1 research outputs found

    DL-based Support to Domain Engineering

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    this paper for the development of IKMEs explicitly deals with both representation levels at the same time. It allows the domaindependent description of concepts in terms of different syntactical constructors (i.e. meta-concepts), each endowed with its set of specialized inferences. These useroriented concept descriptions are transformed into a corresponding set of logic-oriented ones, as well as domainspecific inferences are mapped into general-purpose ones. A first consequence of the introduction of a multi-level approach dealing with the two cited levels is the need for an explicit structured description of concepts. These structured descriptions should not be freely arranged, but a different syntactical constructor should be introduced for each relevant group of domain concepts (e.g. one constructor for data, one for processes, etc.). Each syntactical constructor corresponds to a fundamental abstraction elicited in the application domai