9 research outputs found

    Vorgehensmodell zur Modellierung, Strukturierung und objektiven Bewertung von Software-Architekturen in der Fahrerassistenz

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    Die Komplexität von E/E-Systemen und damit auch deren Anteil an der Wertschöpfung im Automobil nimmt beständig zu. Dies gilt in besonderem Maße für Fahrerassistenzsysteme mit ihrer hohen Vernetzung und langen, zum Teil sicherheitskritischen Wirkketten. Die vorliegende Arbeit fokussiert auf die Entwicklung der Software-Anteile von Fahrerassistenzsystemen und berücksichtigt dabei ausdrücklich auch nicht-funktionale Einflussgrößen und Anforderungen. Als wichtigster Stellhebel wird dabei die explizite Modellierung von Software-Architektur identifiziert. Auf Basis eines vorhandenen in der Serienentwicklung etablierten Vorgehensmodells werden signifikante Änderungen und Erweiterungen vorgeschlagen, die eine formale und durchgängige Modellierung von Software-Architektur ermöglichen. Das Herzstück bildet die Abstrakte Automotive Software-Architektur (ABSOFA), welche eine eigenständige Modellierungssprache definiert, um Software-Architekturen in der Automobil-Domäne frühzeitig im Entwicklungsprozess und vollständig realisierungsunabhängig zu beschreiben. Über ein zentrales Datenmodell können automatisierte (Modell-)Transformationen in unterschiedliche Werkzeuge und zwischen unterschiedlichen Abstraktionsebenen beziehungsweise Prozessschritten durchgeführt werden. Ergänzt wird dieses zielgerichtete und effiziente Vorgehen um ein Verfahren zur objektiven Software-Architekturbewertung mit Hilfe von quantifizierten Metriken. Darüber hinaus wird ausführlich diskutiert wie Software-Architekturen in der Fahrerassistenz konkret zu strukturieren sind, um den besonderen Anforderungen dieses Fachbereichs gerecht zu werden. Dies erfolgt am realen Beispiel von heutigen Fahrerassistenzsystemen der Längsführung. Die bestehende Software-Architektur wird analysiert und neu strukturiert. Das dient gleichzeitig als Evaluierung der zuvor genannten Ansätze unter Bedingungen der Serienentwicklung. An einem konkreten Fallbeispiel der Implementierung eines Fahrerassistenzsystems werden zum Abschluss die Vorteile der neuen Struktur eindeutig aufgezeigt

    Das Automobil als nationales Identifikationssymbol

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    Thema der Dissertation ist das Automobil als nationales Identifikationssymbol der Deutschen zwischen 1933 und 1974. Dabei wird die öffentliche Wahrnehmung des Automobils mit der Frage nach nationalen Identitätskonstruktionen verknüpft. Forschungsgegenstand ist die diskursive Repräsentation des Autos in der politischen Öffentlichkeit, insbesondere die Bedeutungs- bzw. Symbolzusammenhänge, die zwischen dem Auto und der Nation hergestellt wurden. Die politische Symbolik des Automobils offenbart zwei übergreifende Kontinuitätslinien im nationalen Selbstverständnis über die Epochenzäsur von 1945 hinweg. Erstens eine Modernitätskonzeption, die bereits vor 1945 die Verheißung einer breiten Wohlstandspartizipation barg und in der die Umrisse einer Konsumgesellschaft unter völkischen Vorzeichen erkennbar wurden, sowie zweitens den Topos eines an nationalen Traditionen orientierten deutschen Sonderwegs in die Moderne. Zentrales Bestimmungsstück dieses unterstellten Sonderwegs ist eine bereits von der NS-Propaganda als spezifisch deutsch dargestellte Tugend der Zweckmäßigkeit, die auch in den Nachkriegsjahrzehnten noch durch das Automobil verkörpert wurde.This dissertation looks at automobile in Germany between 1933 and 1974 as a symbol of national identification. It deals with the perception of cars in the public opinion and how this perception was influenced by the construction of a national identity. The political symbolism of the automobile reveals two aspects in the national identity of Germany that were greatly influcenced by NS-Ideology and which persisted well into the 50’s. First the concept of modernization based on mass consumption and economic participation of broad parts of the population, revealing the contours of a consumer society along racial terms. And secondly the idea of a particular German way into the modern era, which was being contrasted with the “American Way of Life”. In this context the German automobile became the symbol of a specific usefulness which was regarded to be a German virtue


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    New technologies and automation concepts emerge in the digitalization of our environment. This is, for example, reflected by intelligent production systems in Industry 4.0. A core aspect of such systems is their cyber-physical implementation, which aims to increase productivity and flexibility through embedded computing capacities and the cooperation of decentrally networked production plants. This development stage of automation has not yet been achieved in the current state-of-the-art of façades. Being responsible for the execution of adaptive measures, façade automation is part of hierarchically and centrally organised Building Automation Systems (BAS). The research project ThinkingSkins is guided by the hypothesis that, aiming at an enhanced overall building performance, façades can be implemented as cyber-physical systems. Accordingly, it addresses the research question: How can cyber-physical systems be applied to façades, in order to enable coordinated adaptations of networked individual façade functions? The question is approached in four partial investigations. First, a comprehensive understanding of intelligent systems in both application fields, façades and Industry 4.0, is elaborated by a literature review. Subsequently, relevant façade functions are identified by a second literature review in a superposition matrix, which also incorporates characteristics for a detailed assessment of each function’s adaptive capacities. The third investigation focuses on existing conditions in building practice by means of a multiple case study analysis. Finally, the technical feasibility of façades implemented as cyber-physical systems is investigated by developing a prototype. The research project identifies the possibility and promising potential of cyberphysical façades. As result, the doctoral dissertation provides a conceptual framework for the implementation of such systems in building practice and for further research

    Thinking- Skins

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    Under the guiding concept of a thinking skin, the research project examines the transferability of cyber-physical systems to the application field of façades. It thereby opens up potential increases in the performance of automated and adaptive façade systems and provides a conceptual framework for further research and development of intelligent building envelopes in the current age of digital transformation. The project is characterized by the influence of digital architectural design methods and the associated computational processing of information in the design process. The possible establishment of relationships and dependencies in an architecture understood as a system, in particular, are the starting point for the conducted investigation. With the available automation technologies, the possibility of movable building constructions, and existing computer-based control systems, the technical preconditions for the realisation of complex and active buildings exist today. Against this background, dynamic and responsive constructions that allow adaptations in the operation of the building are a current topic in architecture. In the application field of the building envelope, the need for such designs is evident, particularly with regards to the concrete field of adaptive façades. In its mediating role, the façade is confronted with the dynamic influences of the external microclimate of a building and the changing comfort demands of the indoor climate. The objective in the application of adaptive façades is to increase building efficiency by balancing dynamic influencing factors and requirements. Façade features are diverse and with the increasing integration of building services, both the scope of fulfilled façade functions and the complexity of today’s façades increase. One challenge is the coordination of adaptive functions to ensure effective reactions of the façade as a complete system. The ThinkingSkins research project identifies cyber-physical systems as a possible solution to this challenge. This involves the close integration of physical systems with their digital control. Important features are the decentralized organization of individual system constituents and their cooperation via an exchange of information. Developments in recent decades, such as the miniaturisation of computer technology and the availability of the Internet, have established the technical basis required for these developments. Cyber-physical systems are already employed in many fields of application. Examples are decentralized energy supply, or transportation systems with autonomous vehicles. The influence is particularly evident in the transformation of the industrial sector to Industry 4.0, where formerly mechatronic production plants are networked into intelligent technical systems with the aim of achieving higher and more flexible productivity. In the ThinkingSkins research project it is assumed that the implementation of cyber-physical systems based on the role model of cooperating production plants in IIndustry 4.0 can contribute to an increase in the performance of façades. Accordingly, the research work investigates a possible transfer of cyber-physical systems to the application field of building envelopes along the research question: How can cyber-physical systems be applied to façades, in order to enable coordinated adaptations of networked individual façade functions? To answer this question, four partial studies are carried out, which build upon each other. The first study is based on a literature review, in which the understanding and the state-of-the-art development of intelligent façade systems is examined in comparison to the exemplary field of application of cyber-physical systems in the manufacturing industry. In the following partial study, a second literature search identifies façade functions that can be considered as components of a cyber-physical façade due to their adaptive feasibility and their effect on the façade performance. For the evaluation of the adaptive capabilities, characteristics of their automated and adaptive implementation are assigned to the identified façade functions. The resulting superposition matrix serves as an organizational tool for the third investigation of the actual conditions in construction practice. In a multiple case study, realized façade projects in Germany are examined with regard to their degree of automation and adaptivity. The investigation includes interviews with experts involved in the projects as well as field studies on site. Finally, an experimental examination of the technical feasibility of cyber-physical façade systems is carried out through the development of a prototype. In the sense of an internet of façade functions, the automated adaptive façade functions ventilation, sun protection as well as heating and cooling are implemented in decentrally organized modules. They are connected to a digital twin and can exchange data with each other via a communication protocol. The research project shows that the application field of façades has not yet been exploited for the implementation of cyber-physical systems. With the automation technologies used in building practice, however, many technical preconditions for the development of cyber-physical façade systems already exist. Many features of such a system are successfully implemented within the study by the development of a prototype. The research project therefore comes to the conclusion that the application of cyber-physical systems to the façade is possible and offers a promising potential for the effective use of automation technologies. Due to the lack of artificial intelligence and machine learning strategies, the project does not achieve the goal of developing a façade in the sense of a true ThinkingSkin as the title indicates. A milestone is achieved by the close integration of the physical façade system with a decentralized and integrated control system. In this sense, the researched cyber-physical implementation of façades represents a conceptual framework for the realisation of corresponding systems in building practice, and a pioneer for further research of ThinkingSkins

    Modellbasierte Entwicklung und Optimierung flexibler zeitgesteuerter Architekturen im Fahrzeugserienbereich

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