115 research outputs found

    Data-Efficient Off-Policy Policy Evaluation for Reinforcement Learning

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    In this paper we present a new way of predicting the performance of a reinforcement learning policy given historical data that may have been generated by a different policy. The ability to evaluate a policy from historical data is important for applications where the deployment of a bad policy can be dangerous or costly. We show empirically that our algorithm produces estimates that often have orders of magnitude lower mean squared error than existing methods---it makes more efficient use of the available data. Our new estimator is based on two advances: an extension of the doubly robust estimator (Jiang and Li, 2015), and a new way to mix between model based estimates and importance sampling based estimates

    Behaviour Policy Estimation in Off-Policy Policy Evaluation: Calibration Matters

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    In this work, we consider the problem of estimating a behaviour policy for use in Off-Policy Policy Evaluation (OPE) when the true behaviour policy is unknown. Via a series of empirical studies, we demonstrate how accurate OPE is strongly dependent on the calibration of estimated behaviour policy models: how precisely the behaviour policy is estimated from data. We show how powerful parametric models such as neural networks can result in highly uncalibrated behaviour policy models on a real-world medical dataset, and illustrate how a simple, non-parametric, k-nearest neighbours model produces better calibrated behaviour policy estimates and can be used to obtain superior importance sampling-based OPE estimates.Comment: Accepted to workshop on Machine Learning for Causal Inference, Counterfactual Prediction, and Autonomous Action at ICML 201

    Stochastic Doubly Robust Gradient

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    When training a machine learning model with observational data, it is often encountered that some values are systemically missing. Learning from the incomplete data in which the missingness depends on some covariates may lead to biased estimation of parameters and even harm the fairness of decision outcome. This paper proposes how to adjust the causal effect of covariates on the missingness when training models using stochastic gradient descent (SGD). Inspired by the design of doubly robust estimator and its theoretical property of double robustness, we introduce stochastic doubly robust gradient (SDRG) consisting of two models: weight-corrected gradients for inverse propensity score weighting and per-covariate control variates for regression adjustment. Also, we identify the connection between double robustness and variance reduction in SGD by demonstrating the SDRG algorithm with a unifying framework for variance reduced SGD. The performance of our approach is empirically tested by showing the convergence in training image classifiers with several examples of missing data.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Doubly Robust Off-Policy Actor-Critic Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning

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    We study the problem of off-policy critic evaluation in several variants of value-based off-policy actor-critic algorithms. Off-policy actor-critic algorithms require an off-policy critic evaluation step, to estimate the value of the new policy after every policy gradient update. Despite enormous success of off-policy policy gradients on control tasks, existing general methods suffer from high variance and instability, partly because the policy improvement depends on gradient of the estimated value function. In this work, we present a new way of off-policy policy evaluation in actor-critic, based on the doubly robust estimators. We extend the doubly robust estimator from off-policy policy evaluation (OPE) to actor-critic algorithms that consist of a reward estimator performance model. We find that doubly robust estimation of the critic can significantly improve performance in continuous control tasks. Furthermore, in cases where the reward function is stochastic that can lead to high variance, doubly robust critic estimation can improve performance under corrupted, stochastic reward signals, indicating its usefulness for robust and safe reinforcement learning.Comment: In Submission; Appeared at NeurIPS 2019 Workshop on Safety and Robustness in Decision Makin

    Improving Sepsis Treatment Strategies by Combining Deep and Kernel-Based Reinforcement Learning

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    Sepsis is the leading cause of mortality in the ICU. It is challenging to manage because individual patients respond differently to treatment. Thus, tailoring treatment to the individual patient is essential for the best outcomes. In this paper, we take steps toward this goal by applying a mixture-of-experts framework to personalize sepsis treatment. The mixture model selectively alternates between neighbor-based (kernel) and deep reinforcement learning (DRL) experts depending on patient's current history. On a large retrospective cohort, this mixture-based approach outperforms physician, kernel only, and DRL-only experts.Comment: AMIA 2018 Annual Symposiu

    The Advantage of Doubling: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach to Studying the Double Team in the NBA

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    During the 2017 NBA playoffs, Celtics coach Brad Stevens was faced with a difficult decision when defending against the Cavaliers: "Do you double and risk giving up easy shots, or stay at home and do the best you can?" It's a tough call, but finding a good defensive strategy that effectively incorporates doubling can make all the difference in the NBA. In this paper, we analyze double teaming in the NBA, quantifying the trade-off between risk and reward. Using player trajectory data pertaining to over 643,000 possessions, we identified when the ball handler was double teamed. Given these data and the corresponding outcome (i.e., was the defense successful), we used deep reinforcement learning to estimate the quality of the defensive actions. We present qualitative and quantitative results summarizing our learned defensive strategy for defending. We show that our policy value estimates are predictive of points per possession and win percentage. Overall, the proposed framework represents a step toward a more comprehensive understanding of defensive strategies in the NBA.Comment: Accepted to MIT Sloan Sports Analytics 2018. First two authors contributed equall

    The Actor Search Tree Critic (ASTC) for Off-Policy POMDP Learning in Medical Decision Making

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    Off-policy reinforcement learning enables near-optimal policy from suboptimal experience, thereby provisions opportunity for artificial intelligence applications in healthcare. Previous works have mainly framed patient-clinician interactions as Markov decision processes, while true physiological states are not necessarily fully observable from clinical data. We capture this situation with partially observable Markov decision process, in which an agent optimises its actions in a belief represented as a distribution of patient states inferred from individual history trajectories. A Gaussian mixture model is fitted for the observed data. Moreover, we take into account the fact that nuance in pharmaceutical dosage could presumably result in significantly different effect by modelling a continuous policy through a Gaussian approximator directly in the policy space, i.e. the actor. To address the challenge of infinite number of possible belief states which renders exact value iteration intractable, we evaluate and plan for only every encountered belief, through heuristic search tree by tightly maintaining lower and upper bounds of the true value of belief. We further resort to function approximations to update value bounds estimation, i.e. the critic, so that the tree search can be improved through more compact bounds at the fringe nodes that will be back-propagated to the root. Both actor and critic parameters are learned via gradient-based approaches. Our proposed policy trained from real intensive care unit data is capable of dictating dosing on vasopressors and intravenous fluids for sepsis patients that lead to the best patient outcomes

    Truly Batch Apprenticeship Learning with Deep Successor Features

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    We introduce a novel apprenticeship learning algorithm to learn an expert's underlying reward structure in off-policy model-free \emph{batch} settings. Unlike existing methods that require a dynamics model or additional data acquisition for on-policy evaluation, our algorithm requires only the batch data of observed expert behavior. Such settings are common in real-world tasks---health care, finance or industrial processes ---where accurate simulators do not exist or data acquisition is costly. To address challenges in batch settings, we introduce Deep Successor Feature Networks(DSFN) that estimate feature expectations in an off-policy setting and a transition-regularized imitation network that produces a near-expert initial policy and an efficient feature representation. Our algorithm achieves superior results in batch settings on both control benchmarks and a vital clinical task of sepsis management in the Intensive Care Unit.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, Under Conference Revie

    Off-policy Bandit and Reinforcement Learning

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    We develop a method for predicting the performance of reinforcement learning and bandit algorithms, given historical data that may have been generated by a different algorithm. Our estimator has the property that its prediction converges in probability to the true performance of a counterfactual algorithm at the fast N\sqrt{N} rate, as the sample size NN increases. We also show a correct way to estimate the variance of our prediction, thus allowing the analyst to quantify the uncertainty in the prediction. These properties hold even when the analyst does not know which among a large number of potentially important state variables are really important. These theoretical guarantees make our estimator safe to use. We finally apply it to improve advertisement design by a major advertisement company. We find that our method produces smaller mean squared errors than state-of-the-art methods

    Using Options and Covariance Testing for Long Horizon Off-Policy Policy Evaluation

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    Evaluating a policy by deploying it in the real world can be risky and costly. Off-policy policy evaluation (OPE) algorithms use historical data collected from running a previous policy to evaluate a new policy, which provides a means for evaluating a policy without requiring it to ever be deployed. Importance sampling is a popular OPE method because it is robust to partial observability and works with continuous states and actions. However, the amount of historical data required by importance sampling can scale exponentially with the horizon of the problem: the number of sequential decisions that are made. We propose using policies over temporally extended actions, called options, and show that combining these policies with importance sampling can significantly improve performance for long-horizon problems. In addition, we can take advantage of special cases that arise due to options-based policies to further improve the performance of importance sampling. We further generalize these special cases to a general covariance testing rule that can be used to decide which weights to drop in an IS estimate, and derive a new IS algorithm called Incremental Importance Sampling that can provide significantly more accurate estimates for a broad class of domains
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