8 research outputs found

    Optimal Networks from Error Correcting Codes

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    To address growth challenges facing large Data Centers and supercomputing clusters a new construction is presented for scalable, high throughput, low latency networks. The resulting networks require 1.5-5 times fewer switches, 2-6 times fewer cables, have 1.2-2 times lower latency and correspondingly lower congestion and packet losses than the best present or proposed networks providing the same number of ports at the same total bisection. These advantage ratios increase with network size. The key new ingredient is the exact equivalence discovered between the problem of maximizing network bisection for large classes of practically interesting Cayley graphs and the problem of maximizing codeword distance for linear error correcting codes. Resulting translation recipe converts existent optimal error correcting codes into optimal throughput networks.Comment: 14 pages, accepted at ANCS 2013 conferenc

    A High Speed Hardware Scheduler for 1000-port Optical Packet Switches to Enable Scalable Data Centers

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    Meeting the exponential increase in the global demand for bandwidth has become a major concern for today's data centers. The scalability of any data center is defined by the maximum capacity and port count of the switching devices it employs, limited by total pin bandwidth on current electronic switch ASICs. Optical switches can provide higher capacity and port counts, and hence, can be used to transform data center scalability. We have recently demonstrated a 1000-port star-coupler based wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) and time division multiplexed (TDM) optical switch architecture offering a bandwidth of 32 Tbit/s with the use of fast wavelength-tunable transmitters and high-sensitivity coherent receivers. However, the major challenge in deploying such an optical switch to replace current electronic switches lies in designing and implementing a scalable scheduler capable of operating on packet timescales. In this paper, we present a pipelined and highly parallel electronic scheduler that configures the high-radix (1000-port) optical packet switch. The scheduler can process requests from 1000 nodes and allocate timeslots across 320 wavelength channels and 4000 wavelength-tunable transceivers within a time constraint of 1ÎĽs. Using the Opencell NanGate 45nm standard cell library, we show that the complete 1000-port parallel scheduler algorithm occupies a circuit area of 52.7mm2, 4-8x smaller than that of a high-performance switch ASIC, with a clock period of less than 8ns, enabling 138 scheduling iterations to be performed in 1ÎĽs. The performance of the scheduling algorithm is evaluated in comparison to maximal matching from graph theory and conventional software-based wavelength allocation heuristics. The parallel hardware scheduler is shown to achieve similar matching performance and network throughput while being orders of magnitude faster

    Management, Optimization and Evolution of the LHCb Online Network

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    The LHCb experiment is one of the four large particle detectors running at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. It is a forward single-arm spectrometer dedicated to test the Standard Model through precision measurements of Charge-Parity (CP) violation and rare decays in the b quark sector. The LHCb experiment will operate at a luminosity of 2x10^32cm-2s-1, the proton-proton bunch crossings rate will be approximately 10 MHz. To select the interesting events, a two-level trigger scheme is applied: the rst level trigger (L0) and the high level trigger (HLT). The L0 trigger is implemented in custom hardware, while HLT is implemented in software runs on the CPUs of the Event Filter Farm (EFF). The L0 trigger rate is dened at about 1 MHz, and the event size for each event is about 35 kByte. It is a serious challenge to handle the resulting data rate (35 GByte/s). The Online system is a key part of the LHCb experiment, providing all the IT services. It consists of three major components: the Data Acquisition (DAQ) system, the Timing and Fast Control (TFC) system and the Experiment Control System (ECS). To provide the services, two large dedicated networks based on Gigabit Ethernet are deployed: one for DAQ and another one for ECS, which are referred to Online network in general. A large network needs sophisticated monitoring for its successful operation. Commercial network management systems are quite expensive and dicult to integrate into the LHCb ECS. A custom network monitoring system has been implemented based on a Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) system called PVSS which is used by LHCb ECS. It is a homogeneous part of the LHCb ECS. In this thesis, it is demonstrated how a large scale network can be monitored and managed using tools originally made for industrial supervisory control. The thesis is organized as the follows: Chapter 1 gives a brief introduction to LHC and the B physics on LHC, then describes all sub-detectors and the trigger and DAQ system of LHCb from structure to performance. Chapter 2 first introduces the LHCb Online system and the dataflow, then focuses on the Online network design and its optimization. In Chapter 3, the SCADA system PVSS is introduced briefly, then the architecture and implementation of the network monitoring system are described in detail, including the front-end processes, the data communication and the supervisory layer. Chapter 4 first discusses the packet sampling theory and one of the packet sampling mechanisms: sFlow, then demonstrates the applications of sFlow for the network trouble-shooting, the traffic monitoring and the anomaly detection. In Chapter 5, the upgrade of LHC and LHCb is introduced, the possible architecture of DAQ is discussed, and two candidate internetworking technologies (high speed Ethernet and InfniBand) are compared in different aspects for DAQ. Three schemes based on 10 Gigabit Ethernet are presented and studied. Chapter 6 is a general summary of the thesis

    Designing Scalable Networks for Future Large Datacenters

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    Modern datacenters require a network with high cross-section bandwidth, fine-grained security, support for virtualization, and simple management that can scale to hundreds of thousands of hosts at low cost. This thesis first presents the firmware for Rain Man, a novel datacenter network architecture that meets these requirements, and then performs a general scalability study of the design space. The firmware for Rain Man, a scalable Software-Defined Networking architecture, employs novel algorithms and uses previously unused forwarding hardware. This allows Rain Man to scale at high performance to networks of forty thousand hosts on arbitrary network topologies. In the general scalability study of the design space of SDN architectures, this thesis identifies three different architectural dimensions common among the networks: source versus hop-by-hop routing, the granularity at which flows are routed, and arbitrary versus restrictive routing and finds that a source-routed, host-pair granularity network with arbitrary routes is the most scalable

    Trustworthy Knowledge Planes For Federated Distributed Systems

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    In federated distributed systems, such as the Internet and the public cloud, the constituent systems can differ in their configuration and provisioning, resulting in significant impacts on the performance, robustness, and security of applications. Yet these systems lack support for distinguishing such characteristics, resulting in uninformed service selection and poor inter-operator coordination. This thesis presents the design and implementation of a trustworthy knowledge plane that can determine such characteristics about autonomous networks on the Internet. A knowledge plane collects the state of network devices and participants. Using this state, applications infer whether a network possesses some characteristic of interest. The knowledge plane uses attestation to attribute state descriptions to the principals that generated them, thereby making the results of inference more trustworthy. Trustworthy knowledge planes enable applications to establish stronger assumptions about their network operating environment, resulting in improved robustness and reduced deployment barriers. We have prototyped the knowledge plane and associated devices. Experience with deploying analyses over production networks demonstrate that knowledge planes impose low cost and can scale to support Internet-scale networks

    Reducing the Cost of Operating a Datacenter Network

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    Datacenters are a significant capital expense for many enterprises. Yet, they are difficult to manage and are hard to design and maintain. The initial design of a datacenter network tends to follow vendor guidelines, but subsequent upgrades and expansions to it are mostly ad hoc, with equipment being upgraded piecemeal after its amortization period runs out and equipment acquisition is tied to budget cycles rather than changes in workload. These networks are also brittle and inflexible. They tend to be manually managed, and cannot perform dynamic traffic engineering. The high-level goal of this dissertation is to reduce the total cost of owning a datacenter by improving its network. To achieve this, we make the following contributions. First, we develop an automated, theoretically well-founded approach to planning cost-effective datacenter upgrades and expansions. Second, we propose a scalable traffic management framework for datacenter networks. Together, we show that these contributions can significantly reduce the cost of operating a datacenter network. To design cost-effective network topologies, especially as the network expands over time, updated equipment must coexist with legacy equipment, which makes the network heterogeneous. However, heterogeneous high-performance network designs are not well understood. Our first step, therefore, is to develop the theory of heterogeneous Clos topologies. Using our theory, we propose an optimization framework, called LEGUP, which designs a heterogeneous Clos network to implement in a new or legacy datacenter. Although effective, LEGUP imposes a certain amount of structure on the network. To deal with situations when this is infeasible, our second contribution is a framework, called REWIRE, which using optimization to design unstructured DCN topologies. Our results indicate that these unstructured topologies have up to 100-500\% more bisection bandwidth than a fat-tree for the same dollar cost. Our third contribution is two frameworks for datacenter network traffic engineering. Because of the multiplicity of end-to-end paths in DCN fabrics, such as Clos networks and the topologies designed by REWIRE, careful traffic engineering is needed to maximize throughput. This requires timely detection of elephant flows---flows that carry large amount of data---and management of those flows. Previously proposed approaches incur high monitoring overheads, consume significant switch resources, or have long detection times. We make two proposals for elephant flow detection. First, in the Mahout framework, we suggest that such flows be detected by observing the end hosts' socket buffers, which provide efficient visibility of flow behavior. Second, in the DevoFlow framework, we add efficient stats-collection mechanisms to network switches. Using simulations and experiments, we show that these frameworks reduce traffic engineering overheads by at least an order of magnitude while still providing near-optimal performance

    Data Center Switch Architecture in the Age of Merchant Silicon

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    Abstract—Today, data center networks that scale to tens of thousands of ports require the use of highly-specialized ASICs, with correspondingly high development costs. Simultaneously, these networks also face significant performance and management limitations. Just as commodity processors and disks now form the basis of computing and storage in the data center, we argue that there is an opportunity to leverage emerging high-speed commodity merchant switch silicon as the basis for a scalable, cost-effective, modular, and more manageable data center network fabric. This paper describes how to save cost and power by repackaging an entire data center network as a distributed multi-stage switch using a fat-tree topology and merchant silicon instead of proprietary ASICs. Compared to a fat tree of discrete packet switches, a 3,456-port 10 Gigabit Ethernet realization of our architecture costs 52 % less, consumes 31 % less power, occupies 84 % less space, and reduces the number of long, cumbersome cables from 6,912 down to 96, relative to existing approaches. I