38 research outputs found

    Stochastic Answer Networks for Machine Reading Comprehension

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    We propose a simple yet robust stochastic answer network (SAN) that simulates multi-step reasoning in machine reading comprehension. Compared to previous work such as ReasoNet which used reinforcement learning to determine the number of steps, the unique feature is the use of a kind of stochastic prediction dropout on the answer module (final layer) of the neural network during the training. We show that this simple trick improves robustness and achieves results competitive to the state-of-the-art on the Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD), the Adversarial SQuAD, and the Microsoft MAchine Reading COmprehension Dataset (MS MARCO).Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, Accepted to ACL 201

    A Fully Attention-Based Information Retriever

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    Recurrent neural networks are now the state-of-the-art in natural language processing because they can build rich contextual representations and process texts of arbitrary length. However, recent developments on attention mechanisms have equipped feedforward networks with similar capabilities, hence enabling faster computations due to the increase in the number of operations that can be parallelized. We explore this new type of architecture in the domain of question-answering and propose a novel approach that we call Fully Attention Based Information Retriever (FABIR). We show that FABIR achieves competitive results in the Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD) while having fewer parameters and being faster at both learning and inference than rival methods.Comment: Accepted for presentation at the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 201

    Do Multi-hop Readers Dream of Reasoning Chains?

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    General Question Answering (QA) systems over texts require the multi-hop reasoning capability, i.e. the ability to reason with information collected from multiple passages to derive the answer. In this paper we conduct a systematic analysis to assess such an ability of various existing models proposed for multi-hop QA tasks. Specifically, our analysis investigates that whether providing the full reasoning chain of multiple passages, instead of just one final passage where the answer appears, could improve the performance of the existing QA models. Surprisingly, when using the additional evidence passages, the improvements of all the existing multi-hop reading approaches are rather limited, with the highest error reduction of 5.8% on F1 (corresponding to 1.3% absolute improvement) from the BERT model. To better understand whether the reasoning chains could indeed help find correct answers, we further develop a co-matching-based method that leads to 13.1% error reduction with passage chains when applied to two of our base readers (including BERT). Our results demonstrate the existence of the potential improvement using explicit multi-hop reasoning and the necessity to develop models with better reasoning abilities.Comment: Accepted by MRQA Workshop 201