3 research outputs found

    Dlstm Approach To Video Modeling With Hashing For Large-Scale Video Retrieval

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    Although Query-by-Example techniques based on Euclidean distance in a multidimensional feature space have proved to be effective for image databases, this approach cannot be effectively applied to video since the number of dimensions would be massive due to the richness and complexity of video data. The above issue has been addressed in two recent solutions, namely Deterministic Quantization (DQ) and Dynamic Temporal Quantization (DTQ). DQ divides the video into equal segments and extracts a visual feature vector for each segment. The bag-of-word feature is then encoded by hashing to facilitate approximate nearest neighbor search using Hamming distance. One weakness of this approach is the deterministic segmentation of video data. DTQ improves on this by using dynamic video segmentation to obtain varied-length video segments. As a result, feature vectors extracted from these video segments can better capture the semantic content of the video. To support very large video databases, it is desirable to minimize the number of segments in order to keep the size of the feature representation as small as possible. We achieve this by using only one video segment (i.e., no video data segmentation is even necessary) with even better retrieval performance. Our scheme models video using differential long short-term memory (DLSTM) recurrent neural networks and obtains a highly compact fixed-size feature representation with the output of hidden states of the DLSTM. Each of these features are further compressed by hashing them into binary bits via quantization. Experimental results based on two public data sets, UCF101 and MSRActionPairs, indicate that the proposed video modeling technique outperforms DTQ by a significant margin

    Differential Recurrent Neural Networks for Human Activity Recognition

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    Human activity recognition has been an active research area in recent years. The difficulty of this problem lies in the complex dynamical motion patterns embedded through the sequential frames. The Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) recurrent neural network is capable of processing complex sequential information since it utilizes special gating schemes for learning representations from long input sequences. It has the potential to model various time-series data, where the current hidden state has to be considered in the context of the past hidden states. Unfortunately, the conventional LSTMs do not consider the impact of spatio-temporal dynamics corresponding to the given salient motion patterns, when they gate the information that ought to be memorized through time. To address this problem, we propose a differential gating scheme for the LSTM neural network, which emphasizes the change in information gain caused by the salient motions between the successive video frames. This change in information gain is quantified by Derivative of States (DoS), and thus the proposed LSTM model is termed differential Recurrent Neural Network (dRNN). Based on the energy profiling of DoS, we further propose to employ the State Energy Profile (SEP) to search for salient dRNN states and construct more informative representations. To better understand the scene and human appearance information, the dRNN model is extended by connecting Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and stacked dRNNs into an end-to-end model. Lastly, the dissertation continues to discuss and compare the combined and the individual orders of DoS used within the dRNN. We propose to control the LSTM gates via individual order of DoS and stack multiple levels of LSTM cells in increasing orders of state derivatives. To this end, we have introduced a new family of LSTMs, expanding the applications of LSTMs and advancing the performances of the state-of-the-art methods