4 research outputs found

    Future Wireless Systems for Human Bond Communications

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    Smartphone-Based Activity Recognition in a Pedestrian Navigation Context

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    In smartphone-based pedestrian navigation systems, detailed knowledge about user activity and device placement is a key information. Landmarks such as staircases or elevators can help the system in determining the user position when located inside buildings, and navigation instructions can be adapted to the current context in order to provide more meaningful assistance. Typically, most human activity recognition (HAR) approaches distinguish between general activities such as walking, standing or sitting. In this work, we investigate more specific activities that are tailored towards the use-case of pedestrian navigation, including different kinds of stationary and locomotion behavior. We first collect a dataset of 28 combinations of device placements and activities, in total consisting of over 6 h of data from three sensors. We then use LSTM-based machine learning (ML) methods to successfully train hierarchical classifiers that can distinguish between these placements and activities. Test results show that the accuracy of device placement classification (97.2%) is on par with a state-of-the-art benchmark in this dataset while being less resource-intensive on mobile devices. Activity recognition performance highly depends on the classification task and ranges from 62.6% to 98.7%, once again performing close to the benchmark. Finally, we demonstrate in a case study how to apply the hierarchical classifiers to experimental and naturalistic datasets in order to analyze activity patterns during the course of a typical navigation session and to investigate the correlation between user activity and device placement, thereby gaining insights into real-world navigation behavior

    Probabilistic Context-aware Step Length Estimation for Pedestrian Dead Reckoning

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    This paper introduces a weighted context-based step length estimation algorithm for pedestrian dead reckoning. Six pedestrian contexts are considered: stationary, walking, walking sideways, climbing and descending stairs, and running. Instead of computing the step length based on a single context, the step lengths computed for different contexts are weighted by the context probabilities. This provides more robust performance when the context is uncertain. The proposed step length estimation algorithm is part of a pedestrian dead reckoning system which includes the procedures of step detection and context classification. The step detection algorithm detects the step time boundaries using continuous wavelet transform analysis, while the context classification algorithm determines the pedestrian context probabilities using a relevance vector machine. In order to assess the performance of the pedestrian dead reckoning system, a data set of pedestrian activities and actions has been collected. Fifteen subjects have been equipped with a waist-belt smartphone and traveled along a predefined path. Acceleration, angular rate and magnetic field data were recorded. The results show that the traveled distance is more accurate using step lengths weighted by the context probabilities compared to using step lengths based on the highest probability context