307 research outputs found

    Data Poisoning Attacks on Linked Data with Graph Regularization

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    abstract: Social media has become the norm of everyone for communication. The usage of social media has increased exponentially in the last decade. The myriads of Social media services such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram etc allow people to connect with their friends, and followers freely. The attackers who try to take advantage of this situation has also increased at an exponential rate. Every social media service has its own recommender systems and user profiling algorithms. These algorithms use users current information to make different recommendations. Often the data that is formed from social media services is Linked data as each item/user is usually linked with other users/items. Recommender systems due to their ubiquitous and prominent nature are prone to several forms of attacks. One of the major form of attacks is poisoning the training set data. As recommender systems use current user/item information as the training set to make recommendations, the attacker tries to modify the training set in such a way that the recommender system would benefit the attacker or give incorrect recommendations and hence failing in its basic functionality. Most existing training set attack algorithms work with ``flat" attribute-value data which is typically assumed to be independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.). However, the i.i.d. assumption does not hold for social media data since it is inherently linked as described above. Usage of user-similarity with Graph Regularizer in morphing the training data produces best results to attacker. This thesis proves the same by demonstrating with experiments on Collaborative Filtering with multiple datasets.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Computer Science 201

    Securing Recommender System via Cooperative Training

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    Recommender systems are often susceptible to well-crafted fake profiles, leading to biased recommendations. Among existing defense methods, data-processing-based methods inevitably exclude normal samples, while model-based methods struggle to enjoy both generalization and robustness. To this end, we suggest integrating data processing and the robust model to propose a general framework, Triple Cooperative Defense (TCD), which employs three cooperative models that mutually enhance data and thereby improve recommendation robustness. Furthermore, Considering that existing attacks struggle to balance bi-level optimization and efficiency, we revisit poisoning attacks in recommender systems and introduce an efficient attack strategy, Co-training Attack (Co-Attack), which cooperatively optimizes the attack optimization and model training, considering the bi-level setting while maintaining attack efficiency. Moreover, we reveal a potential reason for the insufficient threat of existing attacks is their default assumption of optimizing attacks in undefended scenarios. This overly optimistic setting limits the potential of attacks. Consequently, we put forth a Game-based Co-training Attack (GCoAttack), which frames the proposed CoAttack and TCD as a game-theoretic process, thoroughly exploring CoAttack's attack potential in the cooperative training of attack and defense. Extensive experiments on three real datasets demonstrate TCD's superiority in enhancing model robustness. Additionally, we verify that the two proposed attack strategies significantly outperform existing attacks, with game-based GCoAttack posing a greater poisoning threat than CoAttack.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2210.1376
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