44 research outputs found

    Video processing for panoramic streaming using HEVC and its scalable extensions

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    Panoramic streaming is a particular way of video streaming where an arbitrary Region-of-Interest (RoI) is transmitted from a high-spatial resolution video, i.e. a video covering a very “wide-angle” (much larger than the human field-of-view – e.g. 360°). Some transport schemes for panoramic video delivery have been proposed and demonstrated within the past decade, which allow users to navigate interactively within the high-resolution videos. With the recent advances of head mounted displays, consumers may soon have immersive and sufficiently convenient end devices at reach, which could lead to an increasing demand for panoramic video experiences. The solution proposed within this paper is built upon tile-based panoramic streaming, where users receive a set of tiles that match their RoI, and consists in a low-complexity compressed domain video processing technique for using H.265/HEVC and its scalable extensions (H.265/SHVC and H.265/MV-HEVC). The proposed technique generates a single video bitstream out of the selected tiles so that a single hardware decoder can be used. It overcomes the scalability issue of previous solutions not using tiles and the battery consumption issue inherent of tile-based panorama streaming, where multiple parallel software decoders are used. In addition, the described technique is capable of reducing peak streaming bitrate during changes of the RoI, which is crucial for allowing a truly immersive and low latency video experience. Besides, it makes it possible to use Open GOP structures without incurring any playback interruption at switching events, which provides a better compression efficiency compared to closed GOP structures

    A parallel H.264/SVC encoder for high definition video conferencing

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    In this paper we present a video encoder specially developed and configured for high definition (HD) video conferencing. This video encoder brings together the following three requirements: H.264/Scalable Video Coding (SVC), parallel encoding on multicore platforms, and parallel-friendly rate control. With the first requirement, a minimum quality of service to every end-user receiver over Internet Protocol networks is guaranteed. With the second one, real-time execution is accomplished and, for this purpose, slice-level parallelism, for the main encoding loop, and block-level parallelism, for the upsampling and interpolation filtering processes, are combined. With the third one, a proper HD video content delivery under certain bit rate and end-to-end delay constraints is ensured. The experimental results prove that the proposed H.264/SVC video encoder is able to operate in real time over a wide range of target bit rates at the expense of reasonable losses in rate-distortion efficiency due to the frame partitioning into slices

    High-Level Synthesis Based VLSI Architectures for Video Coding

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    High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) is state-of-the-art video coding standard. Emerging applications like free-viewpoint video, 360degree video, augmented reality, 3D movies etc. require standardized extensions of HEVC. The standardized extensions of HEVC include HEVC Scalable Video Coding (SHVC), HEVC Multiview Video Coding (MV-HEVC), MV-HEVC+ Depth (3D-HEVC) and HEVC Screen Content Coding. 3D-HEVC is used for applications like view synthesis generation, free-viewpoint video. Coding and transmission of depth maps in 3D-HEVC is used for the virtual view synthesis by the algorithms like Depth Image Based Rendering (DIBR). As first step, we performed the profiling of the 3D-HEVC standard. Computational intensive parts of the standard are identified for the efficient hardware implementation. One of the computational intensive part of the 3D-HEVC, HEVC and H.264/AVC is the Interpolation Filtering used for Fractional Motion Estimation (FME). The hardware implementation of the interpolation filtering is carried out using High-Level Synthesis (HLS) tools. Xilinx Vivado Design Suite is used for the HLS implementation of the interpolation filters of HEVC and H.264/AVC. The complexity of the digital systems is greatly increased. High-Level Synthesis is the methodology which offers great benefits such as late architectural or functional changes without time consuming in rewriting of RTL-code, algorithms can be tested and evaluated early in the design cycle and development of accurate models against which the final hardware can be verified

    Optimization of the motion estimation for parallel embedded systems in the context of new video standards

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    15 pagesInternational audienceThe effciency of video compression methods mainly depends on the motion compensation stage, and the design of effcient motion estimation techniques is still an important issue. An highly accurate motion estimation can significantly reduce the bit-rate, but involves a high computational complexity. This is particularly true for new generations of video compression standards, MPEG AVC and HEVC, which involves techniques such as different reference frames, sub-pixel estimation, variable block sizes. In this context, the design of fast motion estimation solutions is necessary, and can concerned two linked aspects: a high quality algorithm and its effcient implementation. This paper summarizes our main contributions in this domain. In particular, we first present the HME (Hierarchical Motion Estimation) technique. It is based on a multi-level refinement process where the motion estimation vectors are first estimated on a sub-sampled image. The multi-levels decomposition provides robust predictions and is particularly suited for variable block sizes motion estimations. The HME method has been integrated in a AVC encoder, and we propose a parallel implementation of this technique, with the motion estimation at pixel level performed by a DSP processor, and the sub-pixel refinement realized in an FPGA. The second technique that we present is called HDS for Hierarchical Diamond Search. It combines the multi-level refinement of HME, with a fast search at pixel-accuracy inspired by the EPZS method. This paper also presents its parallel implementation onto a multi-DSP platform and the its use in the HEVC context

    High Performance Multiview Video Coding

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    Following the standardization of the latest video coding standard High Efficiency Video Coding in 2013, in 2014, multiview extension of HEVC (MV-HEVC) was published and brought significantly better compression performance of around 50% for multiview and 3D videos compared to multiple independent single-view HEVC coding. However, the extremely high computational complexity of MV-HEVC demands significant optimization of the encoder. To tackle this problem, this work investigates the possibilities of using modern parallel computing platforms and tools such as single-instruction-multiple-data (SIMD) instructions, multi-core CPU, massively parallel GPU, and computer cluster to significantly enhance the MVC encoder performance. The aforementioned computing tools have very different computing characteristics and misuse of the tools may result in poor performance improvement and sometimes even reduction. To achieve the best possible encoding performance from modern computing tools, different levels of parallelism inside a typical MVC encoder are identified and analyzed. Novel optimization techniques at various levels of abstraction are proposed, non-aggregation massively parallel motion estimation (ME) and disparity estimation (DE) in prediction unit (PU), fractional and bi-directional ME/DE acceleration through SIMD, quantization parameter (QP)-based early termination for coding tree unit (CTU), optimized resource-scheduled wave-front parallel processing for CTU, and workload balanced, cluster-based multiple-view parallel are proposed. The result shows proposed parallel optimization techniques, with insignificant loss to coding efficiency, significantly improves the execution time performance. This , in turn, proves modern parallel computing platforms, with appropriate platform-specific algorithm design, are valuable tools for improving the performance of computationally intensive applications

    Analysis and Comparison of Modern Video Compression Standards for Random-access Light-field Compression

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    Light-field (LF) 3D displays are anticipated to be the next-generation 3D displays by providing smooth motion parallax, wide field of view (FOV), and higher depth range than the current autostereoscopic displays. The projection-based multi-view LF 3D displays bring the desired new functionalities through a set of projection engines creating light sources for the continuous light field to be created. Such displays require a high number of perspective views as an input to fully exploit the visualization capabilities and viewing angle provided by the LF technology. Delivering, processing and de/compressing this amount of views pose big technical challenges. However, when processing light fields in a distributed system, access patterns in ray space are quite regular, some processing nodes do not need all views, moreover the necessary views are used only partially. This trait could be exploited by partial decoding of pictures to help providing less complex and thus real-time operation. However, none of the recent video coding standards (e.g., Advanced Video Coding (AVC)/H.264 and High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)/H.265 standards) provides partial decoding of video pictures. Such feature can be achieved by partitioning video pictures into partitions that can be processed independently at the cost of lowering the compression efficiency. Examples of such partitioning features introduced by the modern video coding standards include slices and tiles, which enable random access into the video bitstreams with a specific granularity. In addition, some extra requirements have to be imposed on the standard partitioning tools in order to be applicable in the context of partial decoding. This leads to partitions called self-contained which refers to isolated or independently decodable regions in the video pictures. This work studies the problem of creating self-contained partitions in the conventional AVC/H.264 and HEVC/H.265 standards, and HEVC 3D extensions including multi-view (i.e., MV-HEVC) and 3D (i.e., 3D-HEVC) extensions using slices and tiles, respectively. The requirements that need to be fulfilled in order to build self-contained partitions are described, and an encoder-side solution is proposed. Further, the work examines how slicing/tiling can be used to facilitate random access into the video bitstreams, how the number of slices/tiles affects the compression ratio considering different prediction structures, and how much effect partial decoding has on decoding time. Overall, the experimental results indicate that the finer the partitioning is, the higher the compression loss occurs. The usage of self-contained partitions makes the decoding operation very efficient and less complex

    Algorithms for compression of high dynamic range images and video

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    The recent advances in sensor and display technologies have brought upon the High Dynamic Range (HDR) imaging capability. The modern multiple exposure HDR sensors can achieve the dynamic range of 100-120 dB and LED and OLED display devices have contrast ratios of 10^5:1 to 10^6:1. Despite the above advances in technology the image/video compression algorithms and associated hardware are yet based on Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) technology, i.e. they operate within an effective dynamic range of up to 70 dB for 8 bit gamma corrected images. Further the existing infrastructure for content distribution is also designed for SDR, which creates interoperability problems with true HDR capture and display equipment. The current solutions for the above problem include tone mapping the HDR content to fit SDR. However this approach leads to image quality associated problems, when strong dynamic range compression is applied. Even though some HDR-only solutions have been proposed in literature, they are not interoperable with current SDR infrastructure and are thus typically used in closed systems. Given the above observations a research gap was identified in the need for efficient algorithms for the compression of still images and video, which are capable of storing full dynamic range and colour gamut of HDR images and at the same time backward compatible with existing SDR infrastructure. To improve the usability of SDR content it is vital that any such algorithms should accommodate different tone mapping operators, including those that are spatially non-uniform. In the course of the research presented in this thesis a novel two layer CODEC architecture is introduced for both HDR image and video coding. Further a universal and computationally efficient approximation of the tone mapping operator is developed and presented. It is shown that the use of perceptually uniform colourspaces for internal representation of pixel data enables improved compression efficiency of the algorithms. Further proposed novel approaches to the compression of metadata for the tone mapping operator is shown to improve compression performance for low bitrate video content. Multiple compression algorithms are designed, implemented and compared and quality-complexity trade-offs are identified. Finally practical aspects of implementing the developed algorithms are explored by automating the design space exploration flow and integrating the high level systems design framework with domain specific tools for synthesis and simulation of multiprocessor systems. The directions for further work are also presented

    Dynamic Resource Management of Network-on-Chip Platforms for Multi-stream Video Processing

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    This thesis considers resource management in the context of parallel multiple video stream decoding, on multicore/many-core platforms. Such platforms have tens or hundreds of on-chip processing elements which are connected via a Network-on-Chip (NoC). Inefficient task allocation configurations can negatively affect the communication cost and resource contention in the platform, leading to predictability and performance issues. Efficient resource management for large-scale complex workloads is considered a challenging research problem; especially when applications such as video streaming and decoding have dynamic and unpredictable workload characteristics. For these type of applications, runtime heuristic-based task mapping techniques are required. As the application and platform size increase, decentralised resource management techniques are more desirable to overcome the reliability and performance bottlenecks in centralised management. In this work, several heuristic-based runtime resource management techniques, targeting real-time video decoding workloads are proposed. Firstly, two admission control approaches are proposed; one fully deterministic and highly predictable; the other is heuristic-based, which balances predictability and performance. Secondly, a pair of runtime task mapping schemes are presented, which make use of limited known application properties, communication cost and blocking-aware heuristics. Combined with the proposed deterministic admission controller, these techniques can provide strict timing guarantees for hard real-time streams whilst improving resource usage. The third contribution in this thesis is a distributed, bio-inspired, low-overhead, task re-allocation technique, which is used to further improve the timeliness and workload distribution of admitted soft real-time streams. Finally, this thesis explores parallelisation and resource management issues, surrounding soft real-time video streams that have been encoded using complex encoding tools and modern codecs such as High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). Properties of real streams and decoding trace data are analysed, to statistically model and generate synthetic HEVC video decoding workloads. These workloads are shown to have complex and varying task dependency structures and resource requirements. To address these challenges, two novel runtime task clustering and mapping techniques for Tile-parallel HEVC decoding are proposed. These strategies consider the workload communication to computation ratio and stream-specific characteristics to balance predictability improvement and communication energy reduction. Lastly, several task to memory controller port assignment schemes are explored to alleviate performance bottlenecks, resulting from memory traffic contention

    Optimisation énergétique de processus de traitement du signal et ses applications au décodage vidéo

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    Consumer electronics offer today more and more features (video, audio, GPS, Internet) and connectivity means (multi-radio systems with WiFi, Bluetooth, UMTS, HSPA, LTE-advanced ... ). The power demand of these devices is growing for the digital part especially for the processing chip. To support this ever increasing computing demand, processor architectures have evolved with multicore processors, graphics processors (GPU) and ether dedicated hardware accelerators. However, the evolution of battery technology is itself slower. Therefore, the autonomy of embedded systems is now under a great pressure. Among the new functionalities supported by mobile devices, video services take a prominent place. lndeed, recent analyzes show that they will represent 70% of mobile Internet traffic by 2016. Accompanying this growth, new technologies are emerging for new services and applications. Among them HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) can double the data compression while maintaining a subjective quality equivalent to its predecessor, the H.264 standard. ln a digital circuit, the total power consumption is made of static power and dynamic power. Most of modern hardware architectures implement means to control the power consumption of the system. Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) mainly reduces the dynamic power of the circuit. This technique aims to adapt the power of the processor (and therefore its consumption) to the actual load needed by the application. To control the static power, Dynamic Power Management (DPM or sleep modes) aims to stop the voltage supplies associated with specific areas of the chip. ln this thesis, we first present a model of the energy consumed by the circuit integrating DPM and DVFS modes. This model is generalized to multi-core integrated circuits and to a rapid prototyping tool. Thus, the optimal operating point of a circuit, i.e. the operating frequency and the number of active cores, is identified. Secondly, the HEVC application is integrated to a multicore architecture coupled with a sophisticated DVFS mechanism. We show that this application can be implemented efficiently on general purpose processors (GPP) while minimizing the power consumption. Finally, and to get further energy gain, we propose a modified HEVC decoder that is capable to tune its energy gains together with a decoding quality trade-off.Aujourd'hui, les appareils électroniques offrent de plus en plus de fonctionnalités (vidéo, audio, GPS, internet) et des connectivités variées (multi-systèmes de radio avec WiFi, Bluetooth, UMTS, HSPA, LTE-advanced ... ). La demande en puissance de ces appareils est donc grandissante pour la partie numérique et notamment le processeur de calcul. Pour répondre à ce besoin sans cesse croissant de nouvelles fonctionnalités et donc de puissance de calcul, les architectures des processeurs ont beaucoup évolué : processeurs multi-coeurs, processeurs graphiques (GPU) et autres accélérateurs matériels dédiés. Cependant, alors que de nouvelles architectures matérielles peinent à répondre aux exigences de performance, l'évolution de la technologie des batteries est quant à elle encore plus lente. En conséquence, l'autonomie des systèmes embarqués est aujourd'hui sous pression. Parmi les nouveaux services supportés par les terminaux mobiles, la vidéo prend une place prépondérante. En effet, des analyses récentes de tendance montrent qu'elle représentera 70 % du trafic internet mobile dès 2016. Accompagnant cette croissance, de nouvelles technologies émergent permettant de nouveaux services et applications. Parmi elles, HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) permet de doubler la compression de données tout en garantissant une qualité subjective équivalente à son prédécesseur, la norme H.264. Dans un circuit numérique, la consommation provient de deux éléments: la puissance statique et la puissance dynamique. La plupart des architectures matérielles récentes mettent en oeuvre des procédés permettant de contrôler la puissance du système. Le changement dynamique du couple tension/fréquence appelé Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) agit principalement sur la puissance dynamique du circuit. Cette technique permet d'adapter la puissance du processeur (et donc sa consommation) à la charge réelle nécessaire pour une application. Pour contrôler la puissance statique, le Dynamic Power Management (DPM, ou modes de veille) consistant à arrêter les alimentations associées à des zones spécifiques de la puce. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons d'abord une modélisation de l'énergie consommée par le circuit intégrant les modes DVFS et DPM. Cette modélisation est généralisée au circuit multi-coeurs et intégrée à un outil de prototypage rapide. Ainsi le point de fonctionnement optimal d'un circuit, la fréquence de fonctionnement et le nombre de coeurs actifs, est identifié. Dans un second temps, l'application HEVC est intégrée à une architecture multi-coeurs avec une adaptation dynamique de la fréquence de développement. Nous montrons que cette application peut être implémentée efficacement sur des processeurs généralistes (GPP) tout en minimisant la puissance consommée. Enfin, et pour aller plus loin dans les gains en énergie, nous proposons une modification du décodeur HEVC qui permet à un décodeur de baisser encore plus sa consommation en fonction du budget énergétique disponible localement