4 research outputs found

    Системи підтримки прийняття рішень та експертні системи: історія, зміст, перспективи

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    У даній статті наголошується на проблемах, які виникають під час використання технологій управління. Здійснено огляд історичного розвитку двох типів інформаційних систем — систем підтримки прийняття рішень та експертних систем. Наведено основні сфери їх застосування та перелік завдань, які вони вирішують. Розглянуто світову практику використання вказаних інформаційних систем та перспективи в сільському господарстві України.This article provides an overview of problems which can occur while using management technology. A review of historical development of two types of information systems is provided, namely decision support systems and expert systems. The article also analyses the main spheres of their implementation of and the tasks which they can solve. It considers examples of world practice of using these information systems and perspectives of using them in Ukraine

    A Model of Business Intelligence Systems Use in Chinese ‎Organizations

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    Advances in technology access allow undergraduates to personalize their learning to their individual interests via the creation and use of informal personal learning environments (PLEs). A comprehensive understanding of how learning takes place in such PLEs and their affordances for self-regulated learning (SRL) is still lacking. Drawing on 20 in-depth interviews with undergraduates and mind maps of their PLEs, this paper presents preliminary findings on how PLEs support self-regulatory learning processes. The results indicate that the tools and technologies that undergraduates choose to include in their PLEs provide some significant affordances for supporting metacognitive, motivational and behavioural SRL processes. Initial findings contribute to clarifying the perceived opportunities that a user centred and managed PLE afford to its creators for engaging in SRL processes and the ongoing discussion of how best to use ubiquitous technologies for effective teaching and learning. The paper concludes with a discussion of the future research opportunities

    Towards a Deeper Understanding of the Use and Effectiveness of Human Resource Dashboards

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    The goal of this thesis is to examine the factors which influence the effectiveness of human resource (HR) dashboards and the antecedents which motivate employees to use them. To do this, I have examined research on executive information systems (EIS) and dashboards and have developed models of the factors which lead to HR dashboard use and success. Looking to this idea that a dashboard is a relative of executive information systems, EIS literature was used to provide the factors in the models of dashboard use and success. In hopes of being able to develop more used and more effective dashboards, two models were built using past EIS and dashboard research. Additionally, interviews were conducted with two business professionals whom had experience using HR dashboards to gain more insight

    A framework to design reverse logistics operations based on circular economy values

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    Reverse Logistics (RL) is complex to be managed due to the uncertainty involved e.g. the quality range of products, timing of product returns, and volume of returns. A robust RL design can contribute to increase the effectiveness of RL operations. Therefore, an RL design framework needs to be formalised. Circular economy (CE) focuses on supporting the separation of treatments between technical and biological materials in maximising the design for reuse to return to the biosphere and retain value through innovations across fields. The aim of the research is to develop a new framework to design RL operations based on CE values that can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of RL operations. This research has been conducted through the qualitative research involving cases in product recovery (PR) options that are analysed in-depth. Literature review and interview are the main methods of this research. A test was conducted by interviewing expert and respondents to obtain the expert view and test the research result which is a developed framework to design RL based on CE values. The testing engaged five criteria (usability, feasibility, consistency, effectiveness, and utility). The formal RL design framework, 15 CE values, framework to design RL based on CE values specifically PR options (repair, refurbishment, remanufacturing, and cannibalisation) are main research findings. The research contributes academically to the development of a formal RL design framework and to the identification, reformulation, redefinition, and implementation of CE values. The research can be used as a basis for an effective design of RL that takes into account the economic, environmental, and social impacts. The research can be used as a guideline or an appraisal tool in designing/modifying RL based on CE values that can support the implementation of a single RL operation and also RL based on CE