally, the related experiments are made to show the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationVisualization has emerged as an effective means to quickly obtain insight from raw data. While simple computer programs can generate simple visualizations, and while there has been constant progress in sophisticated algorithms and techniques for generating insightful pictorial descriptions of complex data, the process of building visualizations remains a major bottleneck in data exploration. In this thesis, we present the main design and implementation aspects of VisTrails, a system designed around the idea of transparently capturing the exploration process that leads to a particular visualization. In particular, VisTrails explores the idea of provenance management in visualization systems: keeping extensive metadata about how the visualizations were created and how they relate to one another. This thesis presents the provenance data model in VisTrails, which can be easily adopted by existing visualization systems and libraries. This lightweight model entirely captures the exploration process of the user, and it can be seen as an electronic analogue of the scientific notebook. The provenance metadata collected during the creation of pipelines can be reused to suggest similar content in related visualizations and guide semi-automated changes. This thesis presents the idea of building visualizations by analogy in a system that allows users to change many visualizations at once, without requiring them to interact with the visualization specifications. It then proposes techniques to help users construct pipelines by consensus, automatically suggesting completions based on a database of previously created pipelines. By presenting these predictions in a carefully designed interface, users can create visualizations and other data products more efficiently because they can augment their normal work patterns with the suggested completions. VisTrails leverages the workflow specifications to identify and avoid redundant operations. This optimization is especially useful while exploring multiple visualizations. When variations of the same pipeline need to be executed, substantial speedups can be obtained by caching the results of overlapping subsequences of the pipelines. We present the design decisions behind the execution engine, and how it easily supports the execution of arbitrary third-party modules. These specifications also facilitate the reproduction of previous results. We will present a description of an infrastructure that makes the workflows a complete description of the computational processes, including information necessary to identify and install necessary system libraries. In an environment where effective visualization and data analysis tasks combine many different software packages, this infrastructure can mean the difference between being able to replicate published results and getting lost in a sea of software dependencies and missing libraries. The thesis concludes with a discussion of the system architecture, design decisions and learned lessons in VisTrails. This discussion is meant to clarify the issues present in creating a system based around a provenance tracking engine, and should help implementors decide how to best incorporate these notions into their own systems
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