5,494 research outputs found

    StreamLearner: Distributed Incremental Machine Learning on Event Streams: Grand Challenge

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    Today, massive amounts of streaming data from smart devices need to be analyzed automatically to realize the Internet of Things. The Complex Event Processing (CEP) paradigm promises low-latency pattern detection on event streams. However, CEP systems need to be extended with Machine Learning (ML) capabilities such as online training and inference in order to be able to detect fuzzy patterns (e.g., outliers) and to improve pattern recognition accuracy during runtime using incremental model training. In this paper, we propose a distributed CEP system denoted as StreamLearner for ML-enabled complex event detection. The proposed programming model and data-parallel system architecture enable a wide range of real-world applications and allow for dynamically scaling up and out system resources for low-latency, high-throughput event processing. We show that the DEBS Grand Challenge 2017 case study (i.e., anomaly detection in smart factories) integrates seamlessly into the StreamLearner API. Our experiments verify scalability and high event throughput of StreamLearner.Comment: Christian Mayer, Ruben Mayer, and Majd Abdo. 2017. StreamLearner: Distributed Incremental Machine Learning on Event Streams: Grand Challenge. In Proceedings of the 11th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-based Systems (DEBS '17), 298-30

    Eclipsing Binary Stars from Space

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    We have begun a programme to obtain high-precision photometry of bright detached eclipsing binary (dEB) stars with the Wide field InfraRed Explorer (WIRE) satellite. Due to the small aperture of WIRE only stars brighter than V=6 can be observed. We are collecting data for about a dozen dEB targets and here we present preliminary results for three of them. We have chosen dEBs with primary components of B and early A type. One of our aims is to combine the information from the light curve analyses of the eclipses with asteroseismic information from the analysis of the pulsation of the primary component.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. To appear in conference proceedings for IAU Symposium No. 240: Binary Stars as Critical Tools & Tests in Contemporary Astrophysics, eds. W. Hartkopf, E. Guinan & P. Harmane

    The Interior Structure Constants as an Age Diagnostic for Low-Mass, Pre-Main Sequence Detached Eclipsing Binary Stars

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    We propose a novel method for determining the ages of low-mass, pre-main sequence stellar systems using the apsidal motion of low-mass detached eclipsing binaries. The apsidal motion of a binary system with an eccentric orbit provides information regarding the interior structure constants of the individual stars. These constants are related to the normalized stellar interior density distribution and can be extracted from the predictions of stellar evolution models. We demonstrate that low-mass, pre-main sequence stars undergoing radiative core contraction display rapidly changing interior structure constants (greater than 5% per 10 Myr) that, when combined with observational determinations of the interior structure constants (with 5 -- 10% precision), allow for a robust age estimate. This age estimate, unlike those based on surface quantities, is largely insensitive to the surface layer where effects of magnetic activity are likely to be most pronounced. On the main sequence, where age sensitivity is minimal, the interior structure constants provide a valuable test of the physics used in stellar structure models of low-mass stars. There are currently no known systems where this technique is applicable. Nevertheless, the emphasis on time domain astronomy with current missions, such as Kepler, and future missions, such as LSST, has the potential to discover systems where the proposed method will be observationally feasible.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 8 pages, 3 figure

    Eclipsing Binary Stars: the Royal Road to Stellar Astrophysics

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    Russell (1948) famously described eclipses as the "royal road" to stellar astrophysics. From photometric and spectroscopic observations it is possible to measure the masses and radii (to 1% or better!), and thus surface gravities and mean densities, of stars in eclipsing binary systems using nothing more than geometry. Adding an effective temperature subsequently yields luminosity and then distance (or vice versa) to high precision. This wealth of directly measurable quantities makes eclipsing binaries the primary source of empirical information on the properties of stars, and therefore a cornerstone of stellar astrophysics. In this review paper I summarise the current standing of eclipsing binary research, present an overview of useful analysis techniques, and conclude with a glance to the future.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. Invited review for the Pas De Deux conference, Paris, October 201