82 research outputs found

    Improving Performance Estimation for FPGA-based Accelerators for Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Field-programmable gate array (FPGA) based accelerators are being widely used for acceleration of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) due to their potential in improving the performance and reconfigurability for specific application instances. To determine the optimal configuration of an FPGA-based accelerator, it is necessary to explore the design space and an accurate performance prediction plays an important role during the exploration. This work introduces a novel method for fast and accurate estimation of latency based on a Gaussian process parametrised by an analytic approximation and coupled with runtime data. The experiments conducted on three different CNNs on an FPGA-based accelerator on Intel Arria 10 GX 1150 demonstrated a 30.7% improvement in accuracy with respect to the mean absolute error in comparison to a standard analytic method in leave-one-out cross-validation.Comment: This article is accepted for publication at ARC'202

    Automating and Optimizing Data-Centric What-If Analyses on Native Machine Learning Pipelines

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    Software systems that learn from data with machine learning (ML) are used in critical decision-making processes. Unfortunately, real-world experience shows that the pipelines for data preparation, feature encoding and model training in ML systems are often brittle with respect to their input data. As a consequence, data scientists have to run different kinds of data centric what-if analyses to evaluate the robustness and reliability of such pipelines, e.g., with respect to data errors or preprocessing techniques. These what-if analyses follow a common pattern: they take an existing ML pipeline, create a pipeline variant by introducing a small change, and execute this pipeline variant to see how the change impacts the pipeline's output score. The application of existing analysis techniques to ML pipelines is technically challenging as they are hard to integrate into existing pipeline code and their execution introduces large overheads due to repeated work.We propose mlwhatif to address these integration and efficiency challenges for data-centric what-if analyses on ML pipelines. mlwhatif enables data scientists to declaratively specify what-if analyses for an ML pipeline, and to automatically generate, optimize and execute the required pipeline variants. Our approach employs pipeline patches to specify changes to the data, operators and models of a pipeline. Based on these patches, we define a multi-query optimizer for efficiently executing the resulting pipeline variants jointly, with four subsumption-based optimization rules. Subsequently, we detail how to implement the pipeline variant generation and optimizer of mlwhatif. For that, we instrument native ML pipelines written in Python to extract dataflow plans with re-executable operators.We experimentally evaluate mlwhatif, and find that its speedup scales linearly with the number of pipeline variants in applicable cases, and is invariant to the input data size. In end-to-end experiments with four analyses on more than 60 pipelines, we show speedups of up to 13x compared to sequential execution, and find that the speedup is invariant to the model and featurization in the pipeline. Furthermore, we confirm the low instrumentation overhead of mlwhatif

    Improving Performance Estimation for Design Space Exploration for Convolutional Neural Network Accelerators

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    Contemporary advances in neural networks (NNs) have demonstrated their potential in different applications such as in image classification, object detection or natural language processing. In particular, reconfigurable accelerators have been widely used for the acceleration of NNs due to their reconfigurability and efficiency in specific application instances. To determine the configuration of the accelerator, it is necessary to conduct design space exploration to optimize the performance. However, the process of design space exploration is time consuming because of the slow performance evaluation for different configurations. Therefore, there is a demand for an accurate and fast performance prediction method to speed up design space exploration. This work introduces a novel method for fast and accurate estimation of different metrics that are of importance when performing design space exploration. The method is based on a Gaussian process regression model parametrised by the features of the accelerator and the target NN to be accelerated. We evaluate the proposed method together with other popular machine learning based methods in estimating the latency and energy consumption of our implemented accelerator on two different hardware platforms targeting convolutional neural networks. We demonstrate improvements in estimation accuracy, without the need for significant implementation effort or tuning

    Machine Learning for Microcontroller-Class Hardware -- A Review

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    The advancements in machine learning opened a new opportunity to bring intelligence to the low-end Internet-of-Things nodes such as microcontrollers. Conventional machine learning deployment has high memory and compute footprint hindering their direct deployment on ultra resource-constrained microcontrollers. This paper highlights the unique requirements of enabling onboard machine learning for microcontroller class devices. Researchers use a specialized model development workflow for resource-limited applications to ensure the compute and latency budget is within the device limits while still maintaining the desired performance. We characterize a closed-loop widely applicable workflow of machine learning model development for microcontroller class devices and show that several classes of applications adopt a specific instance of it. We present both qualitative and numerical insights into different stages of model development by showcasing several use cases. Finally, we identify the open research challenges and unsolved questions demanding careful considerations moving forward.Comment: Accepted for publication at IEEE Sensors Journa

    Improving low latency applications for reconfigurable devices

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    This thesis seeks to improve low latency application performance via architectural improvements in reconfigurable devices. This is achieved by improving resource utilisation and access, and by exploiting the different environments within which reconfigurable devices are deployed. Our first contribution leverages devices deployed at the network level to enable the low latency processing of financial market data feeds. Financial exchanges transmit messages via two identical data feeds to reduce the chance of message loss. We present an approach to arbitrate these redundant feeds at the network level using a Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). With support for any messaging protocol, we evaluate our design using the NASDAQ TotalView-ITCH, OPRA, and ARCA data feed protocols, and provide two simultaneous outputs: one prioritising low latency, and one prioritising high reliability with three dynamically configurable windowing methods. Our second contribution is a new ring-based architecture for low latency, parallel access to FPGA memory. Traditional FPGA memory is formed by grouping block memories (BRAMs) together and accessing them as a single device. Our architecture accesses these BRAMs independently and in parallel. Targeting memory-based computing, which stores pre-computed function results in memory, we benefit low latency applications that rely on: highly-complex functions; iterative computation; or many parallel accesses to a shared resource. We assess square root, power, trigonometric, and hyperbolic functions within the FPGA, and provide a tool to convert Python functions to our new architecture. Our third contribution extends the ring-based architecture to support any FPGA processing element. We unify E heterogeneous processing elements within compute pools, with each element implementing the same function, and the pool serving D parallel function calls. Our implementation-agnostic approach supports processing elements with different latencies, implementations, and pipeline lengths, as well as non-deterministic latencies. Compute pools evenly balance access to processing elements across the entire application, and are evaluated by implementing eight different neural network activation functions within an FPGA.Open Acces

    Scaling a convolutional neural network based Flower counting application in a distributed GPU cluster

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    Taking advantage of modern data acquisition techniques, the researchers of P2IRC located at the University of Saskatchewan developed an application to monitor the status of the flower growth during different phases of the blooming period and the yield prediction of canola crops. Though the application could predict the near accurate number of flowers in a few scenarios, its inability to function under challenging situations such as misinterpreting sun reflection or dust along the roadside as flowers have motivated the researchers to find an alternative approach of counting flowers. In addition to being a more accurate version, another goal is for the new application to be faster to infer the number of flowers and scalable in distributed environments. Putting these goals in mind, in this thesis, a Convolutional neural network (CNN) based flower counting application is developed and evaluated taking inspiration from two other previous works where CNN was used for counting heads in dense crowds and predicting the number of bacterial cells from medical imagery. In addition to that, the application addresses the performance and the accuracy goals previously mentioned. Two challenges of using the neural network are (a) the training needs a large volume of data to converge to a low error and (b) the training is computationally expensive and it takes longer time to complete. To address the first challenge, experiments were run with both "ground truth" estimated using a modified version of the previous flower counter, and ground truth from manual annotation. To address the problem of long training time, two distributed versions of the proposed application were created based on two different distributed architectures called Parameter Server and Ring-AllReduce. Moreover, a detailed explanation of the proposed CNN's architecture along with its memory footprints and GPU utilization is also organized as an in-depth case study to help trace the model's memory consumption during training. From different sets of experiments, the new flower counter application is observed more accurate than its previous version and both implementations of its distributed versions successfully reduced the total completion time as a result of being linearly scalable when more workers are added to run the training. The Ring-AllReduce version performed slightly better than the Parameter Server, but the differences were not substantial

    Case study of Hyperparameter Optimization framework Optuna on a Multi-column Convolutional Neural Network

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    To observe the condition of the flower growth during the blooming period and estimate the harvest forecast of the Canola crops, the ‘Flower Counter’ application has been developed by the researchers ofP2IRC at the University of Saskatchewan. The model has been developed using a Deep Learning based Multi-column Convolutional Neural Network (MCNN) algorithm and the TensorFlow framework, in order to count the Canola flowers from the images based on the learning from a given set of training images. To ensure better accuracy score with respect to flower prediction, proper training of the model is essential involving appropriate values of hyperparameters. Among numerous possible values of these hyperparameters, selecting the suitable ones is certainly a time-consuming and tedious task for humans. Ongoing research for developing Automated Hyperparameter Optimization (HPO) frameworks has attracted researchers and practitioners to develop and utilize such frameworks to give directions towards finding better hyperparameters according to their applications. The primary goal of this research work is to apply the Automated HPO Optuna on the Flower Counterapplication with the purpose of directing the researchers towards among the best observed hyperparameter configurations for good overall performance in terms of prediction accuracy and resource utilization. This work would help the researchers and plant scientists gain knowledge about the practicality of Optuna while treating it as a black-box and apply it for this application as well as other similar applications. In order to achieve this goal, three essential hyperparameters, batch size, learning rate and number of epochs, have been chosen for assessing their individual and combined impacts. Since the training of the model depends on the datasets collected during diverse weather conditions, there could be factors that could impact Optuna’s functionality and performance. The analysis of the results of the current work and comparison of the accuracy scores with the previous work have yielded almost equal scores while testing the model’s performance on different test populations. Moreover, for the tuned version of the model, the current work has shown the potential for achieving that result with substantially lower resource utilization. The findings have provided useful concepts about making the better usage of Optuna; the search space can be restricted ormore complicated objective functions can be implemented to ensure better stability of the models obtained when chosen parameters are used in trainin
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