1,858 research outputs found

    Energy Efficient Ant Colony Algorithms for Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this paper, a family of ant colony algorithms called DAACA for data aggregation has been presented which contains three phases: the initialization, packet transmission and operations on pheromones. After initialization, each node estimates the remaining energy and the amount of pheromones to compute the probabilities used for dynamically selecting the next hop. After certain rounds of transmissions, the pheromones adjustment is performed periodically, which combines the advantages of both global and local pheromones adjustment for evaporating or depositing pheromones. Four different pheromones adjustment strategies are designed to achieve the global optimal network lifetime, namely Basic-DAACA, ES-DAACA, MM-DAACA and ACS-DAACA. Compared with some other data aggregation algorithms, DAACA shows higher superiority on average degree of nodes, energy efficiency, prolonging the network lifetime, computation complexity and success ratio of one hop transmission. At last we analyze the characteristic of DAACA in the aspects of robustness, fault tolerance and scalability.Comment: To appear in Journal of Computer and System Science

    A Trust Based Congestion Aware Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks (TC-ACO)

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    Congestion is a problem of paramount importance in resource constrained Wireless Sensor Networks, especially for large networks, where the traffic loads exceed the available capacity of the resources. Sensor nodes are prone to failure and the misbehavior of these faulty nodes creates further congestion. The resulting effect is a degradation in network performance, additional computation and increased energy consumption, which in turn decreases network lifetime. Hence, the data packet routing algorithm should consider congestion as one of the parameters, in addition to the role of the faulty nodes and not merely energy efficient protocols. Unfortunately most of the researchers have tried to make the routing schemes energy efficient without considering congestion factor and the effect of the faulty nodes. In this paper we have proposed a congestion aware, energy efficient, routing approach that utilizes Ant Colony Optimization algorithm, in which faulty nodes are isolated by means of the concept of trust. The merits of the proposed scheme are verified through simulations where they are compared with other protocols.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures and 2 tables (Conference Paper

    Comparison and Analysis on AI Based Data Aggregation Techniques in Wireless Networks

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    In modern era WSN, data aggregation technique is the challenging area for researchers from long time. Numbers of researchers have proposed neural network (NN) and fuzzy logic based data aggregation methods in Wireless Environment. The main objective of this paper is to analyse the existing work on artificial intelligence (AI) based data aggregation techniques in WSNs. An attempt has been made to identify the strength and weakness of AI based techniques.In addition to this, a modified protocol is designed and developed.And its implementation also compared with other existing approaches ACO and PSO. Proposed approach is better in terms of network lifetime and throughput of the networks. In future an attempt can be made to overcome the existing challenges during data aggregation in WSN using different AI and Meta heuristic based techniques

    Ant Colony Optimization for Network Aggregation in a Fully Connected Network

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    Ants Colony exhibit complex structure called ant streets. We were observed in several situations such as highway or may have placed some obstacle in the way and see ant’s reaction to such disturbances. One of the most surprising behavioral patterns by ants is the ability to find shortest path which is the challenge of today’s computer scientists. Ant Colony Optimization is a probabilistic technique for solving computational problems. This paper explains Ant Colony Optimization is an effective approach for finding a shortest path between two nodes on a network. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15067

    Energy-efficient routing protocols in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks

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    Sensor networks feature low-cost sensor devices with wireless network capability, limited transmit power, resource constraints and limited battery energy. The usage of cheap and tiny wireless sensors will allow very large networks to be deployed at a feasible cost to provide a bridge between information systems and the physical world. Such large-scale deployments will require routing protocols that scale to large network sizes in an energy-efficient way. This thesis addresses the design of such network routing methods. A classification of existing routing protocols and the key factors in their design (i.e., hardware, topology, applications) provides the motivation for the new three-tier architecture for heterogeneous networks built upon a generic software framework (GSF). A range of new routing algorithms have hence been developed with the design goals of scalability and energy-efficient performance of network protocols. They are respectively TinyReg - a routing algorithm based on regular-graph theory, TSEP - topological stable election protocol, and GAAC - an evolutionary algorithm based on genetic algorithms and ant colony algorithms. The design principle of our routing algorithms is that shortening the distance between the cluster-heads and the sink in the network, will minimise energy consumption in order to extend the network lifetime, will achieve energy efficiency. Their performance has been evaluated by simulation in an extensive range of scenarios, and compared to existing algorithms. It is shown that the newly proposed algorithms allow long-term continuous data collection in large networks, offering greater network longevity than existing solutions. These results confirm the validity of the GSF as an architectural approach to the deployment of large wireless sensor networks

    Study on Different Topology Manipulation Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Network

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    Wireless sensor network (WSN) comprises of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to screen physical or environmental conditions and to agreeably go their information through the network to a principle area. One of the critical necessities of a WSN is the efficiency of vitality, which expands the life time of the network. At the same time there are some different variables like Load Balancing, congestion control, coverage, Energy Efficiency, mobility and so on. A few methods have been proposed via scientists to accomplish these objectives that can help in giving a decent topology control. In the piece, a few systems which are accessible by utilizing improvement and transformative strategies that give a multi target arrangement are examined. In this paper, we compare different algorithms' execution in view of a few parameters intended for every target and the outcomes are analyzed. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15029

    Hybrid Swarm Intelligence Energy Efficient Clustered Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Currently, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are used in many applications, namely, environment monitoring, disaster management, industrial automation, and medical electronics. Sensor nodes carry many limitations like low battery life, small memory space, and limited computing capability. To create a wireless sensor network more energy efficient, swarm intelligence technique has been applied to resolve many optimization issues in WSNs. In many existing clustering techniques an artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm is utilized to collect information from the field periodically. Nevertheless, in the event based applications, an ant colony optimization (ACO) is a good solution to enhance the network lifespan. In this paper, we combine both algorithms (i.e., ABC and ACO) and propose a new hybrid ABCACO algorithm to solve a Nondeterministic Polynomial (NP) hard and finite problem of WSNs. ABCACO algorithm is divided into three main parts: (i) selection of optimal number of subregions and further subregion parts, (ii) cluster head selection using ABC algorithm, and (iii) efficient data transmission using ACO algorithm. We use a hierarchical clustering technique for data transmission; the data is transmitted from member nodes to the subcluster heads and then from subcluster heads to the elected cluster heads based on some threshold value. Cluster heads use an ACO algorithm to discover the best route for data transmission to the base station (BS). The proposed approach is very useful in designing the framework for forest fire detection and monitoring. The simulation results show that the ABCACO algorithm enhances the stability period by 60% and also improves the goodput by 31% against LEACH and WSNCABC, respectively