23 research outputs found

    Contextual Augmentation: Data Augmentation by Words with Paradigmatic Relations

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    We propose a novel data augmentation for labeled sentences called contextual augmentation. We assume an invariance that sentences are natural even if the words in the sentences are replaced with other words with paradigmatic relations. We stochastically replace words with other words that are predicted by a bi-directional language model at the word positions. Words predicted according to a context are numerous but appropriate for the augmentation of the original words. Furthermore, we retrofit a language model with a label-conditional architecture, which allows the model to augment sentences without breaking the label-compatibility. Through the experiments for six various different text classification tasks, we demonstrate that the proposed method improves classifiers based on the convolutional or recurrent neural networks.Comment: NAACL 201

    A negative case analysis of visual grounding methods for VQA

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    Existing Visual Question Answering (VQA) methods tend to exploit dataset biases and spurious statistical correlations, instead of producing right answers for the right reasons. To address this issue, recent bias mitigation methods for VQA propose to incorporate visual cues (e.g., human attention maps) to better ground the VQA models, showcasing impressive gains. However, we show that the performance improvements are not a result of improved visual grounding, but a regularization effect which prevents over-fitting to linguistic priors. For instance, we find that it is not actually necessary to provide proper, human-based cues; random, insensible cues also result in similar improvements. Based on this observation, we propose a simpler regularization scheme that does not require any external annotations and yet achieves near state-of-the-art performance on VQA-CPv2

    TAG: Boosting Text-VQA via Text-aware Visual Question-answer Generation

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    Text-VQA aims at answering questions that require understanding the textual cues in an image. Despite the great progress of existing Text-VQA methods, their performance suffers from insufficient human-labeled question-answer (QA) pairs. However, we observe that, in general, the scene text is not fully exploited in the existing datasets -- only a small portion of the text in each image participates in the annotated QA activities. This results in a huge waste of useful information. To address this deficiency, we develop a new method to generate high-quality and diverse QA pairs by explicitly utilizing the existing rich text available in the scene context of each image. Specifically, we propose, TAG, a text-aware visual question-answer generation architecture that learns to produce meaningful, and accurate QA samples using a multimodal transformer. The architecture exploits underexplored scene text information and enhances scene understanding of Text-VQA models by combining the generated QA pairs with the initial training data. Extensive experimental results on two well-known Text-VQA benchmarks (TextVQA and ST-VQA) demonstrate that our proposed TAG effectively enlarges the training data that helps improve the Text-VQA performance without extra labeling effort. Moreover, our model outperforms state-of-the-art approaches that are pre-trained with extra large-scale data. Code is available at https://github.com/HenryJunW/TAG.Comment: BMVC 202