9 research outputs found

    Detecting correlated Gaussian databases

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    CCF-1955981 - National Science Foundationhttps://arxiv.org/abs/2206.12011First author draf

    The Umeyama algorithm for matching correlated Gaussian geometric models in the low-dimensional regime

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    Motivated by the problem of matching two correlated random geometric graphs, we study the problem of matching two Gaussian geometric models correlated through a latent node permutation. Specifically, given an unknown permutation π\pi^* on {1,,n}\{1,\ldots,n\} and given nn i.i.d. pairs of correlated Gaussian vectors {Xπ(i),Yi}\{X_{\pi^*(i)},Y_i\} in Rd\mathbb{R}^d with noise parameter σ\sigma, we consider two types of (correlated) weighted complete graphs with edge weights given by Ai,j=Xi,XjA_{i,j}=\langle X_i,X_j \rangle, Bi,j=Yi,YjB_{i,j}=\langle Y_i,Y_j \rangle. The goal is to recover the hidden vertex correspondence π\pi^* based on the observed matrices AA and BB. For the low-dimensional regime where d=O(logn)d=O(\log n), Wang, Wu, Xu, and Yolou [WWXY22+] established the information thresholds for exact and almost exact recovery in matching correlated Gaussian geometric models. They also conducted numerical experiments for the classical Umeyama algorithm. In our work, we prove that this algorithm achieves exact recovery of π\pi^* when the noise parameter σ=o(d3n2/d)\sigma=o(d^{-3}n^{-2/d}), and almost exact recovery when σ=o(d3n1/d)\sigma=o(d^{-3}n^{-1/d}). Our results approach the information thresholds up to a poly(d)\operatorname{poly}(d) factor in the low-dimensional regime.Comment: 31 page

    Joint Correlation Detection and Alignment of Gaussian Databases

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    In this work, we propose an efficient two-stage algorithm solving a joint problem of correlation detection and permutation recovery between two Gaussian databases. Correlation detection is an hypothesis testing problem; under the null hypothesis, the databases are independent, and under the alternate hypothesis, they are correlated, under an unknown row permutation. We develop relatively tight bounds on the type-I and type-II error probabilities, and show that the analyzed detector performs better than a recently proposed detector, at least for some specific parameter choices. Since the proposed detector relies on a statistic, which is a sum of dependent indicator random variables, then in order to bound the type-I probability of error, we develop a novel graph-theoretic technique for bounding the kk-th order moments of such statistics. When the databases are accepted as correlated, the algorithm also outputs an estimation for the underlying row permutation. By comparing to known converse results for this problem, we prove that the alignment error probability converges to zero under the asymptotically lowest possible correlation coefficient.Comment: 41 pages, 7 figure

    Database Matching Under Noisy Synchronization Errors

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    The re-identification or de-anonymization of users from anonymized data through matching with publicly available correlated user data has raised privacy concerns, leading to the complementary measure of obfuscation in addition to anonymization. Recent research provides a fundamental understanding of the conditions under which privacy attacks, in the form of database matching, are successful in the presence of obfuscation. Motivated by synchronization errors stemming from the sampling of time-indexed databases, this paper presents a unified framework considering both obfuscation and synchronization errors and investigates the matching of databases under noisy entry repetitions. By investigating different structures for the repetition pattern, replica detection and seeded deletion detection algorithms are devised and sufficient and necessary conditions for successful matching are derived. Finally, the impacts of some variations of the underlying assumptions, such as the adversarial deletion model, seedless database matching, and zero-rate regime, on the results are discussed. Overall, our results provide insights into the privacy-preserving publication of anonymized and obfuscated time-indexed data as well as the closely related problem of the capacity of synchronization channels

    Database Alignment with Gaussian Features

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    We consider the problem of aligning a pair of databases with jointly Gaussian features. We consider two algorithms, complete database alignment via MAP estimation among all possible database alignments, and partial alignment via a thresholding approach of log likelihood ratios. We derive conditions on mutual information between feature pairs, identifying the regimes where the algorithms are guaranteed to perform reliably and those where they cannot be expected to succeed